I had my nails cut down and new gel polish applied to get me through at least one week of the new year.

I purchased an inexpensive printer. I'm waiting for it to be delivered before I pick it up and set it up since it wasn't in stock at the retail outlet. I only really use the scanner and on the odd occasion I need to print something I go to the post office near by. This approach has been working out for me for many year.
I also did some research on which smartphone to get and getting closer to actually ordering one. I'll probably bite the bullet and purchase an iPhone primarily because it will be much easier to sync with anything I'm doing on the Mac.
I apologize to all my readers, particularly those of you who are accustomed to getting blog comments from me. I have actually been reading many of your blogs but have been having a lot of difficulty leaving comments. I thought I resolved the issue but there seems to be several different issues going on and so far I've managed a partial solution and I'm now able to leave comments on a few blogs. There are many other blogs where I cannot and I'm at a loss as to how to fix the problem. Please pray about this as it's very frustrating. If any of you use a Mac computer and also have issues leaving blogger comments, I'd like to hear from you and what if anything you did to resolve it.
Last but not least I had a few phone calls with friends and relatives. A cousin will hopefully visit her sister in early February and stop by for a night to see me. If the weather cooperates we hope to go to dinner and walk along the waterfront to celebrate her birthday.
After Christmas I felt quite tired and I also felt quite sick for about 2 days so I'm trying not to work too hard. I just do enough each day to see some progress and make sure things don't pile up too much. It seems I do best when I enter each new year slowly and gently.
I hope your year is going well.