Showing posts with label Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tuesday. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2024

Animal Friends ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.    

Let's talk about animals today!

1. What pets do you have or have you had? Do you have any now or if not, why not?

As an adult I've only owned a cat because most of the time I've lived in the city where animals are often not permitted in rental or condo owned properties. As a child, we often had a dog, sometimes, kittens, sometimes goldfish and turtles and other times budgies.  We lived in a small town in a stand alone house so it was much easier to have animals.

Update:  After reading Susan's answers I was reminded that our childhood homes also housed the occasional hamsters, guinea pigs and pet mice!

2. How did you find names for your animal friends? What are their names? 

We just picked names that appealed to us. We had a German Shepard named Jerry and a chihuahua named Ginger due to her colouring.  I don't think the other animals, fish and birds were named. The kittens usually didn't last in our household because mom was afraid of kittens and cats so she often made us give them away after a short while. At least she tried to give us what we wanted.

3. Any special or funny story concerning pets you would like to share?  It could be someone else's as well as your own.

We had a German Shepard named Rex. My dad brought him home one day. He had been an abused dog and tied up all of his short life. He was really still a pup about 6 months old but quite large and I was afraid of him. He would jump on my backend push me down and try to bite me if I ran after my siblings while we were playing in the yard. One day Rex disappeared. Many months later my dad came across him in someone else yard but it seems Rex wasn't that bonded to us since he never stayed with us that long before he was stolen. So dad left him where he was.  Let's say I did not mind! LOL.

4.   What benefit  do you find having animals in your family? What are the cons of having them?

I've read that studies show animals can be good for one's physical (blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride levels) and mental health (loneliness, anxiety, symptoms of PTSC).  My own opinion is that these benefits are probably there if the animal/s don't come with big issues of their own, especially behavioral ones. 

Animals can also teach children responsibility though I often hear mother's complain about how they are left to raise and look after a pet that the children have begged for and promised to look after. 

The cons of a pet are probably the high costs in terms of money and time.  These days are not like the old days. People nowadays spend a lot on the health care for a pet or the insurance for a pet's health care and food and other accessories for pets is a big cost.

Time-wise the last cat I owned required me to do a lot of work to vacuum up her hair, keep herlitter clean, buy her food and litter and also time required to keep her well groomed (brushing, claws clipped, teeth cleaned and fur balls kept at bay).  I was asked by a good friend to give a home to a stray cat she had taken in so I did. But after my dear cat died, I needed time to grieve her.  After that I couldn't muster up the energy to get another pet. and care for it because I was having health issues.  I would still like another cat but I'm not sure when the timing will be right.

Monday, March 4, 2024

It's March ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by Toni Taddeo.
It's March and it might be nice to talk a bit about it.
The year is going by quickly.

1. March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion.  How has it made it's debut in your area?

March 1st was a cold and it rained very heavily at times.  I stayed indoors.

2. Is St Patrick's Day something you observe?

I don't observe St. Patrick's Day. Where I live I've only ever seen it as a day for people to wear green and many go to an Irish pub for 'green' bear.  No one I know observes a special dinner on that day. In more recent years there has been a St. Patrick's Day parade and there seems to be a bit more happening each year.  There is a Ceilidh on March 15th and a concert of the Welsh Choir the next day.  There is also a Celtic Festival that weekend.  I've looked at the festival program and it seems like a lot of it is focussed on drinking so I don't participate.  Besides which the weather is usually not very nice on St. Patrick's Day.

3. Do you observe Easter? 

I do observe Easter. 

4. What will those holidays see you doing this year? 

It's usually a quiet time of reflection and gratitude for Christ's death and resurrection.  Church's here like everywhere also focus on this message.  It's also time for a holiday meal with one or two loved ones. Long ago, a much larger group of family and friends would gather together for Easter dinner but those days are long gone as are many of the people. 

This time of year most of us in the western hemisphere are anticipating the arrival of the Spring season.  So I've planted up some seeds in readiness for the garden season. Hopefully they won't sprout up too stringy and straggly.

