Friday, September 30, 2011

The Bombshell that Could Detonate Your Internet

Robert McGarvey

The Bombshell That Could Detonate Your Internet

Written by Robert McGarvey

 The question does not get more savagely blunt: Do you want government running your Internet -- deciding what is permissible content, or what could land you in jail?

That debate is not academic. It is happening in real time, as you read this, in Nairobi, Kenya, at this year’s Internet Governance Forum.

Haven’t heard of the IGF? Join the club. Created out of an initiative by then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2006, the IGF is an attempt to impose some UN-style supervision on the Internet Wild West. A lot of what it covers is the expected: how to stop spam, how to protect children, how to bring the Internet to rural communities... Hard to get much friction on those topics.

But if you want real friction, the IGF indeed is the place to be, because while some are discussing the harmless (how to insure linguistic diversity online), others are zeroing in on the very issues that will shape our Internet experience.

Read the entire article here.

Macro Flowers, September 30, 2011

When out on a walk to the neighbourhood movie theatre I spotted this flower in someone's yard.  The gentle breeze was rocking the tall stalk of flowers back and forth and giving me a bit of trouble in capturing the flower.  Valiently I tried to capture a macro in fading light with a dying battery. I was trying to "see" inside one of the blossoms and capture the bumble bee without getting stung.

I finally did manage a glimpse of the prize; the bumblebee!

Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1

First Monday in May

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing today?  I'm still very busy with errands and such.  Some of you know that I've...