Showing posts with label yearly themes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yearly themes. Show all posts

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Year in Pictures

Hello friends,

The year 2014 was the first year I did not post my annual goals on line. I wanted to try something different.

I did have goals for the year but only posted theme or guiding words for the year.  My words were "simplify" and "streamline".  I tried to apply these words to all aspects of my life. I think I was fairly successful in most but not all areas.

I focussed in on getting rid of stuff in my home (papers, clothes, excess craft & kitchen items), taking stock of the budget (which I do every year) and organizing myself a little better financially and clothing-wise, nurturing a few key relationships, working on my health and my spiritual life. I managed to find a new and wonderful church family. My health is one area where I had a lot more downs than I wanted but all in all there were a few baby steps forward. I'm grateful for that. This year I did a lot more reading than I intended to. Reading took up the space that crafting might ordinarily take but I managed to make one baby quilt and finish two other quilts this year as well as almost finish my crocheted afghan. Most of my travel plans for the year did not come to fruition. At the end of the day I just didn't feel up to travelling this year and though I did make a few travel plans I wasn't too disappointed when they didn't come to pass.

Kenyan Missions continues to be important to me though I focussed on a few key areas (helping Elvis finish university, medical needs for one family, funeral costs to help a family hard hit by the terrorism at Mpeketoni, Kenya and Christmas outreach). I hope to continue with the missions in 2015.

All in all, I am grateful for the year 2014 and what it did allow me to do. I want to thank each of you who took time out of your lives and schedules to visit my blog and write to me. It is much appreciated!

I'm looking forward to 2015 and want to wish each of my readers a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

Now here are some pictures of the year gone by.

Theme words for 2014







Beautiful Ghanian basket filled with yarn and ready for crafting

Frugal hair (home henna treatments)




Work-in-progress, the African Hexagon Blanket


Missions to the Pokot, Kenya
Wonderful addition to the family
Tragedy in Mpeketoni, Kenya



Elvis in Kenya finishes his medical studies (graduation in December).


Woven tea towels, gift from a blogging friend
Missions to the Pokot Tribe, Kenya




Christmas Missions in Kenya

{Above photo is from Christmas 2013. 
Still hoping to have Kenyan photos for 2014 and will post them when received}




Read 56 books in 2014.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
All the best in 2015.

Joining in with Our World Tuesday for the last time in 2014!

Teenage Years ~ Tuesday 4

It's time once again for Tuesday 4 brought to you each week in memory of Toni Taddeo and hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea . 1. Did...