Showing posts with label Saturdays Critters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturdays Critters. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pastel Sky & Few Critters

I was fortunate to be able to capture some beautiful colour in the sky earlier this week. 

The first three photos were taken from my home.

The photo below was taken on the highway between the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia in the Rocky Mountains during one of my travels to northern Alberta.

The next few photos were taken on my balcony on a hot summer day.
I discovered a beetle which at first I thought was dead in the bird bath.
But upon closer inspection it was alive.
Do you see what appears to be an air bubble over it's head (3rd photo in the beetle series).
I emptied the bird bath into the garden as it needed refreshing and the beetle was able to recover.

This little exotic bird and flowers were photographed at the Bloedel Conservatory.
I'm afraid I can no longer recall the names of either but some of you might know.
If you do know could you leave a comment with your knowledge?

I'm linking up with

Friday Foto Friends

Skywatch Friday


Saturday's Critters

Thanks for visiting!
Have an awesome weekend.

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Weather Around These Parts

In Kenyan news

My young friend, Alvin has graduated today with his Bachelor in Engineering. He is hoping to do his Master's Degree in approximately one year but first he needs a job and to save some money.

That is Alvin on the left and Nathan on the right. Alvin is my friend.
 I met Alvin a few years ago when the choir he is in (Kenyan Boys Choir) were in the city.
Saturday they will have a big luncheon with family and friends to celebrate this great achievement.

My elderly "grandma" is still in hospital. She has been back and forth between the Intensive Care Unit and the private ward at the mission hospital where she lives.  She has pneumonia which she contracted while in hospital being treated for a bacterial infection.
She is a strong woman but she is very old and it is hard to recover.
I continue to pray for her recovery.

In sad news, a friend's uncle, Kipkoness has succumbed to heart problems and passed on.
I met him on my very first trip to Kenya. I am sorry I will not have a chance to meet him again when I return next to Kenya.

In local news
I'm keeping very busy getting parcels and cards out in the mail in preparation for Christmas. Next up will be wrapping the presents for family members. I also had to go to the eye specialist for laser surgery this week. Some of you remember I had cataract surgery but scar tissue grew rapidly due to healthy eyes and needs to be removed. One eye was done yesterday. The other will be done in a month. 

I'm breaking up all the errands with one of the things I like best, the opera. I have several performances to attend. I wrote about one of them a few days ago.
 I said I would be reporting on a special event. That will be posted in a day or two.

Thanks for joining me here.
I'll be sure to visit you if you let me know you were here.

Checking in with


Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend. x

Thursday, November 9, 2017


I'm remembering better weather with clearer skies....
I captured these shots just over a week ago.

Trees are in the sky! 
Seriously these trees are planted high above the ground as they are part of an apartment building built over top a shopping mall.  This photo was taken near the entrance to the shopping mall but if you want to enter the apartment building the entrance is on the opposite end and at ground level.

Some trees have been looking a little bleak.
I'm remembering trees full of green leaves.  Within the last two weeks many trees have lost their leaves. It is at times like this each year that one appreciates the greenery that remains with all the coniferous trees we have. I am truly grateful.

I'm remembering a colourful container garden.  
A few posts ago, I mentioned that I wouldn't clean out the debris from my garden until the Spring. I meant to empty out the container garden and store the pots though I haven't yet. 
I'm amazed to see how the geraniums have managed to stay so green.

I'm remembering walks to the beach on sunlit days.
On my last walk down at the beach I found these cute critters.

I love seeing the ducks on the water as the sun set.

Most importantly, I'm remembering that on November 11, at 11:00 o'clock, cities and towns across Canada will celebrate our fallen war heroes.

I've always felt the poignancy of this day and the sacrifices made on my behalf.

The poem, In Flanders Field was written by Canadian physician, Lieutenant Colonel, John McCrae after officiating at a funeral of his fallen friend and soldier, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer. If you have a moment watch the video to hear the poem narrated with lovely photos.
If you don't have a moment, I've posted the poem below for you to read.


Joining with 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Frolicking Birds and a Fence

I was lucky to catch a male Mallard Duck flapping its wings in the water.

The detail and the colouring on the feathers is simply amazing and beautiful.

Not to be outdone by the ducks, the Canada geese were making their presence known.

Joining in with

 Eileen at Saturday's Critters
 Anni at  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin
Judith at Lavender Cottage come the last Monday of May.

Thank you to each of them for hosting these fun memes.
Thanks for stopping by!

Weekend Work

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend. As mentioned in my last post, I was spending time to declu...