Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Path

I hope you have all enjoyed the first day of this new year.
The last time I posted I said I would be taking an extended break to pursue some personal goals and I will.


But before I do that I realized I would like to make at least one blog post in this new and precious year.
These images are already from 2 winters ago when we had a lot of snow.

I'll be taking a new path or two or three and sharing here.

Until we meet again may you be joyful and have good health and love in abundance.


Friday, December 28, 2018

A New Year Awaits

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day.
Since Christmas Day is the beginning of the 12 Days of  Christmas I know some of you will celebrate
until January 5, 2019.
Some people have already reported back to work as they don't get a lot of time off.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope you are able to slow down the pace a bit and enjoy this season.

I also wanted to wish each and every one of you a fantastic year ahead in 2019!

I  will be taking an extended break from the blog as
I pursue some personal plans and goals.
I hope to write about it in the months to come.

Wishing you all the best
until I see you again in Blogland!


First Monday in May

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing today?  I'm still very busy with errands and such.  Some of you know that I've...