Sunday, July 12, 2009


This lovely path, led me in gentle curves

past a rippling brook and a quiet place to sit

before I was let out the beautiful gate.

On the other side I found the weekly Farmer's Market.

I didn't buy anything as I was on my way to other errands but I did listen to some nice music by this trio called Mazaltov Cocktail. (Mazaltov is Hebrew/Yiddish for "good luck". The phrase "Mazel Tov!" parallels the use of the phrase "Congratulations!" and coveys roughly that "I am pleased this good thing has happened to you!"). I pray some good things have happened to you this week so I can wish you Mazaltov!


  1. Glorious post! Thank you.

    I liked the look of that winding path, such lush greenery and flowering, great live music - and I may also need some of that honey nougat at that delicious looking farmers market! You truly live in a beautiful place, which I think gives you much about which to be Joyful!


  2. Shell, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog post. I'm so glad you enjoyed the winding path as much as I do. I came across this little treasure about 1 month ago and have been wanting to blog about it. I truly do live in a beautiful place! xoxox

  3. Shell, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog post. I'm so glad you enjoyed the winding path as much as I do. I came across this little treasure about 1 month ago and have been wanting to blog about it. I truly do live in a beautiful place! xoxox


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