Friday, June 8, 2012

It's a Beautiful Friday

I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers. ~ Claude Monet

No ray of sunlight is ever lost, but the green it wakes into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted to the sower to live to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith. ~ Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize recipient, 1952

This was my sky for a short time today. It was a break in the otherwise gray and wet weather we've had all week.

The rest of the photos are from  my garden which is now growing. The container plants look especially nice.  They were planted before my little garden was planted but I keep adding more plants to containers. The most recent acquisitions were the red blooming geraniums because the big pot of geraniums in the blue pot are not yet in bloom and I just love red geraniums.  I also added two blue poppies. This time I planted them in a pot and if they do well I will add them to the garden plot later.  This year I finally got a community allotment (community garden plot) but I gave it up because it was just a little out of my walking distance. I'm hoping to get one of two plots closer to my home but was told I have a long wait. In the meantime I'll see if I can get my little garden more productive.

Zucchini squash


You can see they are already coming out so I will need to put some supports around these soon to support the weight.

I have  more than enough parsley here in the container. I need to transplant the rosemary you see on the lower right.

The lettuce is ready to be harvested for salad.

Corn is growing well. I only have a few stalks. These are usually feed for the birds.

Pansies are still my favourite.

I have white and pink petunias. These ones have a sheen due to the rain.

The dogwood tree is also in bloom but there doesn't seem to be as many flowers as there usually are. My neighbour's tree has many more blooms.

I can see the buds are starting to come up on this big pot of geraniums. I can't remember what colour they are but they may be pink and red.

This is a recent acquisition. I love red geraniums.

Oops, I caught my foot in the photo, lol. You can see more buds ready to bloom in this pot.

I've had a very busy week and a fruitful one also. It is nice to sit back and enjoy the beauty around me at the close of the week.

I'm sending you all good wishes for a wonderful weekend. I'm also sending prayers for Edwin who continues to have need of sponsorship to receive outpatient medical treatment in Nairobi and for Kipngeno who desperately needs a sponsor to continue attending medical school. He is in the last semester for year 1 which finishes in August.

For more sky photos please join Sky Watch Friday here.
For more flower photos, please join in Floral Friday here.


Susan said...

Oh wow, your flowers and plants are fabulous. Great photos, too. Thanks for sharing! Susan

Martha said...

Such wonderful photos! I love pansies too!

Thanks for stopping by!

affectioknit said...

What a pretty garden! I miss my garden!

~Have a lovely weekend!

Pat said...

Beautiful, healthy flowers and vegetables, Penny. I particularly like pansies, too, but our extremely hot temps in the summertime do them in unless they're in part shade.

Brenda Green said...

Beautiful! my friend,
You are doing such a good job! Pretty soon you will be eating the fruit of your labor. The flowers are beautiful and I also like the white blooms on the dogwood tree. Are you able to take a picture of the garden as a whole? If possible that would be nice to see. My husband really wants a garden, but here in Ca. where I live it is very hot and hard to grow things. I'm so proud of you!! hugs me

Denise said...

Gorgeous garden.

Sylvia K said...

Such lovely skies and beautiful, beautiful flowers and veggies! What a delightful post for the day!! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Enjoy a wonderful weekend!


OneStonedCrow said...

Your garden is looking very healthy Penny - great sky ... it's been overcast and chilly here in the desert ... brrr ... you have a great weekend too hey ...

Jan said...

How beautiful your photos are Penny. I'm living the drops of water on the leaves and all of the colours. Particularly loving the petals on the dogwood - so delicate! We are havesting lettuce here too on an almost daily basis. Lots of rain here so we have some floods in other parts of the country. Here we are just thankful for the garden getting lots of watering. Now for the sunshine - fingers crossed. Also for Edwin and Kipngeno I am hoping that they get the sponsorship they need. Maybe I could mention them both in my next blog post or on twitter. x

momto8 said...

your garden looks great!! so fun, isn't it?! we have garden salad everyday...happily!!

Diane said...

Your garden is way ahead of ours both in veg and flowers. The very cold winter we had here has set us way back. Lovely shots and that blue sky is stunning. Diane

Joyful said...

