Showing posts with label meditating on God's Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditating on God's Word. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daily Dos and Daily Promises

Hello friends,

I'm still recovering from my cold. I don't have it really bad right now. Just enough to make me feel more tired than usual and the odd bout of sneezing.

Since I don't have a lot of energy I'm just doing bare minimum each day, a little laundry (it never seems to end), a little cleaning, a little blogging, and a little reading. Tomorrow I'll get out for the first time in what seems like ages. It will be nice to get together with a few ladies and be back in the land of the living, he he.

I'm still reading "The Postmistress" by Sarah Blake and have started on a new book called, "Medicine River" by Thomas King.  The book chronicles the lives of a group of contemporary First Nations people living in Western Canada.  Thomas King is part Cherokee, Greek and German-American. He used to lives and works in Alberta, Canada as a professor.  I understand he now lives and works in Ontario, Canada.  His book was actually published in 1989 and has been on my reading list for some time. Recently, I came across a used copy and I'm enjoying it's easy, conversational style.

I also started cutting out pieces for another quilt'; this time in shades of green and blue. I think it will look quite nice.  It will likely be another lap blanket because I have a lot of fabric but there isn't enough in any particular complementary colours to make larger quilts.  You might have seen my other lap blanket here.  I am still deciding what to do with it but eventually I hope to sell several quilts.  I will use any proceeds to help children like Little Linet or Kigen at the Missions of Hope. Once I've finished with my lap quilts, I hope to make some larger ones too.

These are some of the fabrics, I've started cutting.

For dinner tonight we had coconut shrimp (from a bag) and stir fried noodles (home made with packaged noodles).  It's the first time I've had the coconut shrimp from the frozen foods section.  I don't usually buy things like that but they were on sale so I thought I would try them.

They were quite good and even came with sweet chili dipping sauce..  I googled a recipe and came up with this one that looks very similar to what we had.

The recipe looks easy enough and so I'll probably try to make it from scratch some time.  I think the Japanese panko (crumbs) make the difference.

I haven't been overly busy this week but have been keeping a relaxed pace.  Somehow posting about what I'm doing or what I have done, makes me feel less like I am wasting my days. Every day is a gift and I don't want to waste any of them.That is what I say to myself on most days.

I also try to remember to be grateful each day and give thanks for whatever I do or whatever God has given to me.  Even when things aren't going so well, the Bible tells us to give thanks.  I have a promise box and each day I pick one or several cards out of it to see what "special" message God might be speaking to me that day.

This is a promise box like mom had when I was a child. I used to love to take the "daily bread".
This is a promise box I got about 15 years ago. 

 These are some of the scripture cards I drew out this week.  God is clearly telling me that His name is to be praised!

I've been bearing burdens with, and for others and this week and I've also been feeling a bit low in body and in spirit.  I needed to be gently reminded that God is to be praised regardless of the circumstances in my life or the circumstances in the lives of others.  So often I try to "fix" other people's problems.  That is part of my personality and from time to time (often), God needs to remind me that he is the one who can fix things and we need to turn to him in ALL things, good or bad.  I've also learned that sometimes a breakthrough in a prayer need comes when we offer up the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Last night my mother called me with a praise report.  I pray for her every day and often with her on the phone.  She was calling to tell me that a difficult health challenge she has been facing this week, turned around.  This answer to prayer came after a period of just focussing on giving praise and thanks to God for everything. I love it when I see and experience the Word of God in action like this.

In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him. 

Ecclesiastes 7:14
Click here for a study of Ecclesiastes 7

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Simple Woman's Daybook ~ January 19, 2010

Outside my window...I see a cloudy sky though the sun was just out for a few hours this morning.  I was glad for the sun as I walked home from my diabetes support group.

I am warm it has been this week. A few weeks ago it was so cold! Last night on the news they showed video of early blossoms. We often get early blossoms in early February.

I am thankful for quarterly diabetes group meeting. Today we received a nice surprise of a an exercise DVD for daily exercise routines. This is just what I need at this time as I am often out of town and I can take it with me to continue my exercise.

From the kitchen..there is nothing cooking. I just had some milk and a cheese sandwich on a nice baguette.

I am wearing... my workout clothes. I had a meeting at the medical clinic this morning and we even did a few exercises.

I am creating...nothing at this time. I've been too busy! There is lots in my "to do" basket(s).

I am the city to pick up a smallish table and 4 chairs to replace my largish antique table and 6 chairs.  My friends are helping me and there is a possibility this won't be done today at all but tomorrow instead. Am waiting for their call.

I am reading...a novel by Vikram Seth entitled A Suitable Boy.  I re-started it last week but only made real progress on it two days ago and then last night. I am not sure why but it doesn't seem to grab me as much as it did in my first attempt. Perhaps that will change as I get further along.   I did my devotional reading this morning. I am participating in my church's initiative called "Practising the Presence" in which we commit to reading our bibles for at least 15 minutes a day on 4 days a week.  I have switched my bible reading to first thing in the day rather than try to fit it in during the day.  That way the distractions of the day do not interfere with devotional and study time.

