Showing posts with label fresh flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fresh flowers. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Roses ~ Tuesday 4 Meme

Here is another of Tuesday 4  invented by Toni Taddeo and kept alive in her memory.   While June is the month of roses, they do bloom all summer long and well past September in many places.

1. What is your favorite color of roses? Do you have a favorite kind of rose? 

My favourite colour of roses is 1) orange or 2) deep pink. I also like the same coloured roses but with cream on the outside.

I was trying to find a photo of such flowers for you because I know I've taken some but I can't seem to find more recent ones. The one I'm sharing is quite old and taken with a small camera in the days before the smart phones started taking good photos.


2. Do you ever buy flowers for your home?

Yes, I definitely love buying fresh flowers but they've become so expensive just like everything else here. I heard an American from Ohio the other day say she can buy a bunch of fresh flowers for $5. I've been buying fresh flowers here for decades and the price has never been that low.  It used to be that on the street where I live there would be many small stores that would sell bunches of fresh flowers and in those golden old days, the price was probably close to $10 for one bunch.  Nowadays most of those shops are gone and flowers, when you can find them, are at least $15 and up to $100 + for a fuller more varied bouquet.  Sadly this means I don't buy fresh flowers very often these days.  If I have an extra $15 to spend then I'd prefer to buy fresh fruits or vegetables.

3. Are there any roses in your yard or neighborhood? If not what kind of things grow around you?

No. My neighours and I only have patio balconies and I've yet to see anyone growing roses. They do grow rhododendrons and other flowering bushes though I can't say I've seen everyone's garden since we have privacy walls. In the stand alone residences in the neighbourhood some people do grow roses of various kinds though one doesn't see as many of them as one would think.

4. What do you see when you look out your front door?   How about out your kitchen window or back door?  

My daily view. 🙏
I only have a front door and a patio door and north facing windows.  The bathrooms and kitchen have no windows. When I walk out my front door I see a hallway.  When I look out the patio door I have a very beautiful view of the mountains and a church steeple.

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