Saturday night I took a walk to the garden to return a book called The Venice Sketchbook. It was a poignant read set in Venice, Italy during WW2. Once I got home I realized I had another book I needed to return.  It had fallen to the side of the sofa and I didn't notice it until the next day when I was vacuuming.


I wanted to do more 'creating' in 2024 but haven't really gotten in the groove yet. I did make a few dishcloths. I was surprised to find a skein of cotton yarn at my local dollar store. I thought it would make 2 cloths but it only made 1.5. I returned to the store to buy another skein but there were none left. I tried another store location but they had none. I'm thinking that this was a one time offering so I don't hold out hope of finding more.

Some of you who've followed me for years may know that I love plants especially tropical ones for indoors. However it has proven impossible for me to grow them indoors. It just too cold with drafts in all the wrong places and lack of natural light is also a problem. As a result, I purchased a artificial bush last year and put some fairy lights on it. When I was out for a walk the other day I found this abandoned tree sitting on a bench outside a store. It didn't look like it belonged to anyone but to make sure I enquired inside the store. They told me that it had been sitting on the bench for three days and to please take it if I wanted. So I did. It now sits beside me on the sofa and I'm very happy with it as it is just the right height without being too wide in diameter.

I took this patio photo last week. Today the workers started laying the new foundation. I think they will make a lot of progress this week.

This is how I spent the first few days in March. I'm feeling happy and content and looking forward to Spring.

Joining in with Tuesday 4 this week. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Books ~ Tuesday 4

I'm joining in with Tuesday 4 meme where we are sharing about books and reading this week.

1.  Do you have a favourite place to read? Maybe you can post a photo of it or describe it for us?

I can't really say I have a favourite place to read. I do tend to read in one corner of my sofa because I have a wall sconce above which helps illuminate my book while reading. 

The photo is the most recent photo of my sofa but the look today is completely different. Gone is the black lamp. Instead I have a wall sconce on either side and changed out pillows, art and tchotchkes.  If you look at the photo, I tend to sit on what you would see as the right side of the sofa.  It's actually the left side of the sofa and I sit there because it's further from the window tp avoid drafts and it's closer to answer the phone if it rings.

I've also tried creating a reading nook in the bedroom.  But that idea no longer works because we need room for DH's clothes, shoes and other things.

2.  Some say reading makes a person more educated, more informed.  Do you think novels do this in any way? Do you learn things from novels?  Would you tell us what you have learned?

Yes, I think novels can make a person better educated or informed. Firstly, they can improve one's vocabulary if you choose novels that are a little more complex. I read a lot of novels many of which are historical fiction and many are stories set in other countries. I've been exposed to different cultures, been inspired to learn more about various  historical events and learned how people lived and survived at various times in history.

3. Are there any books on your list to read right now?

My 'to read' list is always very long and I don't keep a comprehensive list of books I want to read. I've downloaded many free books on both Kindle and Kobo for a time when I may not be able to find a book to read at the library, lol. I also recently asked my library to curate a list of books for me to read based on my preferences and desires.  I'm hoping to start on that reading list sometime this year.  The book I'm reading at the moment is called The Covenant of Water, a book of my own choosing (and is pictured below).

4. Which books did you like the most and which did you dislike most?

Like many people do, I track my reading on the Goodreads website.  I've discovered that historical fiction is the genre I read and enjoy most. I've read and loved so many books over the years but I've also read a lot of books that are barely satisfactory. Some of my favourite authors to date are: Ken Follett & Edward Rutherfurd both of whom write historical fiction. I've also enjoyed Khaled Hosseini  (The Kite Runner), Abraham Verghese (Cutting Stones & Covenant of Water) and Rohintin Mistry is another fantastic writer (Family Matters, A Fine Balance). 

