Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Small Update

I cannot believe how much time has passed since I wrote in this space about the blob on my camera sensor. It was evident in many of my photos and yet not in other photos. I tried to crop the blob out from time time.  Thanks to Covid 19 and staying home a lot more, I am slowly catching up to a host of small jobs that need doing. I'm slow but steady, lol. I put off some things that can be done rather quickly. There is a method and a rationale to my approach though my approach definitely differs from what most people would likely do.

The good news is, I finally googled the cost of 2 repairs to my camera. The bad news is the total cost is ridiculous an not worth it. Though the camera works very well, it would cost me about 2/3 the value just for 2 small repairs. My brother who is a bit of a tech enthusiast and always fixes my computer and phone issues told me he would clean my camera (lens and sensors) and showed me how to work around the other issue. At last I have a properly working camera. The geranium below is my first decent photo. It was a bit difficult because I left the photo taking until past prime daylight. In fact it was practically dark so I am happy enough with it. I've got a long way to go to improve my photos but that will give me another hobby to work on.


For those who read my last post, I am now on Day 10 of the Fly Lady Baby Steps.  Truthfully the last 4 steps don't make a lot of sense to me.  They seem to be a bit repetitive and don't quite mesh with my approach to decluttering. I will carry on with the Baby Steps challenge and learn what I can over the remaining 21 days.  I will carry on with my own projects and ways of doing things and apply what I find useful in the Fly Lady approach.  I'm still not ready to fully implement Fly Lady that's for sure.

I'm am slowly reading A Letter From Paris  (click on underlined title link to read more).  I'm about three fourths complete and I'm enjoying it.

Once this is done I will start reading I Give It To You   (click on underlined title link to read more).  My local library has finally reopened as of Tuesday and there is a book ready for me to pick up.  I have a few more books on hold which are making their way to the branch so once they have all arrived I will take a walk to the library.



We've had wonderful weather all week culminating in a quite a hot day yesterday. Today's weather is slightly cooler and more to my liking.  I wish it could stay like this for many months to come.  

Here are a few macro garden photos and a few sky photos.  These were taken at approximately 7:15 p.m. while I was making dinner.

The first sky photo was taken on Tuesday, September 8, 2020
I love the cosy glow of the steeple cross at night.

 The next photo was taken on Thursday, September 10, 2020 on a beautiful, cloudless day.

This was tonight's dinner:  rice pilaf, green salad and roasted chicken. Delicious.😋😋😋🙈 It is a constant challenge to come up with various ways of eating and trying to eat healthy.

Thank you for stopping by. I'll do my best to visit your blog if I haven't already done so lately. I'm doing my best to catch up.

Have a wonderful Friday and a restful and safe weekend. I'm linking up with Skywatch Friday. Check it out and catch more beautiful sky shots from around the globe.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Busy Day and Some Happy Colour

Things have been rather busy here in my corner of the world. I guess I'm in a slightly whirling dervish mode since it's the end of the summer and I've had so many jobs I put off due to Covid 19.

On Friday I went for my annual eye check up albeit a half year later than I should have. Actually I had an appointment scheduled for 6 months ago.  However I postponed it and requested that they give me an appointment with the eye specialist who did my surgery.  Not the back up eye doctor who has been seeing me the last two times. They called again to make a new appointment for me but it was still with the back up doctor. 

I relented and went for the check up because I really must stay on top of things. But I told the front desk staff  that next time I really would like to be booked in with my original eye specialist.  She is the reason I started going to that office in the first place and she is the one who did my eye surgery about 3 - 4 years ago.  They understood my frustration but told me that my doctor has been cutting back on her hours and they couldn't promise that they could make it happen. Now it causes me to wonder if the young doctor is already burned out. Eye specialists here seem super busy.  Too busy to sustain their demanding schedules.  I heard a few years ago that due to Canada's aging population the eye specialists would become even more busy.  I wonder what my future holds in this office.  Since I first started going to the office they have added 3 new specialists.

For the time being the back up doctor told me there is no diabetes related damage to my eyes, my vision is okay and he confirmed that I have dry eyes as per my observation.

