Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crafty Wednesday

Welcome to my newest follower, Lonicera!

Hi friends and bloggers,

I've missed doing my crafts while I've been away so much on family related matters this summer. I just had to make a new dishcloth and pull out an unfinished doily.

Here is the new dishcloth I've made. I used a larger set of needles than I am used to using. Normally I use a size 4 mm set of needles but this time I used a size 6 mm as that is what the pattern recommends. I must say it sure is a lot faster though and the tension is a lot looser and the weave more open.

I will be making several of these for a friend who wants to give them as gifts at a headstone potlatch for her deceased brother.  Click here for more information about the potlatch of the Southern Tutchone which is my friend's tribal group.  This pattern seems to go by various names but I think Grandma's Dishcloth is probably the original name someone gave it though I don't know who set out the original pattern. If I make a lot of these and I get bored with it, there are a host of other patterns out there that I can try.

It will take me a a little bit longer to get used to my tension with this larger sized needles but that shouldn't be a problem as I will be making many more of these dishcloths over the coming months.

I've also brought out a doily I started some time ago.  This is a square doily and is my first one of this shape. Normally I make round doilies (click here for a sample).  The doily is about two thirds finished. I hope to finish it in a day or two and block it so the pattern is more visible. If you look closely you can see four pineapples which join at the centre of the doily.

I think this particular colour looks really nice for this time of year in North America where it is the Fall or Autumn season. I also have some navy blue cotton which is lined with white which I think will look stunning for a pattern I've yet to settle upon.

Now that the Fall weather has arrived in the western hemisphere, do you also feel the need to "get crafty"? If you live in other parts of the world, do you find the change of seasons spurs you on to certain types of activities?

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Two Loaves

Monday was a coolish day for most of the morning and for part of the afternoon it threatened to rain. After disinfecting the kitchen, washing the floors, doing a few loads of laundry and running errands, I felt like making bread.

I got what looked like a great recipe from Rhonda's blog, if you do stuff, stuff gets done. Rhonda learned how to bake bread from her grandpa.

 Grandpa's Bread
2 cups warm water
1 package yeast (I googled this and it is 2 1/4 tsps. of yeast per pkg. in NA)
1 t salt
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
about 6 cups of flour

Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water. Then stir in the salt, oil and most of the flour. (I used about 5 cups out of the 6 before my mixture got too thick). Mix well, then knead until you have a smooth dough. Let dough rise in an oiled bowl, covered with a clean kitchen towel, until at least double in size. Punch down. Divide in 2. Shape into loaves and place in greased bread pans.
Let rise again, until at least double.
Bake at 375 for 35-45 minutes.

Here are what my two loaves look like. Yum!

I got a fairly late start on the bread so while it was rising, I watched my favourite television program, "Dancing with the Stars" and began work on another knitted dishcloth. It's been awhile since I've made any dishcloths so I had to refresh my memory!

 For some fabulous scenery shots taken Sunday, click here. You can also join others here for My World Tuesday.

Happy New Month of June

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you're well. I don't know about you but I feel as if the month of may went by in a flash. ...