Female writers also feature prominently in my reading.  Over the years I've really enjoyed Maeve Binchy and Rosamunde Pilcher, both of whom write novels set in the more recent history in Ireland and Scotland/England respectively. I also really like Lisa See who writes a combination of historical and contemporary stories set in different parts of Asia. All of her books are  very interesting and keep me riveted.  Here is the author talking about her book, Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane which is the first novel of hers I read.

An American-Canadian author I love is Sandra Gulland who wrote the Josephine B. (Bonaparte) trilogy. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian author, is another great writer whose stories captivate me and teach me more about Nigeria and racial issues from an African perspective.  I've read her books, Half a Yellow Sun and Americanah, the latter is about race issues in the UK and USA.

Here is a link to the movie based on the book Half a Yellow Sun.  I only just found it on line today. I haven't watched it except for the first 15 minutes or so and I enjoyed it. 

There are a handful of books I didn't like but I'm not going to create a list of them because that would be a waste of time.  Just top of mind though I do remember two books I didn't like much.  One I read recently, and completed, is a popular book with excellent reviews.  It's called, A Grandmother Begins The Story. I've linked it for you if you'd like to read more.  I really wanted to like the book but sometimes things don't work out.  The other book is Barack Obama's Audacity of Hope. I just remember being bored and I never completed it.  Perhaps I will try again another day but there are so many other books to read. I did read an earlier book of his called, Dreams From My Father:  A Story of Race and Inheritance, which I enjoyed very much. 

Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Food & Health ~ Tuesday 4

Food and Health

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

How we eat, drink and exercise are important to our health. Let's talk about it.

1. Do you believe you eat a healthy diet and what makes it healthy?

I try very hard to eat a healthy and varied diet but I'm not very disciplined about doing it every single day and some days and weeks are better than others.  I don't actually enjoy eating a lot of protein so that is probably a weakness in my diet. I do try to get a variety of proteins (meats, fish, chicken, dairy, eggs, nuts, beans and legumes). When I don't eat enough protein it means I eat too many carbs and that is another weak spot in my diet.  I've been working on a varied diet now for many years and health issues, especially chronic fatigue make it difficult for me to be as consistent as I'd like to be.  I've purchased an Instant Pot, and more recently an air fryer/oven combo to help me make healthier meals when I haven't had time or energy to do meal planning and preparation.

2. What sort of drinks do you have with meals or between meals. Does it include enough water?

I always drink water between meals. Early in the day I have coffee and late at night I drink decaf tea.  Sometimes I have watered down juice or occasionally a soda, carbonated water or flavoured carbonated water (San Pellegrino or something like it). I always check the carbohydrate count and try to avoid a higher carb drink on days when I've had a higher carb load.

3. Do you enjoy snacks throughout the day and what kind do you enjoy?

I do enjoy snacks.  I love all kinds. Sometimes fruits like orange, apple, berries and less often watermelon, pineapple, mango or papaya. I also like cakes or pastries but my real weakness is ice cream.  On a lesser occasion, I might have chips and chocolate bars though this only happens when I haven't been eating a varied diet and making sure I get adequate food intake during the day. I usually only have one meal a day and it isn't enough to get adequate nutrition. From time to time, I try to substitute dark chocolate for the chips and chocolate bars but I find the taste very strong.  These days I wear a continuous glucose monitor and since I've been using it it  has really helped me to make better eating decisions.  If my blood glucose level is too high, I know I have to postpone eating something with higher carb content. The monitor is a wonderful tool and since I've been using it, my blood glucose levels are improving.

4. How do you make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? 

I'm never sure if I'm getting enough vitamins and minerals but chances are I am not. I don't think most people do from food alone.  I aim for a large variety of vegetables and also a large variety of fruits so I can get as many vitamins and minerals as naturally as possible. I tend to eat more berries because they have a lower glycemic index than most other fruits.  From time to time,  I take multi-vitamins or specific individual supplements like Vit. C, A, B Complex,D3, CoQ-10 etc. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Gifts

If you missed my reading challenge update, you can find it at this link. Thank you.

