Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

An Unexpected Pause

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I'm just popping in to let you know that I will be taking a hiatus from blogging. Some of you might be wondering what happened to me as I haven't posted in over a week and left few comments in the blogosphere.

Unexpectedly and rather suddenly I got some kind of bug just over  a week ago. Recovery is very slow and I really am not up to being on line much. I will be back when I'm feeling much better.

In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying the changing season wherever you live. Here at home it is overcast today and quite dull.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Miss Sally ~ Home At Last!

I'm happy to say that Miss Sally (Part 1 here and Part 2 here) has made it home after almost a full month in hospital.  It was touch and go on several occasions but by God's grace Miss Sally has recovered and gone home.

Her discharge date was delayed by two days. The hospital had ordered some medicines from Nairobi and wanted to both administer the medicines and run tests to ensure a good red blood cell count.

January 22, 2018 ~ Miss Sally is overjoyed to be home again.

It has been difficult for me to focus on much over these past few weeks since Christmas other than Miss Sally's condition, my own sickness and praying for a few other needs. On good days I have done a lot of reading, crocheting or cooking and baking. On other days I've just managed to do a bit of house work here and there.

Lovely fields of green
near where Miss Sally was in hospital (near Bomet, Kenya).

Miss Sally is not out of the woods yet.  She will need to have a better diet and possibly supplements. If things don't improve consistently she will require more medications. If you feel led to help her in any way, kindly let me know. Otherwise we would appreciate your prayers for Miss Sally.


While my sickness with cold and flu bug has dragged on I don't feel up to doing the usual things. I've spent a lot of time in prayer and reading the word but have also spent a lot of time watching television and programming on Netflix. I managed to watch two full seasons of The Crown and enjoyed it very much. Claire Foy does a fantastic job of humanizing the Queen while maintaining the dignity required of a Queen.  The cast of actors are all fabulous.

I'm on a free trial for Netflix and it expires this week. I would like to cancel my television channels and subscribe to Netflix or other streaming service but am waiting for high speed internet to be available in my building. I hope I won't have to wait too much longer as it has already been years, yes you read that right. I've been waiting years for the high speed internet. When I first moved into my building we had the fasted internet speed in the area and in much of the city. I felt quite smug, lol. That didn't last because now we have the slowest internet in the area. It still pretty good considering but I'll want the much faster speed if I am going to rely on the internet for watching television and movies. I would then upgrade to unlimited internet data for home use.

When I'm confined to the house during illness I tend to want junk food or comfort food, especially late at night. I haven't been buying "treats" because of the high cost and also for health reasons.  Instead I'm doing some baking here and there. though I haven't exactly made healthy options, I can do things like reduce the amount of sugar used and so on.  I can also freeze some and eat it later.  I did some baking today.  The results are in the photo below.

I must be on a health upswing as I made three different treats

First up was something called Butter Cake. It was the first time I'd heard of it.  I came across the recipe when searching for a simple, basic cake.  It was quite tasty but I doubt very much I will make it again. Too much butter for me.  I really don't know what I was thinking because I wanted a lemon cake to use up some of my lemons. I did use some freshly squeezed lemon juice in the batter but the butter overwhelmed the lemon flavour I was after. Oh well, next time I will make sure to make a plainer cake with lots of lemon.

I also made a dozen blueberry muffins and a few dozen jumbo raisin cookies. Most of these will be frozen and used as needed.  I far prefer home made muffins to store bought ones. I only like the store bought muffins at high end places. Otherwise they tend to have a lot of oil or a lot of air. I like my muffins with a bit more substance.  Same with cookies. I don't like sweet cookies and I do like to have them large so I can dunk them in tea or coffee. These are also good to take with me when I run errands and I need a snack.

The muffins and cake were baked in silicone muffin and loaf pans.  
Personally I don't like silicon pans as much as I like the tin or metal ones. 
I find they completely change the texture of the food.
If you are a baker have you noticed any difference?

Joining with Our World Tuesday 

Pictorial Tuesday

Monday, April 4, 2016

My World April 5, 2016

The big crane is on the horizon. A huge high rise is going in on a busy street despite many protests.

The tall crane on the horizon lets me know that big changes are coming to my view. I've long known this was happening but never really thought of it's impacts on me since I don't live so close to where the high rise is being built.  In the past week though I've seen the crane there every day.  It is there to stay until it's done it's work and it is clear that the finished work, a high rise, will interfere with my view.  Residents in the immediate vicinity of the new building protested long and hard against the new building because it is the first requiring a change to the density of the area. Vancouver is out of land so all new buildings are going upwards rather than outwards. That is a sign of the current times.

I've been feeling poorly again. I've been sleeping much more than usual and I'm also taking naps. This is very unusual for me. After a few days I discovered it was a chest cold so I'll just have to let it run it's course.

Normally when I'm feeling under the weather I find productive ways to occupy my time.  But in this instance I've really been trying not to push myself." Rest" is my unofficial word of the year. It's unofficial because I didn't choose it until February.  I wasn't going to choose a guiding word for this year.  But this word came to me in mid February or so and somehow it seemed "right".

What about you dear reader? 

Did you choose a guiding word for the year?

After doing virtually nothing but sleep, rest and eat for a few days, I got quite bored.  I finally picked up my e-reader and continued reading a book called, The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan.  I didn't know what I was in for when I started to read the novel and I don't want to give anything away.  But I am about 20% into the book and enjoying it so far.

I didn't read any summaries or reviews of the book before started reading it.  Ms. Tan is one of my all time favourite writers and I generally assume I will like any book she writes.  I'm happy to say that I believe this one will be to my liking as well.  I'm not going to write a book review here as I'm still in early stages of the book.  If you are interested at all, I recommend reading a summary here or here (where you can also sample some pages and hear a sample of an audio recorded book).

