Showing posts with label Mount Longonot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mount Longonot. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On My Way North of Nairobi~ My World Tuesday

Click here to read Part 1 in this series. It starts with my stopover in Nairobi, Kenya.
Click here to read Part 2 in this series in Kenya. It continues with my sojourn in Nairobi, Kenya.

There was much more to see and do in Nairobi and many photos too.  But as I mentioned in an earlier post, I lost so many photos. I am still working on recovering them but this will take some time yet. Later I hope to add more posts and photos about things done in Nairobi, Kenya.

Right now I am taking you on a journey north to the City of Nakuru, Kenya. Before we get there we stop at this magnificent look out spot.

I always stop at this site when I visit Kenya and go north.  It is a place to take photos of Mount Longonot and the surrounding valley and to purchase curios and souvenirs.

This man makes me nervous sitting atop this rickety fence. It is a long drop to the bottom if it should fail him.

These are just some of the curio shops that sit by the roadside.
Last time I was through here I purchased a sheep skin for my mattress. This time I bought a small carved soapstone plate.

I understand that there are actually two highways, at different elevations,  that overlook this valley. The vista is really quite stunning. Much more than my photos can show you.  The look out is also much higher up than it looks.

This is the plate I bought. I think it's great! On this side it has a picture map of the area. Click on the photo to enlarge it.
Turn the plate over and you see this beautiful red and black design along with key phrases/words in Swahili. There is a decorative element also. See the top of the plate. That is a row of carved elements.

For more of what others are doing around the world, join My World Tuesday.

Sky in Early March

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Welcome to another Skywatch post where I watch the skies over Vancouver, Canada.  We are currently still ...