Friday, February 7, 2025

First Friday in February 2025

 Happy new month of February to you all. 

Snow was in the forecast for a week or two before it finally fell about 1 week ago.  It's actually stayed longer and been colder than I was expecting.  Those who are used to getting snow and cold temperatures all winter long would call us wimps, lol.  The cold snap doesn't stop us from getting out and about and I always enjoy watching the sky whether it's day or night.

Thank you for joining me on Skywatch Friday. Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world.


  1. You did get snow! That poor car!

  2. Beautiful skies. You captured some wonderful photos with the moon. Stay warm and safe!

  3. Brrrrrr thank goodness we rarely get snow though we get some quite heavy frosts. Lovely photos, keep warm. Cheers Diane

    1. For many years we never had any snow here but the last few years we get snow at least once, sometimes a few times in a season and it's getting colder. Next week it's supposed to start raining again and that will bring warmer temperatures. Cheers.

  4. My dear Penny, what beautiful photos of the sky in such snowy conditions. It's so violently hot here in South Africa, I wish our winter would hurry up! I'm trying to get back into blogging. This is my first foray : a comment on your blog. Bless you, my friend.

    1. Thanks so much Jo! I'm hoping it has cooled down a bit for you. It's still quite cold here but expected to warm up soon. Thinking of you as you celebrate another year, another birthday. Much love.

  5. Well I am a wimp!! I grew up in the snow and don't like it one bit.


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