Showing posts with label zinnia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zinnia. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shades of Red & Pink

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

James 1:17

I took these pictures in my garden last night. My first night in my own home since two days after Mother's Day. It is a great gift to be home and it will be even better when I can get everything out of boxes and onto shelves and into drawers.

It is going to take me awhile so thank God the weather has cooled down a bit as we don't have air conditioning. That is one thing I will miss from my hotel. Air conditioning and the beautiful ocean view. At home, I do have a beautiful mountain view. God is good and gives us good gifts. He never changes. Gotta love Him!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Garden Grows

Little garden in the city
How you've grown to be so pretty.
I really wish I was closer
To pluck and weed and water you.

Cherry tomatoes growing in background, small sweet peppers in foreground.

A closer look at the sweet peppers.

The corn is coming along nicely.

Not sure what this red flower is even tho I picked it.

A zinnia. Pretty in pink.

Hopefully next year I can have my dream garden. I won't have a temporary move to contend with and should be able to be on site to tend it with tender, loving care. *sigh*

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...