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

It's the giving season and people are shopping for presents for people they love.  Can we talk a bit about it?

1. Do you enjoy shopping for gifts at the holidays? Why or why not?

Yes, I enjoy shopping for gifts at the holidays. It puts me in the holiday spirit. I really enjoy pondering over what a particular friend or family member might like to have and trying to do it within a budget.  Often I give hand made gifts and without exception, most of the people I've gifted with a handmade gift appreciate it.  They recognize how much time was put into the making of it and it touches me.  In general people don't appreciate the time it takes to make things when they have to pay for it but if you make it and you gift it, they seem to love it.

2. Is the price of things putting a damper on buying this year?

Not really because I don't buy expensive gifts anyway. I enjoy looking for gifts that don't break the bank yet are nice to receive. I keep my gift giving in mind all throughout the year and buy things here and there for those birthday and Christmas gifts that will be needed.  I also make handmade gifts and the fabric and yarn I use can add up to a large sum if the item made is large.  Usually in those cases I am using what I already have on hand and have purchased at sales prices throughout the year.

3. Do you shop online or in stores and why do you choose that way to shop?

I do both. I would say I shop on line for 50% of what I need and 50% in person.  Sometimes you just need to feel or see a gift to determine if it is the right thing so in person shopping is preferred. The beauty of on line shopping is convenience.  So far, I've never purchased a gift on Amazon though I do order from the site for myself. I tend to shop at the big box stores in town online and in person , and in the small shops in person.

4. Which people do you find hard to select gifts for and what do you do when you just have no clue!

So far I've never really had an issue with selecting gifts although I do find for the men in my life, it is harder to buy them something.  My gift ideas for them are not as plentiful as for the women but so far, it's all worked out.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Hooray for Hollywood

Hello and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Hollywood magic is well named. In Druidism the holly and it's wood were used in magic. Magic wands were often made of holly wood.   Lightning will not strike holly so it is often planted next to homes to protect it. The word holly comes from the word holy and the holly tree was sacred in times past.  Today Hollywood still churns out 'magic' and 'spellbinding' displays as well as 'stars in the firmament' who entertain, mesmerize and influence us. 

Let's talk about it....

1.  Do you have a few favorite holiday movies you enjoy watching year after year? Do you make some popcorn to eat while you watch movies at home?

Yes, I love watching Miracle on 34th Street with a very young, Natalie Wood. I also love watching It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed.  More modern Christmas movies I enjoy are the Home Alone movies, the Grinch movies and The Holiday.

I didn't always make popcorn to eat while watching movies at home but now I do.  My late sister used to do this with her children every weekend and I got into the same habit whenever her children were visiting.  I continue the tradition even when watching movies alone.

2.  Have you had a celebrity crush? Can we ask who it was? 

I've never really had a celebrity crush though when I was younger I thought Rock Hudson was handsome. Later I thought Robert Redford to be very good looking, especially in the movie, The Way We Were. But I can't say I had a crush on either of these actors.

3.  Do you have  favorite actors/actresses whose movies you don't want to miss and what movie would you say is your all time favorite from those stars?

I watch for movies by a few actors and actresses such as Daniel Craig in James Bond movies, Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible movies &  many different actresses such as Julia Roberts (Nottinghill), Emily Blunt (The Devil Wears Prada and The Girl on the Train), Kirsten Dunst (The Two Faces of January, Marie Antoinette & Spider Man), & Catherine Zeta Jones (Zorro).  There are probably more but there is no standout favourite of mine in acting.

4. Have you met any famous Hollywood people in person or would you like to?  Why or why not?

I've never met any famous Hollywood people in person although once I was walking on Denman Street in downtown Vancouver when the actress Audrey Landers passed by me.  She was acting in the very popular television show, Dallas, at the time.  I think she'd been a guest on what was then the Alan Hamel talk show which was filmed in a nearby studio.  The talk show and the studio are both long gone.  What struck me was how much makeup she had on. I guess when you're on television you need to wear a lot of makeup to look 'normal' but in natural light you look clownish.  I don't have any desire to meet any famous people since I don't follow any of them.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Thankful

 Hello friends and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  

Thanksgiving Day is about here. Let's talk about the holiday and thankfulness.

