Showing posts with label Washington State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington State. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dazzling Deception Pass

In this series of posts about my jaunt to Whidbey Island, I left off my tour at the junction of LaConnor Whitney Rd. & Highway 20 headed west.  (You can click  Part 1 and Part 2  to read more of this journey if you like).  This is more of a photo journey rather than an informational one.

This is the sign for the Swinomish Casino & Lodge on the Swinomish Reservation.  This hotel overlooks Padilla Bay and comes highly rated on Trip Advisor.

I've enlarged this photo so you can read the signage to the left. We are on the Swinomish Reservation on Puget Sound.  The Swinomish Reservation is home to the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, a federally recognized Indian Tribe.

There is a large tanker out there on Padilla Bay but I have no idea what it is carrying.

We are still travelling on Highway 20 and are no on Fidalgo Island. If you go north on the Island you will hit Anacortes in Skagit County, Washington, United States. The name "Anacortes" is a consolidation of the name Anna Curtis, who was the wife of early Fidalgo Island settler Amos Bowman (Wikepedia).  Anacortes is the home port for ferry travel to the San Juan Islands.

A goose flies overhead as if to announce that nature here is in abundance.

This is very lovely countryside (sorry for the dirty windshield).

There was a boater on Campbell Lake. I managed to get a photo as we were zipping by.

When we got to Desolation Pass we managed to find a place to park and took the following photos. I also resolved to stop for more photos on the way back home which I will share in another post. The return photos are even more spectacular.

The weather that day was absolutely fantastic; sunny but not too warm. The water was shimmering like gold.

As we cross over the bridge into Whidbey Island I can see an island in the distance. I'm not sure if that is Deception Island or if Deception Island is further west.  In any case, it makes a pretty site even through the bridge structure.

There were many tourists parked in the narrow passageways on the side of the narrow highways.  They were all enjoying the dazzling sights of Deception pass. I can't wait to return this way and take more photos from a the other side!

I'm linking up with Our World Tuesday this week. Click on the link and see what others are sharing this week.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dropping by La Conner, Washington

I left off on Chuckanut Drive on my scenic tour of western Washington State here (in case you missed it).  The weather that day was spectacular.  There were no clouds in sight.  The sun was shining but the intense heat of the summer was behind us.

We are travelling south on highway 11 (green line) and saw the spectacular ocean shots in my post here.

The drive was beautiful as we drove most of the way on Chuckanut Drive through this beautiful rain forest.
This is the largest tourist stop on the drive where you take photos of the beautiful vistas.
As we end our journey south on Chuckanut Drive we stopped in Burlington for a bite to eat before heading back on the freeway towards Whidbey Island.

Before too long we get to the La Conner turn off. La Conner is a place I've had in mind to go for some years ever since it was featured on a show called,  "Best Places to Kiss in the Northwest" .  The show was produced in Washington State and featured lots of picturesque towns to visit and quaint places to lodge.  It doesn't seem to be on television anymore.

This was one of the first shots I took as we entered the town.

You always know when you're in the USA as there is usually a flag outside someone's house or place of business.

This looks like a wonderful shop. You can see the care and attention that has gone into keeping these historic buildings.

This church caught my eye, so.....

... I tried to get a good photo.

Main Street of the town and more historic shops...

This place sells ice cream and candy. I can imagine they've been incredibly busy this hot summer.
It was nice to see some action on the waterfront. I don't know where the bridge leads.

This shot is taken in the direction of the town of La Connor.

This Inn comes up a lot in a google search when looking for accomodations in the area.  Given this is a tourist town, I think it is overpriced but it is rated quite well by people who have stayed there.

Leaving LaConnor and making our way back to the freeway for the turnoff to Whidbey Island.
We are at the freeway about to turn left and head west.
 I hope you enjoyed the quick tour of La Conner. It was a real whistle stop for us just so I could see the place.   If you'd like to plan a trip there, you can find out much more information by clicking here.

I'm linking up today with Skywatch Friday. Please drop by there by clicking here and seeing the wonderful skies from different places around the world.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Trip to the South On Chuckanut Drive

I mentioned a few days ago that I had taken my first trip south of the border in many years.  I've been wanting get away from the usual spots and see some "new-to-me" scenery. but I did not want to go too far.

I thought if I went south I would have some good scenic views of the ocean to share with you.  I chose, Whidbey Island off Washington State's west coast.  I'd never been to Whidbey Island before but read on line that it wouldn't take more than 1.5- 2 hours to get there not counting potential delays at the border. I packed an overnight bag just in case I decided to spend the night.

Here is a map to show you that we are heading south on Highway 99 through Richmond, Surrey and White Rock in British Columbia,  just before reaching the Peace Arch Border Crossing (north side of Blaine, Washington).  From Blaine we will be on Highway 5, known in the USA as I-5 (Interstate 5) which takes you all the way to California. The highway is 1381 miles (2222 kilometres long).

As we get near the border, this is what we see.  The Nexus lane is for people who travel frequently to the USA You must apply to become a Nexus card holder and get quicker processing times at the border crossings.

The line up at the border looks deceptively short. Once you pass by the buildings in the far left, you will come across the scene in the next photo.
This is the Peace Arch Border Crossing into Washington State. There is a lovely park area here. I wonder how many people actually use it. 

Online, I read that the Chuckanut Drive route (Highway 11 on the map below) was a scenic route so that is the route we decided to take.  All the photos below are taken along Chuckanut Drive.  There were few places to stop to take photos but I managed to get some good drive bys.  We did stop but once or twice also.  There are many places where one could turn westward and go on hiking trails but that was not on the agenda for the day.

Click the photos to enlarge.



Come back soon for more photos from Washington State.

I'm linking up with Our World Tuesday this week.

Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...