Thursday, August 2, 2018


I'm feeling a little sad tonight so this will be a different kind of post. 

I just learned last night that a young cousin of mine who acted as one of the pall bearers at my mom's funeral last year has had to go into surgery. It was a rather complicated surgery involving his tongue, his leg and his wrist as there were surgeries to remove cancer and surgeries to graft skin. I spoke to his mom early evening and she informed me that surgery lasted 20 hours and it is a little too early to know how things went. At the same time her son went in for surgery, the young man's father died of the same cancer. He had been fighting the cancer for long.

I don't have a good photo of my cousin but that is him leaning over the casket just over the left shoulder of the man in the suit.

Also in the last few days I heard that my sister in law went in for a hysterectomy and had to be rushed to emergency twice since being discharged. In the second visit they performed another surgical procedure once more. She is doing much better now. 

In Kenya, Grandma Sally is hanging on by a thread. I cannot get over how strong she is.  Almost 2 months ago the doctor had given her about 2 weeks to live so we transferred her to hospice. She is still with us though she is very weak. It is only a short matter of time now. I am sad that I didn't get to visit her and that my travels to Kenya have been delayed in favour of helping her family to provide her with the best medical help we can get.  She expressed her gratitude for extending her life through medical helps.

Through these difficult times I am missing my loved ones who have gone before, my dear mom in particular. I miss all our chats and the ability to ask for her help about how to do certain things. We used to enjoy long visits in person and by phone though in latter years that was no longer possible.

Even though I miss her, I am grateful that her physical suffering is over.  I pray she is having a very good visit with all the family that are in heaven to greet her. I have the hope that some day I shall see them all again though tonight I had a good cry anyway.

The scripture in Psalms 56:8

"You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book."

This verse of scripture has always touched me.


Stay safe, hug your loved ones and have a peaceful weekend.

I won't be linking with any linky party's today.
Much love to each of you.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Last Friday in July

This past Saturday I attended the 4th Annual African Descent Festival. 

The big name entertainer for the first evening was Ezra Kwizera.  Currently he lives in Vancouver but grew up as a refugee in Uganda before returning to his home country Rwanda after the 1994 genocide. 

His music is raw and powerful.  
I enjoy his soulful sounds which are born out of tragedy.

I've attended this festival for 3 years now and each year I can see it get more organized and grow in attendance.
I wasn't there on day 2 but the crowed was about 4x what it was on Saturday as people came out in large numbers to see the Ugandan sensation, Eddie Kenzo. I am not familiar with his music but I know he is very popular.

At the festival there is a combination of vendors selling their goods, stalls with information to raise awareness and food. This year I was happy to see the Nigerians have joined in selling their foods and that they had a very popular booth.

The lady with the white t-shirt holding a girl's hand is the awesome Jabulile Dladla who leads the group Bouna Vedere.  Jabulile is a wonderful artist and I was fortunate to catch her act last year. Sadly I missed it this year.  Jabulile used to be a  member of the world renowned Soweto Gospel Choir of South Africa and came to beautiful BC  some years ago. She is an indie musician now.

  Usually I go to the festival alone and often chat with new people. This year some friends joined me and they had a lot of fun.  We ran into others at the festival that we know.

Other news

I finished the booked entitled The Tuscan Child since my last post. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. In case you are interested you can learn more about the book by clicking here.  Currently I am reading Too Close to the Sun:  The Audacious Life and Times of Denys Finch Hatton.  The book is about the life and times of Denys Finch Hatton, someone whom I first came to know of as the lover of Karen Blixen when they both lived in Kenya. If you have seen the movie, Out of Africa you will know who I am talking about.  While I am keenly interested in learning more about Finch Hatton I am not quite enjoying the author's style of writing. As a result I have to work a little (a lot) harder at getting into it. It might just be that I'm very busy right now.

I started the latest book in the midst of going to the festival, attending a bridal shower (I didn't take photos to share) and dealing with my dryer repair (the steam function seems to be working now) as well at going to see the movie RBG.  The movie documents the life and times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court Bench since August 1993. It was a very nice documentary about this exceptional woman who helped chart the legal strategy for the achievement of women's equality in North America.

I finally managed to capture some different birds on the patio but it wasn't easy. The birds fly off very quickly as soon as there is movement or they hear a sound. I enticed them with fresh water in the bird bath.  I then  had to  position the bird bath closer to my open patio door then sit quietly and wait for them to appear while taking care not to make any sudden movements while they appeared.  My strategy was only partially successfully as they were gone in seconds and it takes longer for my camera to be ready since the zoom function appears to be sticking.  I was still delighted to get some photos. Now I need some help with bird identification. If anyone knows what kind of birds these are kindly let me know. By the way, this week is the first time I've ever seen these birds on my patio.

I end this post with a view of today's sky.
It is very hot here right now and has been for some time. It is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
To cope I'm drastically limiting my errands and appointments so I don't have to go out in the blazing sun.
Indoors I have my fans going and I'm drinking plenty of fluids.  At night after the sun goes down I might go out and buy a bowl of gelato or ice cream or I make sure I have some fruit popsicles in the freezer.

I've been hearing that there are heat waves in parts of Europe, in parts of the USA and in Japan where many people have died.  Meanwhile my friends in Nairobi have been cold with temperatures lower than usual I think for this time of year.
I hope you are keeping cool enough and hydrated if you are suffering from heat.
Of course, the life in Kenya is very hard so I pray for the people for many different needs.

 That's it for today.
I hope you will come back and visit me again some time.

Joining in this week with


Beauty in the Night

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you had a wonderful week and have some nice plans for the weekend.   Even though it's a long w...