Thursday, September 10, 2015

Waning Days of Summer

Summer of 2015 has gone by in a whirl. I don't feel that I had time to sit and breathe. 

I reflected the other day on what I really accomplished in summer of 2015. 

My conclusion is that the summer was devoted to family celebrations so this is a good thing.

In late May, my nephew graduated with his first degree (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology) so there were several events (graduation, reception and dinner) devoted to that. There were also new clothes to buy and gifts to think about.   As most of you know, all this takes time beyond the actual days of specific celebrations.

It was all fun and since then he went on his much anticipated trip to Europe.  He is now back to university in a Master's Program and will focus on Behavioral Neuroscience. Basically he is studying what happens to our brains as we age and has already been doing laboratory research for the past several years while doing his undergraduate work.

In June I paid a visit to my mom and there is always a lot of preparation involved in getting her the different things she needs between visits.

In July I prepared for my niece's visit for a week and we celebrated her birthday with her brother and other family members while she was here.

In mid to late August I was busy preparing for another trip to see mom. This included shopping and making a few items of clothing.
My brother and I travelled together as it was mom's birthday and we all celebrated together.
Other family members like my nephew had celebrated with her a few days earlier.
It was nice that mom had multiple visits and celebrations.

Now that it is getting to be the middle of September I am catching up on some of my own needs.

There are always a host of things to do: blood work, diabetes workshops, foot care, eye care, etc.

I've been busy going for my annual eye check and eye specialist check. Actually this year I went to two separate eye specialists.  One of them repaired a retinal tear I had last year.  Now I go for follow up check ups. I don't have to go so often. Now it will be once a year.
The other one monitors the general health of my eyes to catch any diabetes related issues.

Thankfully everything is fine on the eye front. 
The retinal tear is fully healed and I have no diabetes related eye issues.
When I went to the optometrist in June, she said my prescription has not changed much.  This meant  I didn't bother with any new glasses this year.
Instead I bought a year's supply of contact lenses as it is much cheaper to buy for a year rather than 3 months at a time.
Today's eye specialist said the contacts sit very well on my eyes.  That is a good thing since glasses cause problems for me like eye strain and headaches.

My blood glucose reading (A1C) has significantly improved since my last blood work done 3 months ago.
 In fact, it is better than it has been in at least 15 months.
My blood pressure is normal too.

All this was very good news.  It gives me the motivation and encouragement I need to stay on track and to even ramp up my efforts wherever I can.
It is so important that my blood glucose gets normalized so I can lose the weight I've gained since being diagnosed with diabetes.
It has been a frustratingly long and slow process to get healthier.  Now I realize that my efforts didn't work so well without the right medication.  Every bit of good news is welcome and my doctors know that my aim is to get off the medications completely.  They believe it can be done.

I heard on the weather report that today and tomorrow will be some of our last, warmer summer days.
So after my appointments today, I had a nice walk home and captured these sky shots
and this flowering bush. 

I'm not sure what this plant is.
It looks like a hydrangea but the blooms are rather long for a hydrangea.
The odd shaped blossoms might have to do with the very hot weather and lack of rain we've had this summer.
Update: Georgene, one of my readers correctly identified the bush as a Crepe Myrtle. Thank you, Georgene!

I hope you've enjoyed your summer whatever you've done.
I wish you a beautiful Fall/Autumn.

If you are on the other side of the globe, I wish you
a beautiful Spring and Summer.
Thanks for stopping by.

Joining up with Skywatch Friday and Good Fences.


  1. I hope your nephew finds out how to cure a forgetful memory. 😌 Is your bush a Crepe Myrtle?

    1. Georgene, that was too funny. I don't doubt that in future scientists will in fact discover how to do just that. Thank you for telling me the name of the plant. I googled it and it is exactly right. That's a new bush for me. It doesn't belong to me. It was in a garden as I walked home today. It is pretty, isn't it?

  2. I am very happy for your nephew, and also about your blood pressure improving. Your photos are lovely! :)

  3. Sounds like a lovely summer with family Penny. Glad to hear you are on track to better health and taking time for yourself.

  4. Hello, I am glad your health is improving. My hubby battles with the diabetes. He has been doing good by exercising and walking a lot more. The blooms are pretty and lovley sky shot. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  5. Great to know about your BP readings.
    Love the flowers.
    Happy SWF!

  6. Wonderful sky shots with those soft clouds.

  7. You have had a busy summer. We have been busy here as well and I am looking forward to the quieter days. I'm kind of tired.

  8. some lovely shots. hoping all will be well with your health and glad you had some good family time.

  9. Congratulations on your improving health ...good care and your own hard work and dedication are paying off! Sounds like a great summer all in all . I always feel like September is an in between month ... Summers really over on Labor Day, no matter what the official date is ... But Fall isn't here yet either )))

  10. Keeping busy and active is what keeps us going. If you're not busy you stop and that's the end. You had an excellent summer.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I'm returning the favor and enjoyed reading some of your travels and activities! You are certainly busy. Good to hear you are managing your health issues well and that is an encouragement!
    Very pretty sky shots and neat fence too!
    Hope to follow!

  12. Sounds like you had a productive yet busy summer.
    Your fence shot is so pretty, those are lovely flowers blooming over and around the nice fence.

    Because I am late commenting here is the direct link to my Good Fences post:

  13. You have certainly been busy, but that is the nice kind of busy. Good to hear that your health is improving.Thank you for visiting my post, and best wishes for continued better health.

  14. lovely pictures. glad your blood pressure is better

  15. nice clouds in your sky and the fence is great too.

  16. It sounds like a great summer, and those are pretty photos you put up today.

  17. We're starting to enjoy some cooler days here as well...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  18. I am waiting to see if my virtreous detachment might end up with a retinal tear (since part of my eye is heavily damaged from radiation, and the other part is relatively healthy - they think the detachment might pull to much on the healthy part creating a tear). I might be asking you about your experience! Summer did swing by pretty quick didn't it... Keep healthy!

  19. Sounds like a busy and wonderful summer was had by you.
    Continue to look after yourself and be healthy ~ happy. :)

    Such beautiful pictures, Penny.
    Joy! Debbie

  20. What a wonderful tribute to summer! I, too, am hanging onto it as best I can! The past few days have been lovely, but in Michigan you know what lies beyond! Your crepe myrtle is glorious!

  21. It sounds like a busy but fun summer for you. And it seems you are taking good care of yourself, which is very important. We have crepe myrtles blooming in South Carolina all summer, in various colors. They were new to me (they don't grow in Minnesota) and I've really enjoyed them, including in vases on the table.


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