I am hoping...that my mom doesn't have to go through surgery. I just learned she has diverticulitis (amongst a plethora of other serious health concerns) and she is still quite weak though responding slowly, very slowly to antibiotics.  As soon as I get my table and chairs delivered I will try to go and spend some time with her.

I am hearing...the fan circulating across from where I am sitting at my desk. I have found with the warmer temperatures I like to feel a breeze.

Around the house...I see my Bible, my study aids and mail spread out on the table and my timer close by. My cleansing supplements and medication are at my desk. Everything is at the ready.

One of my favorite things...looking at things of beauty. Today I saw some beautiful things on line from some of the many talented bloggers who know how to create scenes of beauty and rest.

A few plans for the rest of the week...I am not fully sure though I will continue with my exercise regime and my devotional studies.  The rest of the week is a bit up in the air as to when I will travel.

You can follow others on this meme at this place here.
Thank you for dropping by. I hope to see you again soon!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dust on the Bible

I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.

Psalm 77:12 (NIV)

I'm tired tonight. Well, technically it is morning as it is almost 1:00 a.m.

I am happy to report that after all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. mom and I are finally making progress on other tasks.

As many of you know I've got to find a new place for mom to live and so we are preparing as best we can as well as looking for a new apartment or senior's residence. I had a call back from one apartment today but was unable to make the connection. Then I accidentally erased the stored numbers in the phone! So now I'll have to hunt down a local paper and see if the ad is still there. Mom isn't ready to move yet, we are just checking out real possibilities that will enable her to live a more independent lifestyle than currently so we are making a shortlist if you will of appropriate places.

Since I wrote my last blog entry I have been busy. The cable man was here today to provide a better cable link as mom has been missing half of the channels she buys. I guess the problem was an insufficient cable connection so that has now been remedied. I also ordered another 6 or so channels for mom so she will have something better to watch after I go home. Now she will get to watch family shows like Reba re-runs and country music shows as well as all the home and garden shows and have access to CNN news.

In the living room, I dusted furniture and generally straightened things out. I dusted and polished the living room shelves, the television, other electronic equipment and armoires. After dinner, mom and I made haste for the master bedroom where we sorted through a few baskets of clothing and dusted all the laundry baskets, tables and various sundry items. To help mom keep her focus on the work, I played a Kitty Wells gospel CD. I also played an old Carter family album later remastered for the CD. When mom was a young woman, Kitty Wells was her favourite singer and she has also loved the Carter Family so these tunes were just the right thing to put her in a happy mood and help spur her on to sorting. For years, Kitty Wells held the title, the Queen of Country Music and her sound is pure and clear. If you haven't listened to her I would recommend her album called "Dust on the Bible". Here are the words to the song of the same name and a picture of the young Miss Kitty.

"Dust on the Bible"
I went into a home one day just to see some friends of mine
Of all their books and magazines, not a Bible could I find.

I asked them for the Bible. When they brought it, what a shame!
For the dust was covered o'er it, not a fingerprint was plain.

Dust on the Bible, dust on the Holy Word
The words of all the prophets, and the sayings of our Lord.
Of all the other books you'll find, there's none salvation holds
Get the dust off the Bible and redeem your poor soul.
Oh, you can read your magazines of love and tragic things
But not one word of Bible verse, not a scripture do you know.
When it is the very truth, and it's contents good for you.
But it's dust is covered o'er it
And it's sure to doom your poor soul.

Dust on the Bible, dust on the Holy Word;
The word of all the prophets, and the sayings of our Lord.
Of all the other books you'll find, there's none salvation holds
Get the dust off the Bible and redeem your poor soul.

Oh, if you have a friend you'd like to help along life's way
Just tell him that the Good Book shows a mortal how to pray
The best advice to give him that will make his burdens light
Is to dust the family bible trades the wrong way for the right

Dust on the Bible, dust on the Holy Word
The word of all the prophets, and the sayings of our Lord.
Of all the other books you'll find, there's none salvation holds.
Get the dust off the Bible and redeem your poor soul.

We also managed to sort through a few tubs of clothing and decide what to giveaway and what to keep. I then sorted through the bed linens and transferred what she will keep from a laundry basket to a nice wicker basket which I had originally purchased for clean bath towels but has now served several useful purposes. Mom can't sit and work for long but we managed to put together a total of 4 giveaway bags so I feel like we are making some progress at last. Tomorrow, I hope we can sort some of her personal papers..about 2 big garbage bags full and one large leather electrolux vacuum cleaner storage box. I also have to do all my laundry as I am running out of clean clothes. I have cooked some beef brisket tonight so we have something ready to eat tomorrow and I won't have to spend as much time in food preparation.

The rest of the week we will be busy as my niece will visit Thursday and the nurse attends at the apartment on Friday to provide some much needed medical attention to mom. That means any further sorting will need to be accomplished Thursday and Friday evenings as well as the weekend.

Kamloops is a very dry and hot city. Consequently, it is very dusty and is surrounded by hills of dust with little vegetation on them.

The song "Dust on the Bible" seemed very appropriate to listen to for all the dusting I was doing. It was a great reminder not to take God's Word lightly.

This book of the law shall not depart out of they mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then shalt thou have good success.

Joshua 1:8

Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...