Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Peek Into My Week

An out of town friend from Calgary, Alberta was here and she took me out to Aphrodite's Organic Pie shop for a treat.  She had just finished lunch and I hadn't had any lunch so I was game.

Outside waiting for our pies because inside was jam packed.

There was a very boisterous crowd inside making it difficult to hear one another at times.

I grabbed a seat indoors as soon as I could as it was threatening to rain.

My friend, Raenelle wanted to take me to the sister restaurant of the same name, across the street. But there was a notice on the door stating that the restaurant was keeping limited hours due to lack of staff.  The notice referenced the high cost of living in Vancouver making it difficult to retain staff. I peeked in through windows and it looks like a lovely restaurant and an equally lovely patio outside.

I had strawberry-rhubarb pie a la mode. My friend had cherry pie with whipped cream.  The pie was okay but the crust was very oily. I prefer a deep dish pie and these  pies were rather flat, greasy and overcooked. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because my friend was very generous and kind.  But when a piece of pie is almost $10  plus extra for ice cream and coffee, it better be good. To be fair this pie shop gets rave reviews and I've seen  many photos of deep dish and delicious looking pies that look nothing like what I had on Sunday. So I should return another day or better yet, learn to make my own organic pie, lol.

After pie,  I suggested a movie with a bite to eat first since I hadn't really eaten a proper meal all day.  We had very limited time to nosh so I suggested we go to some place close to the movie.  We went to the Cheshire Cheese Inn on Dunbar and had a quick bite of fish and chips.  The restaurant was advertising for more wait staff with a posted notice on the window but we were served cheerfully and efficiently.  I wish I could give the food a thumbs up too but the fish batter was hard and over done.  Wow, I was mostly out of luck on Sunday with food quality. This is highly unusual. Normally I am totally satisfied with my food as served.

With a few minutes to spare we dashed down the street to the movie "The Incredibles 2".  I had a groupon (coupon) for the Dunbar Theatre and it was getting close to expiring. My friend was game to see the children's family movie and we both thought it was a fairly good movie.  The theatre was almost sold out and most of the crowd was made up of grownups and very few children were in attendance. 

After the movie it started to rain and my friend ended up driving into a new to her area though she grew up in the city.  She landed in front of the St. George's School, a private school in the city.  She fell in love with the building.  Seeing an open gate I suggested we park and walk into the grounds to get a better look because she was so enamoured of the place.  The building and the grounds are very beautiful but it was dark (and we were trespassing) so we could only see so much.

I looked up the school on line and learned that the school houses both day students and boarding students. The boarding tuition for Canadian students is approximately $50,000. Canadian dollars for 2018/2019. If you are an international student the tuition is closer to $70,000. Canadian day students pay approximately $25,000 while their international counterparts pay just under $40,000. That is a lot of money but I'm sure very affordable for the elites of the world.  While I don't know what the tuition fees are like elsewhere, my sense is the rates are very competitive.

On Monday another friend named Pat, and I took in a concert which was part of the Vancouver Jazz Festival on now and until July 1st.  The songstress was Leora Cashe and the venue was the beautiful St. Andrews Wesley located at Burrard and Nelson Streets in downtown Vancouver.  I really enjoyed the performance.  I  just managed to snap a few photos and partially record a song before my camera battery died.

Even though the concert was free the crowd was small.
I've uploaded a short video of a negro spiritual called "Steal Away" sung by the gifted Leora Cashe. I hope you enjoy it. I'm new to posting videos so you may want to click and watch on YouTube if you need to adjust the volume.

My friend had also invited me to a belated birthday luncheon and the venue was the beautiful waterfront restaurant called the Dockside located in the Granville Island Hotel (on Granville Island).  I couldn't get photos but managed to get a nice one from the internet.  The restaurant has a very large and beautiful patio deck but we opted to sit indoors by the window to avoid the direct sunlight.

I'm ending my long post with a beautiful sunrise which I snapped from my patio deck on Wednesday morning just after 5 a.m.
and a photo of my garden.


On Friday I have an appointment downtown. 
In the evening I've invited a friend to join me in listening to the marvellous Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda. If it's permitted I'll take photos to share with you in a future post.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Joining in with 



  1. Its great to hear that you have been socialising with friends. Its a very healthy past time. Hope the food is better next time.