1. Whether you are from the USA or not, thankfulness is beneficial to a nation and people.  Is it a natural thing for you to think of being thankful or is it something you must be reminded about?

We had Thanksgiving in Canada in October.  It is natural for me to be thankful for everything both in good times and in bad even if we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving on a specific holiday. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

2.  Plimoth Plantation is the site of the original settlement and everything is authentic to the 1600's including how they speak. Have you been to Plymouth Rock?   How about the Plimoth Plantation (yes that is the proper spelling). Would you like to go visit these places?     What places are you thankful for having seen?      

I've never been to Plymouth Rock or to the Plimoth Plantation. I don't have a particular desire to go to these places but if I ever had an opportunity I would take it since I love seeing new places and learning more about history. I have travelled to many countries and to several of them on more than one occasion. Sometimes I wish I had spread my travelling to more countries instead of returning to the same places on more than one occasion. I hope that I will still have an opportunity to visit more new places if the Lord tarries and if it is safe to do so. I am thankful for the many places I have been able to see around the world.

3. Do you tune into the Macy's Parade?

No I do not. It isn't part of the Canadian ritual and in fact, these days I don't really watch parades even at home.  When I was a youngster I did enjoy them.

4. What will you be eating on Thanksgiving Day this year?

This year we had ham roast for dinner with potatoes and brussels sprouts and various condiments like pickles and so on.  I can't remember if I made scalloped potatoes or mashed potatoes. I think I made red, garlic potatoes. One thing I do know is that as the years go by, we tend to eat less and less at holiday meals and just in general. I can no longer eat a huge meal at one go and nor can my loved ones it seems.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Fall Y'all

Happy Fall Y'all

Welcome to Tuesday 4. So, can we talk about how your autumn is going this year? Maybe we can get you to post a photo  or two of your area in autumn...big changes or not.

1. Are leaves still falling where you are or are they done now? Have they even changed yet?

Oh yes, leaves changed colour several weeks ago and a lot have fallen to the ground. Last week I thought we were nearing the end of the falling leaves but perhaps there is still another week or two before the end. Here are a few recent photos taken in the neighbourhood.

2.  Does anyone in your family go hunting? Have you ever gone? Would you tell us about it?

No one goes hunting anymore but when I was growing up my dad and my uncles would go hunting for moose. I absolutely love moose meat, especially moose steaks with onions fried in lard and seasoned liberally with salt. Once cooked and while the pan and lard are still hot, you smear a piece of bread in the pan drippings. Usually we ate the meat and bread with boiled potatoes. Oh my, it doesn't get much better than that!  I've never gone hunting myself but I would have loved to have gone. My mom also used to set snares to trap rabbits in winter. She liked rabbit stew but I didn't like it myself. I went with her a few times to collect the rabbits and help skin them but I never learned how to set the snares.

 3.  Who rakes the leaves at your house?

There isn't a lawn to rake at my house but we do have a few trees and we get a lot of fallen leaves every year.  I usually clean these up in the spring when I get the patio ready for the summer.

4. Is football on your menu for fall? What teams get you cheering?

No it isn't. I never watch football.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Songs

Hi Friends and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.    Are there many people who dislike music?  I doubt it, don't you?  Songs can have a lot of meaning and bring out a good helping of emotion whether happy, sad, nostalgic or funny.    Let's talk about it.

1.  Tell us 4 songs that define your life.   I know, this one is hard but it's not written in stone!  Feel free to be serious or silly as you choose.  Maybe even some songs that you would like to describe your life!

This one is hard because no songs really define me as I don't listen to music that much even though I enjoy it. I do get into the mood of listening sometimes and then I'll spend an hour or so usually listening on YouTube these days.

