Thursday, May 7, 2015


Now and then I am blessed to catch a sunrise. This is one from a few days ago. 

We continue to have odd weather. It hailed again.This is the 2nd time in a week.

The hail looked like snow. I couldn't believe it but speaking to a cousin of mine just yesterday I learned it was snowing where she lives. It is rather late in the season for that. While we were talking on the phone I saw one reporter from her city (Edmonton) bringing the news of their recent provincial elections. The snow was falling and blowing wildly about him. Brrr.

The hail did a bit of damage to my garden plants.  I didn't realize that until I uploaded these (and other photos) and saw the damaged  leaves.
 I think they will be hardy enough to get beyond it.

I apologize to my readers if you haven't seen me much this week. I'm recovering from a nasty bout of food poisoning. I seem to be on the mend.

How was your week? 

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.
Have a look there for more awesome skies from all over the world.

Monday, May 4, 2015

After the Rain

I captured these images after a light rain today.

Linking up with Our World today.

For an update on BABY FIDELIS, please click here.

Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday 4 ~ Books

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 . Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that. 1. Do y...