Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weather & Finances

On Tuesday night I saw some fluffy little clouds in the middle of the sky. There was an airplane making its way to the Vancouver International Airport for landing. It looks like an insect on my camera lens as it makes it's way westward.

It's been a record breaking month of sunshine and heat in this month of July. We haven't had rain for the entire month. I think that is supposed to change over the weekend though the rain is not expected to be heavy.  The persistent heat can feel oppressive to those of us who aren't used to it. It is also hard on the lawns and gardens since our plant life in these parts is used to much more rainfall to keep everything nice and green.

On my walk to the park this evening, I noticed the lawns in some places are looking a bit yellow and dry around the edges.  I took a photo of the sky from the park on my camera photo but can't figure out how to get it from there to my computer. It used to be easy to do but since I went on holiday, unlocked my phone and put back the original SIM card it no longer works properly. I think I need to reset it to the factory settings but am afraid to lose my photos. I'll have to ask someone for help first.

I notice the flowers along the streets are very full and healthy looking whereas the flowers I planted in my garden are extremely slow to grow.  The flowers only seem to do okay in containers. The vegetables are looking a bit better but the kale looks a bit skinny. I've probably left it in the garden too long now as it is going yellow around the edges.

I had a rude awakening on Monday morning.  I mentioned in an earlier post how I dislike the crows who come to my patio garden because they make so much noise, leave food and feathers in the birdbath, chase away the little birds that I like to watch and are just generally destructive.  For two weeks, I chase them away every time I see them land on my bird bath. I guess they didn't like that. Yesterday morning they made quite a ruckus and totally dismantled the bowl of my bird bath until it came loose and topped over.  What pests they are but I have to admire their intelligence.

After running errands at the local pharmacy on Tuesday night, I finally started clearing my desk of the many receipts that have been piling up for the last month. I have to sort them by month and date and put them in baggies until I transfer all the information to an excel spreadsheet. I'm not so disciplined when it comes to inputting all the information as it isn't my favourite thing to do.  I put this kind of work off until I really feel like doing it.  I have been  trying to keep a record of all regular expenditures for the last 4 months or so to get a better handle on where my money goes and also see how much I've saved.  This is part of my "package" of financial goals for 2013.  Although I don't track every expense, I do track most expenses. I don't keep track of meals out or stops at the coffee shop because these are not part of my usual expenditures unless I am on holiday.

I hope your week is going well and that you are making progress on your goals whatever they may be.If you haven't yet read my last post, please read here. I would appreciate whatever you can do to share it on your social networks; especially on Facebook as we need 10 connects to get this profile in the searchable directory. Thanks so much!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Elvis in Kenya - Update

Hello everyone,

I have often written about the needs of the poor and the sick  in Kenya and invited people to contribute funds to the various causes I write about and support. Today I ask a different favour.

I've been sponsoring a young man in Kenya to get his medical diploma from Kisii University.  I've tried for several years to find him a sponsor but no one else would step in and help him.  I'm happy to report that he is almost finished his education but unfortunately I just cannot help him anymore. My heart breaks over this as he is very near to completion. He needs a bit more help to finish his final year and will soon need to go on what they call an attachment where he goes out in the field for a practical placement. He will need funds for his tuition, his living expenses, travel and graduation costs.

In order to try and help him with this latest challenge, I have created a fundraising page on the gofundme site where I have explained Elvis' story.  I've also created a button on my side bar to create awareness of his need.

I am asking if you will help me share Elvis' story on your blog or on your Facebook page, through Twitter or any of your other social media platforms. You can share the story by clicking on the 'gofundme' button on the upper right of my blog where you will find a way to do that. At the very bottom of the page, you will  see several button that will help you share on Facebook and others social sites.  You will also see a small button called "embed". If you click on that you will find the code to post a gofundme widget about Elvis on your site or blog.

I am not asking you for donations (though I won't discourage you if you feel you want to help). I am asking you to help us spread the word of the need, or IF YOU KNOW how to raise the needed funds, please let me hear from you!

Thank you so much for your time.

Elvis in his lab coat.
UPDATE: - July 29, 2013 - So far we have one anonymous donation of $50 for Elvis' school fees. This is a start and we are thankful. I want to thank those that have shared the need on Facebook and on Twitter. Please continue to do so. If we can pay at least some of Elvis' fees for now, that means he can continue with his last and final year. Also if we get 10 (TEN) connects on Facebook, gofundme will add this need to their searchable directory.

Early Skywatch

This is an early post for Skywatch Friday . It seems I'm sometimes late but never early until today, lol. We've had a spectacular fe...