Showing posts with label Bomet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bomet. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2018

Miracles Still Happen

And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God.

1 Kings 18:39

Grandma Sally was released to home today (Monday) and will have a nurse at home. This is a miracle as she was on life support just a short time ago and has been in intensive care for several months.  Grandma Sally is very old but obviously very strong and highly favored.  I can't believe she is actually sitting upright.

She does look weak so kindly continue praying for her health and her comfort.

I said a few posts ago that I didn't want to limit God and what he will do in Grandma Sally's circumstances given her very advanced age.  Sometimes the circumstances can look rather bleak but only God knows what he will do and why he is doing it. I hope to talk to Grandma's grandson later tonight to learn the details of her home care.

Update:  Grandma Sally is quite weak. You can see it on her face.  She needs assistance in walking and utters one or two word sentences very slowly.  She has house help to bathe and feed her. A nurse will attend to her twice a week and monitor her breathing and blood pressure which are her two main health challenges.

She is very happy to be home and be able to sleep in her own bed which is far more comfortable than the thin mattresses they have at hospital. She also doesn't want or like so many visitors because the noise (talking) disturbs her. I can imagine it is very wearing because I know when I am very sick I too cannot handle much noise and I don't want to talk to people.  It would certainly be more difficult for Grandma Sally in her current condition.

I'm very happy she is now in her own home with the familiarity of her surroundings and the help of family members and a nurse. That will give her a lot of comfort especially after being away from her own home for so long.

Here are a few photos of the countryside around where Grandma Sally lives near Bomet, Kenya. The green fields are full of tea.

Joining in with 


Have a wonderful week ahead. 

#miracles #GrandmaSally #Godisgood #prayer #KenyaMissionsofHope #Kenyamedicalmercymissions

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Miss Sally ~ Home At Last!

I'm happy to say that Miss Sally (Part 1 here and Part 2 here) has made it home after almost a full month in hospital.  It was touch and go on several occasions but by God's grace Miss Sally has recovered and gone home.

Her discharge date was delayed by two days. The hospital had ordered some medicines from Nairobi and wanted to both administer the medicines and run tests to ensure a good red blood cell count.

January 22, 2018 ~ Miss Sally is overjoyed to be home again.

It has been difficult for me to focus on much over these past few weeks since Christmas other than Miss Sally's condition, my own sickness and praying for a few other needs. On good days I have done a lot of reading, crocheting or cooking and baking. On other days I've just managed to do a bit of house work here and there.

Lovely fields of green
near where Miss Sally was in hospital (near Bomet, Kenya).

Miss Sally is not out of the woods yet.  She will need to have a better diet and possibly supplements. If things don't improve consistently she will require more medications. If you feel led to help her in any way, kindly let me know. Otherwise we would appreciate your prayers for Miss Sally.


While my sickness with cold and flu bug has dragged on I don't feel up to doing the usual things. I've spent a lot of time in prayer and reading the word but have also spent a lot of time watching television and programming on Netflix. I managed to watch two full seasons of The Crown and enjoyed it very much. Claire Foy does a fantastic job of humanizing the Queen while maintaining the dignity required of a Queen.  The cast of actors are all fabulous.

I'm on a free trial for Netflix and it expires this week. I would like to cancel my television channels and subscribe to Netflix or other streaming service but am waiting for high speed internet to be available in my building. I hope I won't have to wait too much longer as it has already been years, yes you read that right. I've been waiting years for the high speed internet. When I first moved into my building we had the fasted internet speed in the area and in much of the city. I felt quite smug, lol. That didn't last because now we have the slowest internet in the area. It still pretty good considering but I'll want the much faster speed if I am going to rely on the internet for watching television and movies. I would then upgrade to unlimited internet data for home use.

When I'm confined to the house during illness I tend to want junk food or comfort food, especially late at night. I haven't been buying "treats" because of the high cost and also for health reasons.  Instead I'm doing some baking here and there. though I haven't exactly made healthy options, I can do things like reduce the amount of sugar used and so on.  I can also freeze some and eat it later.  I did some baking today.  The results are in the photo below.

I must be on a health upswing as I made three different treats

First up was something called Butter Cake. It was the first time I'd heard of it.  I came across the recipe when searching for a simple, basic cake.  It was quite tasty but I doubt very much I will make it again. Too much butter for me.  I really don't know what I was thinking because I wanted a lemon cake to use up some of my lemons. I did use some freshly squeezed lemon juice in the batter but the butter overwhelmed the lemon flavour I was after. Oh well, next time I will make sure to make a plainer cake with lots of lemon.

I also made a dozen blueberry muffins and a few dozen jumbo raisin cookies. Most of these will be frozen and used as needed.  I far prefer home made muffins to store bought ones. I only like the store bought muffins at high end places. Otherwise they tend to have a lot of oil or a lot of air. I like my muffins with a bit more substance.  Same with cookies. I don't like sweet cookies and I do like to have them large so I can dunk them in tea or coffee. These are also good to take with me when I run errands and I need a snack.

The muffins and cake were baked in silicone muffin and loaf pans.  
Personally I don't like silicon pans as much as I like the tin or metal ones. 
I find they completely change the texture of the food.
If you are a baker have you noticed any difference?

Joining with Our World Tuesday 

Pictorial Tuesday

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Special Event on this Sacred Weekend

Hello friends,

It is a special weekend for Christendom when we mark the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, otherwise known as Easter by most people.

The month of April was actually set aside to worship the Anglo Saxon goddess, Eastre, the goddess of birth and fertility. Eastre was symbolized by the rabbit.  Eggs and rabbits symbolize birth and fertility in many cultures but I am not sure how the eggs and rabbits came together to be associated with Easter since rabbits do not lay eggs.

Emperor Constantine gave the edict of the Easter rule in 325 AD whereby Easter had to be celebrated on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th.

These days many Christians celebrate Resurrection Sunday rather than the early pagan worship of the goddess Eastre.

This is a special time for me when I remember the sacrifice that God and his son Jesus gave for all mankind that we might have the gift of eternal life.

This year, the holiday weekend has an added significance for me.

A young Kenyan man I call my little brother has become a married man. His name is Enoch and his betrothed's name is Angela.  They are both members of the Kalenjin tribe and come from Bomet, Kenya.

(The red symbol "B" shows the location of Bomet in relation to the city of Nairobi at "A". If you travel north and slightly west of Bomet you will get to Kericho. Travel even farther north and slightly west of the Kerio Valley National Park and you will see the location of Eldoret, site of the huge prayer meeting over the weekend).

The wedding was held in Bomet, Kenya.  My friend Jonah had a difficult time getting there on time as it seems he had to compete for public transportation with those heading to Prophet David Owuor's prayer meeting in Eldoret, Kenya.  Matatus (mini-vans which transport the public for a small fee) were in short supply on Good Friday, the day of travel.  Over 500 buses and many matatus were in demand to transport the countless people from all over Kenya and neighbouring countries who flocked to the town of Eldoret to participate in the prayer meeting.

You can see how muddy the village roads are. It has been raining a lot and it is difficult to drive through this mud in the village.
In the end, Jonah made it to the wedding and I was able to get photos of the special day. I'm sharing a few of them here so you can see what it is like to have a wedding in the village.  I am always amazed at how people in general, and women in particular, walk through the mud all dressed up and with heels on and yet they don't seem to get dirty!

Here is the happy couple. I wish them a long and blessed union.

I want to thank those of you who read and commented on my Elvis post. I am still praying for financial supporters who can help make his final term at university a reality.  Time is short. If you can help, please let me know. You can read more at the GoFundMe post at the right of this blog.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...