Friday, July 10, 2009

A Wonderful Gift

Have you ever experienced a time or two when you felt that someone really, really listened to what you were saying? Wasn't it a wonderful feeling?

I saw this sign on one of my walks and I thought it was a great representation of a wonderful and free gift you could offer to a child, a senior, a friend, a loved one.

God bless xoxox

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Enjoying Canada's Birthday

It is a week late but better late than never! I wanted to share a montage of pictures from the July 1st Canada Day celebration I went to in Kamloops, BC. We spent the better part of the day in the beautiful Riverside Park where attendance was one of the largest ever to turn out for the event.

There was music, ethnic foods, official presentations, cultural events and dance, arts and crafts, face painting and water games and people just generally lazing around in the park.

One of the newly elected federal politicians tattooed my niece's face with the Canadian flag after a late lunch of Chinese food and a cool down snack of ice cream. We then headed to the main band stand where we thoroughly enjoyed some Taiko drumming music (see the short video below).

My niece enjoyed some cotton candy before heading home. These kind of days remind me of when I was a child and I so looked forward to the annual carnival. When the carnival came to town we enjoyed rides and "exotic food" like corn on the cob, candy apples, popcorn, corn dogs & cotton candy. It gives me joy watching other children enjoy the same things.

Beauty in the Night

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you had a wonderful week and have some nice plans for the weekend.   Even though it's a long w...