Songs that come to mind (songs are all linked at the titles).

Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley - I love this one because my late mom and late sister enjoyed Elvis Presley a lot.  When I was younger I used to think I might go to Las Vegas one day to see him perform but that never happened.  The song is special, not because of the meaning, but because of the word "Suspicious".  One of my nieces is autistic and her mom,  my late sister, used to sing this to her.  It would get a huge reaction out of her because she loved the 'sh' sound in the word. Whenever my mom and I would want to engage in conversation with my niece and get a good reaction from her, we too would often sing this song for her.  There were other words she liked as well and we used all of them to communicate with her.

I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor ~ Again this song is a special one because my sister used to sing it out loud to her children and they would all get into singing it together. I enjoyed it on my own as well before I knew it was a favourite of my sisters. Once, when my nephew was fully grown, I heard him belt it out and it surprised me.  I guess it became more meaningful because his mom passed away when he was still very young.  I'm happy to say, he did indeed survive, and excel through the grace of God.  He will soon to complete his Ph.D. 

Ain't No Grave (Gonna Hold My Body Down) by Janet Paschal ~ When my sister and I used to drive around on some of my visits, she would have a gospel tape in the car.  This song was on it and a favourite for her and her son to sing very loudly.  Her son was only about 2 years old at the time and he would stand on the back seat of the car and hold on to the front seat and belt this song out. It was such a cute sight and he sounded so sweet.

Go Rest High on that Mountain by Vince Gill ~ This song means a lot because we often played it or had a relative sing it at family funerals. It is a very touching song. Vince Gill began writing this song once his friend & fellow country singer Keith Whitly died.  He didn't complete it until several years later when his older brother died of a heart attack. You can't help but feel the emotions when you hear it or sing it.

2. A song or songs  that are special to you in some way

All of the songs I mention in answer to question 1 are special to me.  But another one that means a lot to me apart from any direct family connection is called Abba Father. I've searched for it online to no avail. We used to sing it in Sunday School. Here are some of the lyrics and if you know where I can find this song on line, please let me know.

Just want to tell you

That I'm thankful for all that you have done

How you picked up a sinner and made him your son

You forgave me all my sin

Placed the Holy Ghost within

Abba Father, I will be, a son indeed.

Not my will, but thine be done

That the fullness of your Son

May be within this life that I have offered thee

Until everything I do, becomes the thing that pleases you

Abba Father, I will be, a son indeed

3. A song you and your sweetheart loved, or maybe your Mom's or Dad's favorite?

A song my DH and I enjoy is called Taunet Nelel. It's song in an African language by recording artist and minister, Emme Kosgei. It means a new beginning.  I've shared it below if you'd like to listen.

4. A movie soundtrack you have enjoyed, or a theme to a TV program or commercial  you like/liked. Name as many as you like! If you have no favs, then how about ones you remember well?  Some songs just stick in your head!

I have three soundtracks which I've enjoyed very much over the years. The first is Les Miserables and the second one is The Phantom of the Opera.  The musical Cats is another masterpiece. Just locating these links and listening to the powerful, opening numbers brings back a lot of enjoyment. I hope you enjoy them too.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Just Wondering

 This Tuesday 4 is from Monday December 9. 2019.

A Repeat ~ Just Wondering

1.   When was the last time you tried something new?

Hmm, I guess I don't try new things that often. I suppose I could say it was a recipe for English scones which I made last night. I've made similar baked goods before but this one was with buttermilk. I suppose it's the proper way. I just so happened to have buttermilk on hand because dear hubby accidentally mistook it for cream.  Although the recipe was for English scones, I added blueberries, an ingredient that I don't think the English use in scones. The recipe greatly understated the amount of buttermilk required. I could have added more than I did but they still taste great. (I bake rarely these days due to being a Type 2 diabetic.  Over the years I've had to change my diet but there are times when I am not so disciplined.  To be honest, I just get fatigued from thinking about it all the time).

