Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas in Kericho

My friend Pastor Jonah of the Missions of Hope has been very busy leading up to Christmas.

This past week there was ministry to the children, hospital patients and prisoners, giving out food and drinks to those that cannot afford such things. It really warms my heart.

Here are a few photos

At the Rehabilitation Centre School.

At the hospital.
At the prison.
This weekend his church is having it's annual gathering to celebrate the birth of Christ with Christmas pageantry and music. Then early in the week he will be in leadership meetings before getting to celebrate Christmas with the villagers and his family. I am hoping they get to have a community gathering to share some food and give clothing to some of the neediest children and orphans. I wish I was there to celebrate this part with them as the needs of orphans and widows is very close to my heart.

Wishing you the joys of the season and much love and peace.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas for IDPs in Kenya

Hi friends, my friend Pastor Jonah and other leaders are visiting the Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) this week in Kenya. They are trying to show love and provide some food to the people before Christmas. They have been doing what they can for the IDPs throughout the year whenever they can. At this time of seasonal cheer and loving others, let us try to keep our hearts open to those in need around the globe. Please read on. I'm sure your heart will be as touched as mine is. Blessings.


We are going to visit the internally displaced people this week. God willing, we are gathering food from the villages and towns to feed these people who are living in makeshift camps.

These folks are living in deplorable conditions and need our help. We do hope to distribute what we got, and hope the government will come and help them somehow.

These are trying moments for our country, and we do hope to make some changes in their lives.

Please pray for these people. If you can, give to help these people. Otherwise many blessings over the blessed Christmas season. Pastor Jonah

If you can help at all, please go here

My View on a Saturday Walk

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you had a great Saturday.  I had a busy one.  I spent several hours shopping on Friday night. I w...