In addition to making a bit of progress on the book, I also knitted a few dish cloths. I'm trying to use up the bits and bobs of my dwindling cotton yarn stash. I'm taking my time with these latest dishcloths.  When I'm tired I make mistakes and I don't want to have a mess on my hands, lol.

The Solomon's Seal (above and below photos) has doubled in size in 5 days or less.  It's amazing how fast plants grow with the sunshine.  I need to get out and clean the garden soon but that is another thing I don't feel up to and gardening isn't my favourite thing. I only like to look at and admire plants once they are planted and growing.

 The next few shots I was experimenting with the lens focus.

I had a special outing planned for the weekend but I didn't get to planned.
 Now the weather will be a bit inclement for awhile and then I'll be busy with a few other things.

Hopefully I can squeeze it my outing some time soon.  It will provide a lot of wonderful opportunities for photos which I can share with you.
 I hope you are enjoying life where ever you are in this big, wide world.

Thanks for visiting my world today.

I'll be joining Our World Tuesday and
stopping by to see what is happening in your world.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Good Report

Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, 
younger men as brothers.
1 Timothy 5:1

Many of my regular readers know that both my aunt and uncle are having cancer challenges. After learning about these challenges, I made my way north to visit them, though they live in different towns. I wrote about my uncle's situation here and about part of my journey to see him here.

My uncle's surgery took place today. Though the surgery was fraught with dangers due to his advanced age and ill health, he apparently came through it with flying colours. He is now recuperating in ICU for several days. The doctor even said he may be released early as he is doing much better than expected though I am hoping they will keep him long enough to rest and make sure he is strong.

We were also told that my uncle would have to wear a colostomy bag but praise to God, it appears the doctor was able to perform the surgery so as to avoid this result.  This means my uncle gets to remain in the place he calls home, rather than be moved permanently to the hospital where they have a floor for seniors who need medical care. Since the colon has to be sewn back together after removing the cancer, we continue to pray for a good healing of the wounds and no leakage or infection.

I can't tell you how overjoyed the family is!  I want to thank everyone who prayed for my uncle.  My aunt too is doing fine though the doctors are keeping a watch over her. In her case, both sides of her breast areas were causing alarm. But after a few tests the doctor doesn't feel it is a return of cancer and he is keeping an eye on things.  I've known this since I visited with her in May but I don't think I reported it here in case you were praying, and wondering.

I hope you all have a pleasant weekend. I know I will.

UPDATE JULY 16, 2012

After doing well initially, my uncle had a setback. It seems that putting the intestines back together did not work. Since his first surgery my uncle had to have emergency surgery on Thursday. Then on Sunday he was operated on again and given a colostomy bag but he did not regain consciousness. He passed into glory today at 5:35 p.m. PST. His mortal body will be laid to reset sometime this weekend. His immortal body has been welcomed into Heaven.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sit Down and Let me Tell You a Story

A big "welcome and thank you" to my newest followers, Rosie Gan, Lynette KillamEki Ahkwan, Susan and Brenda GreenYou may check out their lovely blogs on gardening,  travel, photography, personal reflections and testimonies, by clicking on their names.  I also want to thank everyone for their heartwarming responses to my last post A Little Boy goes Home.  If you missed it, please click on the title.
Happy reading.

Hello friends,

I'm inviting you to sit down with me. Put a cup of tea or coffee in hand and pull up a comfortable chair.  If you are experiencing a heat wave right now which some of you definitely are, then I offer you a cool and refreshing lemonade instead. Now are you comfortable? Good.

Today I wanted to share with you the story of an American named Ray. Ray served in the Vietnam war and now lives in Australia with his lovely wife Crystal Mary.  Crystal had to go in for knee replacement surgery this week so I pray she is recovering well.  She is a wonderful and loving support to her husband Ray and he needs her to get well soon.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you about Ray because he has suffered so much for the love of his country and the desire to protect freedom. Like many young men who went to war, whether it was Vietnam or somewhere else, Ray has seen the horrors of war. On his first day in combat, his good friend Jim was shot in the chest. There was the horror of having to carry his friend to the helicopter and having to see  and smell the blood. No time for mourning or remembering his friend though as this was war! On the second day, Ray was shot in the wrist and witnessed someone else in front of him get badly wounded. Ray developed a a serious staph infection as a result of the wrist wound. You can read more of his ordeal here.

 As a result of the horror of war, Ray now suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder you ask?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless.
Most people associate PTSD with battle–scarred soldiers–and military combat is the most common cause in men–but any overwhelming life experience can trigger PTSD, especially if the event feels unpredictable and uncontrollable.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe, those who witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. It can even occur in the friends or family members of those who went through the actual trauma.
PTSD develops differently from person to person. While the symptoms of PTSD most commonly develop in the hours or days following the traumatic event, it can sometimes take weeks, months, or even years before they appear. (Source:
Sadly, many of the men and women who went to war have an extremely difficult time getting recognized as having this disorder and getting the help they need. Ray has been diagnosed with severe depression and PSTD yet his government does not accept the evidence. Read more about that here.

In the words of his wife, Crystal Mary, "A country may be quick to send their men to fight, BUT, they are very slow in rewarding them."  This is very sad but true.

I'm writing this post to ask if you can read Ray's story and leave him some words of encouragement. Help him and his wife to know that they are not alone. Let Ray know that he is not forgotten. You can visit him and leave a comment by clicking here

Photo Credit: Ray and his beautiful wife, Crystal Mary.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...