2.   Who in your family do you compare yourself to?

No one except perhaps my mother in certain circumstances like cooking and sewing because she was so good at both. A natural talent whereas I am not, but I keep trying. Update: After reading the answers from others, I realize I didn't understand the question. I'm like my mother in very many ways: stature, resemblance except for skin colouring, some aspects of personality, work ethic, many interests and values. But I'm also like my father in several ways: build, complexion and colouring, personality & work ethic.  My mom however told me often that I reminded her of her grandmother. She was referring to her grandmother's patience. I always found this an interesting observation since I personally didn't think I was so patient though my assessment of self has since changed. I think I became more patient with age.

3.   What lesson in life did you learn the hard way?

Sometimes you will stand alone in life so you must learn to be strong and have strong faith in God.

4.   What can you do today that you weren't able to do before?

I don't think there is anything I can really point to except perhaps walking. I thank God I could always walk but some years back (I forget what year it was), I was suddenly stricken with osteoarthritis and couldn't walk for many months. I was in excruciating pain and gained a lot of weight. I tried getting better by diet, supplements, acupuncture etc. Finally, I learned about something called rehab poles for walking. They are a lot like like Nordic walking poles.  I started using those and going for short walks. I also learned about whole body vibration (WBV) and started using WBV machine every day.  It took well over a year but I was finally able to walk without agonizing pain. Now the arthritis did not go away and from time to time and I still suffer on a daily basis but nothing like I did several years ago.  Also,  I can still walk. I take at least one pole with me every time I leave the house.  It helps me go farther and keeps me upright. I did have one big arthritic attack last year and that was difficult but the recovery didn't take as long. I had the benefit of physiotherapy and my poles to help. I'm happy to say I lost the weight I gained due to sitting so much.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday 3 ~ October


Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie at Cottage by the Sea.

Here on the sea coast the weather is very chilly.  We are in the low 50s by night and the low 60's by day. Leaves are turning and will be falling soon.

1.  What does this picture make you think about? 

It makes me think of beautiful and peaceful  days away from the hustle and bustle of the city and all the things that keep us busy. Fall colours in particular also make me think of a particular period of my childhood between the ages of 10-14 when we lived in a quiet neighbourhood not far from a walk through the forest. There I would enjoy the fall colours. At the end of the trail there would be a slough where horses and their riders would take a break and the horses could drink. My family members and I would go there often for walks.

2. If you could spend a week in that cottage would you do it and who would you bring along with you?

I would gladly spend a week in that cottage. I would bring my dear husband but if there is enough space I would also like to bring other members of my family so we can spend some quality time together.

3.  What kind of meal do you think represents October best? How about cookie or cake or dessert?

When I think of October I always think of a turkey dinner. It's probably because I live in Canada and we celebrate Thanksgiving in early October. In fact, we just celebrated Thankgiving this past weekend. A turkey features prominently in the traditional holiday meal though these days a lot of people don't roast one or don't know how to do it. Cinnamon and pumpkin are common ingredients in treats around here at this time of year. I would say pumpkin spice cookies or coffee cake to go along with coffee would be my pick.

4.  Thinking of October, what song would go well with the month? What song would go well with this picture?

Now that's a more difficult question. October where I live is usually when we start getting much more rain. In fact it rained very heavily overnight and into today. My pick without thinking about it too much  is "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" by B. J. Thomas.  The song that goes well with this picture is "Autumn Leaves" by Nat King Cole. Here it is for you to enjoy.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Television

It's time for  Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
A Family Affair

Television has become a large part of people's lives so it might be nice to discuss it and it's impact on our lives.

1.  Do you have a TV in your home or perhaps more than one?

Yes we have a large television (55 inch smart television) in the living room and another large television (55 inches but not a smart television) in the bedroom. The one in the bedroom is never watched or used. It is basically being stored though it is set up for viewing. When I got the new television some years ago I tried to give away the old one but there were no takers and that's why I kept it.