The doctor confirmed that my right eye is in fact the drier of the two.  I am still using eye drops every day but I don't use them as often as directed on the box.  Eye drops are so expensive and they are non prescription eye drops so the cost adds up; especially when the drops only come in 10 ml sizes.  I forgot to ask the doctor if the dry eyes might partially be caused by the air blowing through the top of my CPAP mask. It doesn't always leak but sometimes when I move around during sleep, the mask goes out of alignment.

Of course when ones eyes are dry, the vision is also reduced.

I finally got my paperwork in for the new CPAP machine and after my eye appointment I went to the Sleep Clinic to see what models of CPAP machines are available.  My current machine is well over 5 years old and it's time for a new one. I submitted the paperwork a few weeks ago after many delays on my part due to needing to get doctor's signature and input.  I haven't been getting much done from March to August due to the coronavirus and wanting to stay safe.  The paperwork was ultimately submitted a week before last, but I've learned from the supplier that the insurer says it didn't receive the paperwork. It needed to be submitted again and so there is a delay. They were very apologetic but I wasn't upset. They can't help it if the insurer lost papers even though the paperwork is faxed, not mailed.  Once the insurer makes a decision it will be easy for me to decide which machine I would like now that I've been to the Sleep Clinic.

After I finished at the Sleep Clinic I stopped at Michael's craft store and the medical supply store.  I didn't buy much at Michael's.  I'm trying not to buy any more yarn and most items there will simply add to clutter.  At the medical supply store, I was there to see what was available in terms of what the arthritis physiotherapist recommended I use to help me manage with arthritis.  I dealt with a very nice young woman at the medical supply and we have arranged for the new items to be delivered on Tuesday night.

Just before the pandemic was announced I had been to see the surgeon about getting knee surgery. He told me I was not a candidate and gave me several reasons, one of them being that I'm too young! I was not a happy camper but in the end I have to accept what he says. He did say that eventually I will need surgery. So in the meantime, that is why the physiotherapist suggested some aids to use.  I requested, and received a doctor prescription back in early January. I just hadn't had time to follow up on getting these things. I wanted to look at them in person and not simply ask for them over the phone.

By the time I finished at the medical supply store I was super tired and super hungry. I stopped for some Japanese food. This is the first time I've eaten in a real restaurant since February and the food was very delicious. Not to mention the added bonus of not having to cook or do dishes. 


After that I stopped at one more large pharmacy and browsed around looking at many different things. They sell all kinds of electronic items and household items not just vitamins and drugs.  In the end I purchased a pair of head phones with microphone for use with my desktop and laptop. I didn't want a wireless headset. I've already got two of those and frankly I do not like them at all. Unfortunately, the corded ones seem to have standard length cords which are not quite long enough to use with my desk and computer set up. I had to move some things around so I can use the headphones. If it isn't one thing it is always another.

Last time I posted here I mentioned that my garden was on it's last legs. 

Today I was pleasantly surprised to see it is still going. So I took a little time to water and cut some dead leaves. Perhaps it will revive a bit and hold for another few weeks.

In the coming days I am hoping to complete 2-3 more appointments and several more errands and outside tasks in addition to the usual grocery shopping. Once these are done I plan on retreating once again and isolating. When I go out and about I wear a mask everywhere and pretty much everyone else is too and most people are keeping an appropriate distance.  Around the house I'm hoping to try out the Fly Lady System (system for keeping the house clean and decluttered). I tried it once before but couldn't get into it. I'm going to give it another try and take the Baby Steps approach.  Of course, I know how to declutter and clean already but the thing that has gotten away from me as my health has changed over the years is keeping everything operating smoothly and preventing a pile up of clutter or cleaning. The Fly Lady has a system that so many women absolutely love.  Do any of you use the Fly Lady System? If so, what do you think of it and how has it worked or not worked for you?

So far I do not know anyone here at home who has contracted the virus but one young friend in Kenya and members of his extended family were tested a few days ago. His young nephew (about 10 years old) has tested positive. Next his young niece and a few others in the family are to be tested. Keep them in prayer.  There is a lot going on in Kenya amongst the people I know. Many are dealing with land issues and family tensions. These are difficult times. I do not want to say more about it here but only to ask for prayer for all these situations and the continuing material needs and medical needs.

Thanks for stopping by. As always I enjoy reading your comments and visiting your blogs.  Stay safe.

A Day in Photos

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all well today. I took a little jaunt out to the University of British Columbia on Sunday ...