Friday, June 15, 2018

Mid - June 2018

Some gorgeous skies tonight. 

I wasn't going to post because I was late in getting photos together. 
It has been cloudy and raining a bit over the past several days. Today the sky was a bit unsettled but tonight the light is still bright enough.  I hurriedly snapped a few pics and  resized for sharing.

Next week we will have the official start of our summer season.
Despite our Spring season starting off rather hot, it has cooled down considerably.
That is probably good to help ensure we don't have so many wild fires this summer (time will tell).
I hope your season is treating you to glorious skies wherever you are.

A few blossoms from my container garden.

The last photo is of a friendly dog I met in the  neighbourhood. 
While I sat on a bench and rested he was wandering around. 
He came up to me several times so I could pet him and would have stayed longer
with me but his owner beckoned him home.
I noticed the dog's rich and luscious fur while petting him.
His owner must take very good care of him.
Sorry the photo is blurred.
I took it quickly and surreptitiously with my phone camera. 
I guess I was trying to take it a little too quickly.

This is a late entry for

Thank you for stopping by. Have a great weekend everyone.
Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there.


  1. What lovely shots. It's hot here in Sweden with lots of wildfires!

  2. We have beautiful blue skies in our winter. The doggy is cute. The pansies are beautiful.

  3. Your garden is really looking good, love the levender. Our skies are still very grey and lots of rain. Fed up with this year's weather! Take care Diane

  4. Wow what wonderful mountain views you have absolutely stunning. Your garden is looking fantastic a lovely place to relax. P.S sending you mail very soon xxx

  5. Hello, beautiful sky captures. I hope there are not any wildfires this summer. The dog is adorable, cute photo. I love your beautiful flowers. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for visit and commenting on my post.

  6. Spaniels are friendly fellows, in my experience. Love your flowers, too.

  7. The building with trees growing on top is pretty cool.

  8. The steeple looks so majestic in the first shot. Lovely! I’m enjoying the cooler weather and occasional raindrops, especially in view of fire prevention.

  9. In or out of focus, that dog looks adorable. I wish our little white dog could stay that clean!
    I always admire people who can grow brightly-coloured container gardens. I do not have a green thumb myself, however, so must be content with enjoying the photos of others...thank you for sharing these. (And my favourite? The second one...with the sky above and the bare branches below.)\Kay
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. Beautiful sky and blossoms! Cute and friendly dog!! I also had a similar Friday and just had to take cloud pictures! Our posts are in sync today!♡

  11. Hi Penny-
    Great snaps of flowers, the doggy and other scenes!
    Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  12. I love the sky photos too and the dog is precious! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Beautiful sky and flower shots from your container garden. Have a great weekend!!

  14. Well, pretty skies, beautiful flowers, and a friendly dog. You wrote the perfect blog post!! I hope you are having a good weekend.

  15. It's hard to believe Summer is nearly here. You got some beautiful shots!

  16. The dog reminds me of my lovely dog Coco

  17. I was just admiring the sky yesterday and taking lots of photos! Love your images of the skies and the flowers. Of course, the little dog is adorable, too.

  18. Wonderful photos and especially the dog! I am always drawn to animals. Your plants are looking great now.
    It must be a great view from the building with the trees on top, but not so great for those living behind it.

  19. Lovely photos here at the "end" of spring! Beautiful skies and flowers. Loved the sweet dog too...reminds me of an English Springer Spaniel we had when our daughter was small, a dog we called Taffy but her registered name was Maid Marian IV (looks like Maid Marian was a popular name! :-) )

  20. Oh what a beautiful dog, Penny. and the plant with the silver/grey foliage and purple bloom is exquisite! Thanks for sharing your beautiful skies too, I've seen your message on FB but have had internet issues again. I'll try to reply soonest:) Blessings Jo

  21. Love your purple pansies.
    It is chilly here at night, but warms up to 70 or so in the afternoon. We've had a good mix of sun and rain and everything is very green.

  22. Love your sky photos. Earlier tonight I was commenting on blogs and happened to glance out the window and see glorious colors in the sky - so much that I cried out OH and ran outside to take pictures - coming to a post soon! Enjoy your week ahead!

  23. Lots of color in your container garden. It's so hot here, some are going great guns but the pansies are having trouble taking it all. Ah, Summer.

    Happy week!

  24. I love the mountains in your first photo. So unlike our green carpeted hills where I live in upstate New York. Alana


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