Monday, November 2, 2009

Crosses for Missions

Many of you know that I am deeply involved in missions to poor villagers, mainly to the widows and orphans in Kenya. We operate on very few donations to try and bring relief to the many people in the village who struggle to eke out a living in a country hard pressed by famine and poverty. Pastor Jonah's time is strictly voluntary as is mine. I try and support Pastor Jonah and other village leaders as best I can, including through helping build a web presence for the Missions of Hope.

Recently, I was blessed with a donation of hand crafted crosses with a request to sell them and use some of the profits for the mission field. I cannot tell you how happy I am about this blessing because it provides an exciting opportunity to help the mission field in Kenya in time for Christmas. The villagers will be so happy that they can celebrate Christmas like others throughout the world if we can sell enough crosses to help them. At the same time, you, the reader will have a chance to do some Christmas shopping and buy stocking stuffers for one or two of your favorite people. "Yes" Christmas will soon be here!!!

I have a very limited supply of crosses to sell. So if you want one please be quick to speak up. You will see from the two photos that these crosses are designed to be worn by men and women alike. My small shipment will be arriving very soon and then I will be expecting one more smaller shipment. I am hoping to sell at least the first shipment in time to be able to get your cross to you in well enough time for your Christmas tree. The price for each of these handcrafted crosses is $25.00 (US) plus $5.00 for shipping and handling.

Your hand crafted cross will come with a card which reads:

100% hand crafted by Christians in the USA

The Disciple's Cross is made up of three distinct components. The simulated leather cord reminds us of the leather straps used to beat our Savior; the wrapped wire stands for the thorn branches twisted into a crown to mock the King of Kings; and, of course, the nails represent the large spikes that were driven into the hands and feet of the Lord of Lords.

As you carry your Disciple's Cross with you, consider the sacrifice that Jesus made for you and take up your cross and follow him.

(c) 1994 By Disciple's Cross. All Rights Reserved.

Matthew 15:24 "Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."

These wonderful crosses will be cherished by your loved one (or by you) for years to come. Profits made from the sale will be used to make a jiko stove/oven in the village of Kericho to help make the lives of village women safer, healthier and just a little bit easier. You can read more about the Jiko Stove Project here and in the blog here Missions of Hope.

[One of the women who received a jiko stove in 2009]

To order your crosses or crosses now, please send me an email with your complete shipping address and remit payment of $30.00 (US) via Pay Pal (includes price of the product and shipping charges) to kerichojoy{at}gmail{dot}com. Funds must be received before crosses are shipped.

The crosses come in several different colors but there is only one cross in each color. Let us pick the color for you and it will be an adventure, like a "surprise box". You won't be disappointed.

We who love the Missions of Hope to Kericho are excited about this new opportunity. If you have any questions or can support the Missions through your purchase, I would love to hear from you.

God bless you and thank you for your support


  1. It's so great that you are active in helping the people of Kenya! I lived there as a child so it's a country that's very dear to my heart.

  2. Mary-Laure, you have lived such an interesting life and lived in interesting place :-) I love Kenya. In which part did you grow up? Do you still have family there?

  3. It's so great that you are active in helping the people of Kenya! I lived there as a child so it's a country that's very dear to my heart.


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