Hi Jan, we are getting so much rain here too so that I think is good for the pansies. Am hoping for more sunshine soon though. We have some flood warnings here up country and I hope everyone will be okay. Thank you for your concern for Edwin and Kipngeno and if you would mention them on twitter/blog, that would be fab! xx

The Happy Sparrow said...

Your garden and flowers are beautiful Penny! Love the pansies - so pretty! God bless you! Martine :)

Coral Wild said...

Lovely photos Penny. I hope you enjoyed your tasty looking lettuce:)

I love pansies and geraniums as well - uncomplicated and colourful, like life should be!

Your sky photo is gorgeous. Like Graham we are having very cold weather here right now - winter has arrived - but where I live it is very very dry, windy and mostly sunny. So sitting in a sheltered north facing spot is still blissful:)

Vores have said...

Hello Joyful. Beautiful, beautiful pictures you show. Can see that you really have time for many things. Lettuce / tomatoes and flowers. Wishing you a good Sunday. Hugs Hanne Bente

Unknown said...

These shots are lovely, but I'm totally in awe at the yard on the header. WOW!

Lonicera said...

I love kitchen gardens and their produce, but acknowledge I'm too lazy to do it myself. Red geraniums give a Mediterranean feel to windows, I love using them. I also love their pungent fragrance. Lovely pics.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I finally got my herb container planted yesterday.
thanks for dropping by and visiting.

Linnea said...

Very nice! It seems that your little garden is thriving. Have fun with the fruits of your labor! Thanks for stopping by.

Joyful said...

Thank you for your visit Susan. I'm so glad you liked the photos.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Martha. I find that pansies are such happy little flowers.

Joyful said...

I hope you will have a lovely new garden at your new place. Have a wonderful week ahead!

Joyful said...

Thank you so much Pat. I do love pansies and it's a good thing they like water (rain) and that we've had a bit of sunshine here and there.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Brenda. I'm so glad you could visit my garden. I hope to be able to have more pictures in time. I find if we get too much sunshine things quickly dry out in my little garden but too much rain isn't good either as we already face north. I know it is very hot where you live and hard to grow a garden.

Joyful said...

Thank you Denise for visiting and leaving encouraging comments ;-)

Joyful said...

Thank you so much, Sylvia. I did have a wonderful weekend. Hope your week ahead is great.

Joyful said...

Graham, my garden is doing well despite all the rain. It helps when the sun comes out for a bit. I guess you must be in winter season now. I know it can get quite cold in the desert esp. at night. Keep warm.

Joyful said...

Thank you Annmarie. It is lovely to grow and eat the fruit of one's labour :-)

Joyful said...

Diane my garden is really still in early stages as I've planted so late. True gardeners around here had their gardens ready in April but we've had so much rain this year so a lot of us are late. I hope your weather improves soon.

Joyful said...

Thank you for your visit and your kind comments, Martine. Come by more often ;-)

Joyful said...

Thank you, Sue. I will enjoy the lettuce and the tomotoes. I love good, fresh salad. I totally agree that uncomplicated and fussy plants are good and that life should be like that too for fullest enjoyment ;-) I hope you can keep warm and hydrated.

Joyful said...

Thank you Hanne. I do love a colourful garden.

Joyful said...

Thank you, JM. The yard in my header is from a local church. I love the profusion of colour.

Joyful said...

I know what you mean, Caroline. I keep trying every year though and this year I feel I finally got it right. A lot of work was done by my brother to get the garden prepared so that helped an awful lot. I love geraniums but sadly don't have any windows that are suitable for window boxes.

Joyful said...

Thanks for your visit Jackie. I'm glad you got your herb garden planted.

Joyful said...

Yes, Linnea. My little garden seems to be off to a good start. Have a lovely week and thank you for your visit.

LindyLouMac said...

It is lovely to see your plants doing so well.

Joyful said...

Thank you Lindy Lou. Nice to see you again!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Gorgeous miracles happening in your garden. The growth of plants never ceases to amaze me.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous patterns on those geranium leaves!

Kalyan Panja said...

just beautiful!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Splendid flower shots and what a veggie grower you are.

The Weather is Changing

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Happy Friday and best wishes to you wherever you are in the world. Our weather this week has been a bit c...