Thursday, December 27, 2012

Journey to the Moon

Christmas is over for another year. I hope that each of you enjoyed the day in your own way wherever you were and however you celebrated.  This year's celebration was different for me and my family.  One brother and my nephew and I drove to the north a few hours away from where I live and there we spent a few days visiting my mother and my niece.

This photo is on the highway going northeast from Vancouver. One doesn't usually see the mountains so clearly defined. On a rainy day you cannot see them.  On a clear day it is usually too bright to see the mountainous outline.

I love the wintery looking sun.

The mountains are beautifully silhouetted today.

I rented a motel room with a small kitchen unit in case I decided to cook something while I was away. It turns out that I only cooked once (bacon and eggs).  But the kitchen unit was nice to have as I was able to keep juices, fruits and breakfast cereal on hand.  I like to minimize eating out in the restaurant. It really gets tiresome if you are on a road trip.

We ordered Chinese take out for one dinner and had more than enough for two meals for all of us.  I did eat in a restaurant for dinner on one night. I had spaghetti and meatballs instead of the usual fare and it was a nice change.  For Christmas Dinner we again ordered take away turkey dinner. The dinner included freshly roasted turkey with mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, gravy and toast. My niece and nephew's late mother used to make waffles on Christmas Day so in honour of that we also ordered waffles.  My brother did all the running back and forth to the restaurant and the room, which was nice of him!

These farmlands are between 1 and 1 1/2 hours drive northeast of Vancouver.

After dinner and gift opening on Christmas Day, I took  my niece to see the movie "The Hobbit" in 3 D. It was a very good film and I look forward to the sequel.  Seeing a movie with my niece on Christmas Day is a tradition.  I used to take my mother to the movie on Christmas Day as it was the one day of the year that she would venture to go and see a movie.  But she hasn't been able to go to a  movie for some years so now I take my niece.  My niece loves popcorn and she looks forward to an annual movie with her aunt (and sometimes other members of our family too).
In between all these activities, we also spent a lot of time visiting my mother at her residence and trying to make sure any errands and jobs she needed help with, were done.  We put up some decorations and photos for her and generally helped her get organized. If all goes according to plan, my brother will return next month for a shorter visit with her as he picks up a medical lift chair that mom used to use.  I will either keep it at my home and use it or try to sell it.

Seeing mist on the mountains always reminds me of the movie of Diane Fossey, "Gorillas in the Mist".

We are getting closer to our destination and the sky is breaking clear in a few spots. I love the winter wonderland all around us.
I had a difficult time on this trip. Some of you might remember me having had numerous issues with my right knee. That issues comes and goes but I can usually manage quite well.  However, the night before I was to leave for my Christmas trip, I had such enormous pain in my left leg and I could barely walk the next day.  The pain and compromised walking continued the entire time I was away.  I almost cancelled my trip but I did manage to rally myself and get out of town.  Anti-inflammatories and over the counter pain medicine did not help.

When I checked in at the motel, the clerk mentioned that she had a similar knee experience to mine.  When her doctor sent her for a leg scan it was discovered that poor blood circulation had blocked her veins.  The solution was to put a stent in her veins but she said she still suffers from pain. I do not know if this is my problem but it certainly sounds like it could be.   All along I had been thinking my knee problems were caused by arthritis or muscular issues.  I really do need to get my doctor to check it all out. 

Since I managed to get away on the Christmas trip, I also tried my best to enjoy my time.  I had a lot of help from my nephew and my brother in managing with the daily tasks and for that I am very grateful.

I spotted the moon coming out and managed to capture it before it went behind the clouds.

I am now back home now.  I'd like to rest but I have an eye appointment in the morning. I really don't feel like going but it is better to get it out of the way before my many appointments coming in the month of January.

I love to see the moon wherever I go.

I hope you enjoyed the photos today. Have a marvellous and safe New Year's celebration if I don't visit with you before then.

Please join others around the world for more beautiful photos of the sky at Skywatch Friday.


  1. Great captures from your trip. I hope your knee gets better soon and there be no complication.
    A Very Happy New Year to you!

  2. Beautiful shots... that one mountain looks like the Matterhorn!

  3. Oh, Penny, I love the photos. So familiar, but so far away now.
    Tried to figure out where you went. Princeton? The Manning Park sign made me think of Princeton.
    Merritt, maybe? One shot looks like it was taken on the Coq.
    Well, snow-covered mountains and all that good BC scenery...wonderful. I hope you manage to get a proper diagnosis of your leg before too long. So glad your brother and nephew helped you with the running around. I sure miss my brothers, but had good talks with them on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and one of my nephews called, too, plus my niece who calls almost daily. Tomorrow we're heading up to Red Deer to see a couple of Dick's daughters and a handful of grandsons. Will be nice, as we're taking our dog.
    Wishing you the very best for the upcoming year, my friend, and some day when I'm out there, we must get together for coffee again.
    Luv, K

  4. What lovely shots - the mountains are magnificent!

  5. im so.sorry to hear about your knee! i hope it is on the mend soon!!
    sounds like a lovely trip though - and happy happy new year to you :) xxx

  6. Hello Joyful
    WAU - where some great pictures you show ..... really like the picture no 4
    Wish you a good week-end - and a Happy New Year.
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  7. All the photos are beautiful..especially the mountains!

  8. Wonderful views of the mountain on the drive.

  9. Those are such majestic snow-capped mountains! I always enjoy shots-from the car as you're driving.

  10. Wunderful pictures. Thank your for sharing ♥
    Many greetings Sabine

  11. So beautiful!!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  12. I am sorry about your knee pain. I was wondering about the Hobbit and am trying to decide whether to use our free tickes on that or "Les Miserables".

    I have been wishing to be in the mountains lately - so your post really brightened up my day.

  13. This is an incredibly stunning post. What a landscape!

  14. Penny,
    Hi! I love your photos with the mountains in the back ground. I don't get to see mountains and beautiful evergreen trees hugged in snow in abundance like in your photos.

  15. Wow, those are absolutely breathtaking!!

  16. I'm sorry to hear about your knee and hope that you will soon get some relief and a check up or two. Glad you managed to complete your Christmas trip and spend time with family - sounds like a good time was had. Loving the mountain photos and the misty one is particularly beautiful. Sending love to you just now. xxx

  17. Hello Joyful
    Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Thanks for all your comments on my blog in 2012. Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

  18. Enjoyed looking at your pictures. I live in the fenlands where it is really flat and you can see for miles and I miss the mountains. so glad you were with family and managed to see your mum too. Hope your knees get better soon. Omega 3 tablets are good for joint pain.


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