Showing posts with label Vancouver walks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vancouver walks. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2025

One Friday in March

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I went to town on Friday. I had some business to take care of right in the heart of the city. Afterward, I walked through town all the way to Chinatown and took some photos along the way.

Each year I plant pansies.  I think they are a happy and hardy plant.  I haven't planted any yet but I saw these cute little pansies downtown.

I always like the 'lacy' effect of the bare branches against the sky.

The iconic Fairmont Hotel Vancouver 

The stained glass steeple caught my eye

A front view of the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

The Vancouver Art Galley through the trees

The Holy Rosary Cathedral downtown

View to the North Shore mountains. It snowed overnight.

The Salvation Army Shelter downtown.

I was on my way to see the film "A Complete Unknown", a movie about Bob Dylan. It did not disappoint.

One of my recent reads. This book is set over 3 days in a Dublin maternity/fever hospital ward during the 1918 Flu Pandemic.  It's a very graphic book and quite gripping. I recommend it.

As always, I enjoy a bit of quiet time knitting these simple dishcloths.  The top one was made with 'good' cotton yarn. The bottom one was made with inexpensive cotton/polyester yarn purchased at the dollar store.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far. Thanks for visiting.

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Beautiful Week

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

It's been a fantastic week weather wise here in Vancouver.  

The photos I'm sharing today were taken with my phone camera on Wednesday April 25, 2018.

A house on my walk. I was drawn by the big cherry tree on the side of the house.

 I was surprised to see a number of gardens that were quite far along given that we haven't had a warm spring.

I didn't take many photos of gardens that day.
I normally wait for summer walks for garden photos.

Magnolia tree blossoms are almost all gone but they are so pretty.

In my last post I shared pink cherry blossoms. Today I'm sharing white ones.
These trees are very tall.

Whether the cherry blossoms are pink or red, I love them all.

Vancouver has an estimated 40,000 cherry trees and at least 54 different varieties of them planted throughout the city.
The first cherry trees were a gift from a sister city, Yokohama, Japan.

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Thursday, November 9, 2017


I'm remembering better weather with clearer skies....
I captured these shots just over a week ago.

Trees are in the sky! 
Seriously these trees are planted high above the ground as they are part of an apartment building built over top a shopping mall.  This photo was taken near the entrance to the shopping mall but if you want to enter the apartment building the entrance is on the opposite end and at ground level.

Some trees have been looking a little bleak.
I'm remembering trees full of green leaves.  Within the last two weeks many trees have lost their leaves. It is at times like this each year that one appreciates the greenery that remains with all the coniferous trees we have. I am truly grateful.

I'm remembering a colourful container garden.  
A few posts ago, I mentioned that I wouldn't clean out the debris from my garden until the Spring. I meant to empty out the container garden and store the pots though I haven't yet. 
I'm amazed to see how the geraniums have managed to stay so green.

I'm remembering walks to the beach on sunlit days.
On my last walk down at the beach I found these cute critters.

I love seeing the ducks on the water as the sun set.

Most importantly, I'm remembering that on November 11, at 11:00 o'clock, cities and towns across Canada will celebrate our fallen war heroes.

I've always felt the poignancy of this day and the sacrifices made on my behalf.

The poem, In Flanders Field was written by Canadian physician, Lieutenant Colonel, John McCrae after officiating at a funeral of his fallen friend and soldier, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer. If you have a moment watch the video to hear the poem narrated with lovely photos.
If you don't have a moment, I've posted the poem below for you to read.


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Friday, October 13, 2017

My Favourite Place In the City

My favourite place in the city is the waterfront along Beach Avenue downtown.
I take the shuttle bus number 23 at my transfer point and get off at the Aquatic Centre.
There I progress northwest along the green way and along Sunset Beach.  I people gaze and take photos as I go along.  I am in no hurry.

I usually go as far as the Inukshuk (shown in the last photo below) and then return by bus on Davie at Denman or get back on the 23 proceeding east on Beach Avenue to downtown.

In bygone days this was a favourite shared walk with my late mom.She loved this walk and we would stop afterward along Denman Street near Davie to have cake and coffee or get some Greek calamari before returning home.
We always had a wonderful time and a few laughs too. 
These days I usually like to go alone on this walk.
That way I am free to focus on the beauty of what I am seeing and just truly relax and recharge or take photos.  Sometimes though I go down with a friend or a relative.
My last accompanied visit down to the beach was with a cousin when we went for a very long walk on Canada Day (a year ago last July 1st).
We ended with fireworks at Canada Place, an ice cream and long walk back to our bus afterwards.

I don't have a lot to say about these photos other than I never, ever get tired of the scenery.
These photos were taken after the sun was going down as I got there a little late.

I also love to see the dogs frolicking in the water. They have so much fun fetching sticks, over and over and over again.

Or playing ball with their masters.

I loved seeing the many sailboats sitting calmly on the ocean.
It also gave me pleasure to see the birds perched on the rocks  & silhouetted against the ocean.

There is the Inukshuk (the tall rock formation) standing in the distance.
There were many people on the seawall the last day of the Thanksgiving weekend.  Rain was predicted for the following day but it didn't arrive until Thursday.
People were out in full force to soak up the sun and the atmosphere before returning to work or school the next day.

In case you are coming to Vancouver for a visit, the map below shows the bus routes for downtown and the major train stations (red dots though some of the red dots are ferry boat pick up and drop off locations).

Thanks for stopping by.
I'm joining up with Skywatch Friday

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...