  2. Beautiful sunrise, beautiful petunias - too bad your pie wasn't up to the reviews - hoping the place just had a bad day. Lovely city views. Alana

    1. @Lady Fi @diane b @italiafinlandia @bookworm ~ thank you all for your visits, your comments and your kind words. It is always fun to spend time with good people enjoying nice past times and taking pretty photos to share with you. Have an awesome weekend.

  3. Oh my goodness! Such a lot of fun, food, entertainment, and interesting places to see and things to do! Loved hearing about all of the above, and your pictures are wonderful. So many interesting places to visit there! Too bad the food wasn't as enjoyable! Your sunrise was magnificent, and I love your patio flower garden. So colorful and bright. I do hope you get to take pictures at the concert of the children's choir. That should be very good. Thank you for sharing this part of your world with us. I've enjoyed it immensely! Have a blessed day.

    1. Hi Pamela, yes things have certainly been interesting and fun around these parts. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post and the photos. I hope you visit again soon and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I can see why someone would fall in love with the school building. Have a blessed week-end.

    1. It is a gorgeous building. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Loved this post....but that last foto have to be my favorite! I adore sunrise and sunset fotos! Only God can provide such beauty! Thank you soooo much for being faithful to link up with Friday Foto Friends! And, can you believe I'm commenting so early on a Friday morning?!!? ;)

    1. Hi Debbie, so glad you made it early to my post, lol. I'm even happier that you enjoyed my sunrise photo. God bless and have a lovely weekend.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful day, even with the pricey pie and yucky fish and chips. He concert looks good and your sunset is just absolute gorgeous proving the best things in life are free.

    1. Hi Nonnie, this was actually on two different days (Sunday and Monday) and I had a wonderful time even with the food not being up to par. We are really spoiled in my city. For the most part the food tends to be good or very good. I do enjoy sunsets and sunrises too and pretty flowers. Glad you enjoyed them too.

  7. That's nice to go out with friends and have fun ! You made very nice pictures !

    1. Yes, it is always lovely to spend time with good friend. Thank you for the nice words on my photos Gattina. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. You've done alright this last while in the eating and getting out department.

  9. You've been busy and having a lot of fun! The cafe looks charming and that restaurant quite elegant and beautiful. But what really captured me was the beautiful St. George's and ground. Lovely.

    1. Hi Jeanie, yes things have been so very busy around here and I am having a lot of fun. There are just so many things to do and never enough time. I always say "maybe next year", lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the photo. The school is really lovely to look at.

  10. I enjoyed your pictures and I especially loved the sunset and the flowers in the last photo.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. I enjoyed sharing them with you.

  11. Oh my!...that does look like fun...I've not seen the Incredibles...but Scout said it was good...he saw the original one when he was quite young...

    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I'm sure Scout would enjoy the sequel. Perhaps he and the girl can go? ;-)

  12. Hello, sounds like you have been having some fun times and outings. The pie shop sounds yummy. I love your beautiful sunrise. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Yes, I've been having so much fun! Have a wonderful weekend Eileen.

  13. Lovely sunset and flowers but I'm still daydreaming about pie

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you can find some nice pie in your neck of the woods :-)

  14. Yikes, that's really expensive tuition!! Beautiful golden light in your sky shot.

    1. Yes it is very expensive tuition. Many people only earn annually what the tuition costs for a resident day student. Thank you for stopping by to look at my sky shots.

  15. Looks like a great week for sure.
    Your garden is looking wonderful.

    1. Hi Annie, yes it's been a very busy Spring and Summer. I'm enjoying myself and catching naps whenever I can :-) Thank you for the visit.

  16. Thank you so much for posting these lovely photos. When we visited my family in the Lower Mainland this month, we didn't get into 'The Big City' but now I feel I've just had a guided tour. I miss 'The Wet Coast', living out here on 'The Lone Prairieeee' but dampness causes me considerable pain. Most of my working years were in Vancouver, but it's been a long time now since I left. Very interesting to see places that didn't exist in the 60s and 70s. So thank you again for the tour.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. You're welcome Kay. Things are changing every day in Vancouver. If you drive along any block you will see demolition and building going on. I'm constantly amazed at what is going on. I hope you enjoyed your visit to the Lower Mainland even though you didn't get into the city.

  17. You have some very nice friends. : )
    The sunrise is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Happy One. I do have some nice friends and I try to be a nice friend too ;-)

  18. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friend! I enjoyed all the beautiful pictures. I love kids movies too. :)


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