2.  Which programs do you like to watch?

I tend to favour news, news magazine type shows, family shows and criminal or spy movies. I also like a good Christian program but with basic channels it's hard to get good, solid Christian teaching on television.

3.  Could you do without your TV or is it on most of the time when you are home?

It really depends on my energy level and other activities. I've been so busy that I really haven't had time for too much television except late at night. I switched to basic cable for that reason.  I watch more television when I'm low energy, sickly or just not that busy with other activities.

4.  Is there a TV character that stands out in your mind for any reason at all? Maybe there is more than one or maybe there is a cast of a show you found memorable?

There are a lot of TV characters that stand out in my mind for no particular reason other than I enjoyed watching them when I was a child. Those were the days when everyone only had 2 channels and the same programs. I think it was far easier in those times to become invested in particular shows and characters. Some of them I remember fondly were Canadian shows for children:  The Forest Rangers and Adventures in Rainbow Country.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday 4 - Art

Hi Friends and welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we are given 4 questions each week to ponder and answer.  It also gives you a chance to see how other Bloggers feel about things and an opportunity to make new friends.

This week we are talking about art.  

1. Are you artistic in any way and if so, how so? Knitting, crochet, drawing, painting, writing lovely word art, home décor, lovely meals?  There are many ways to be artistic.

I've never considered myself an artist as in painting or drawing.  I do however use my hands in other ways that I enjoy such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, a bit of home decor. Oh and don't let me forget photography. I also like to cook but only from time to time.  I took up many of these activities out of necessity or boredom rather than having a great affinity for them.

2. Does any art hang on your walls or grace your tables or shelves at home? How about your front door or windows. What about your yard?

I have a number of art works on my wall, some of which are unique: African women carrying baskets on their heads (done in cloth and framed), a detailed black and white print of a drawing of a Navajo couple in a wagon. It was done by an American artist who had lived amongst the Navajo peoples for many years.  I have another framed print of a North American Indian on horseback set in the old west days, a carved West Coast painting in wood (a gift) and a very special piece called "birch bark" biting done by a woman who is now passed.  Birch bark bitings usually depict insects or designs in nature and are made by folding the birch bark and biting into it until you have a design. This kind of work is extremely rare and I feel blessed to have such a piece.  I'm finding the natural light is already much reduced since the heat of the summer has ended and I've taken these photos very late at night so my apologies for the quality of them.  

African women with baskets

Birch bark biting with floral design

Print of a detailed pencil drawing

I also have a small, quilted star blanket that hangs on the wall behind my bed but I didn't make it (you can see a bit of it in the photo above).  I don't have any of the items I've made on display in my home as I usually give these away.  But I do use and make knitted dishcloths which are very useful.  I try to bring a little artistic bent to my patio garden but in 2023 I was not able to plant the garden. Perhaps I can do it in 2024.

3. Do you have a favorite artist or artists and do you have a favorite piece of art?

I have favourite artists who are well known and long gone such as Monet and Vincent Van Gogh.  I also like Gustav Klimpt for the use of gold leaf in some of his works (The Kiss,  Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer). I love the works of these famous artists and others but in my own home my favourite piece is the Birch Bark Biting I have.

Woman with a Parasol, Monet

The Kiss, Gustav Klimpt

Cafe Terrace at Night, Van Gogh

4.  Home décor can be art. When you  bought things for your home did you plan out the décor or did it all just fall together. Was there a theme?

I mostly just buy what I like but since I've never been heavily into decorating and didn't have the funds or time to spend on decor, I never really had a cohesive look.  Over the past 2 years or more I've been in a downsizing and decluttering mode and am using this time to figure out how to have a more cohesive decor look without spending a lot of money. What I've settled on is a boho look or a ethnic boho look so that I can use a lot of things I already have or have picked up on my travels to Kenya.

A Walk Around Lake Lafarge

 Hello friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing today? I spent much of the day at Lafarge Lake with a dear friend of mine. We spen...