Monday, May 12, 2014

Around Town on a Small Bus

These photos were captured as the sun was going down and in a moving vehicle, hence the graininess.

 I hope it adds to the atmosphere, lol. 

Under the train tracks for the Light Rapid Train system (LRT). 

Science World, a great educational centre is the globe on the left. It lights up like a diamond at night.

BC Place, venue for concerts, trade shows, sporting events, etc. is seen just under the LRT rails

Dramatic shot of the sky
On the outskirts of Chinatown. We are at the backside of the Dr. Sun Yet Sen Garden

Entering Yaletown, a newish neighbourhood in Vancouver. This is a southwestern view along Pacific Blvd.

One blurry shot of the heart of Yaletown and one of my fav streets. This used to be a warehouse district.

A famous breakfast place so named because the original location was so small you rubbed elbows with your neighbour. This isn't the original location and it appears to be bigger tho I haven't yet been inside.

View after sundown. This is looking west at English Bay in the West End. You are looking at the Pacific Ocean straight ahead.

A few palm trees at the waterfront. The temperature in Vancouver is milder than most parts of Canada so palm tress can grow here.
Joining in with Our World Tuesday today.
If you missed my post from yesterday, please click here.

Thanks for your visit!


jabbott said...

Amazing photos of the city. Its nice to see places you would not normally see x

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

These are great! I especially like the first two.

Joy said...

Great exciting shots Joyful, and so nice to see and hear more of your locale, thank you so much! Joy xo

Photo Cache said...

it looked familiar and you have not mentioned the place in your blog, so when I looked at your tags and saw Vancouver, it made me happy that despite the few years in between i still can identify vancouver.

Al said...

Such an attractive city, and nice shots. And yes, I do live at high altitude - our house is almost exactly 7,500 feet (2,286 meters) above sea level.

Joanne Noragon said...

These photos are all character.

betty-NZ said...

Great shots! Love the Elbow Room for a name!

Joyful said...

I'm glad things look familiar to you because things seem to change quickly here. I've corrected my omission of not naming the city. Thanks for letting me know!

Denise said...

Enjoyed the pictures.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Thanks for all the pics. Vancouver is on my bucket list. The palm tree really intrigues me. Palm trees in Canada, I gotta go see.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Enjoyed seeing them!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful images.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots - I like the HDR effect.

Ileana said...

Lovely picture!

Fun60 said...

It is always interesting to have a look at someone else's city. I would love to be closer to the ocean.

NatureFootstep said...

I liked the way your photos turned out. Nowadays it is nice to see images that looks like the world we live in. Most of the time they look like disneyland.

clairz said...

Beautiful atmospheric photos! It was nice to tour around, although nothing looks familiar to me from when I last saw the city many, many years ago. What a vibrant, growing place it is. Thanks for including the palm trees--I hadn't realized that the climate was that mild!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun going around and experiencing these wonderful scenes.

Anonymous said...

great photos. I did not know Palm trees could grow there... Pacific ocean my... It looks as cloudy here today. Your last photo is my favorite.

colleen said...

What an amazing sky!

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Another great post here. Sure enjoy your sky photos. I did not know that you guys had palm trees up in Vancouver! :-) Vancouver is such a beautiful city. John

Cynthia said...

What a nice tour of your city. I really like the first photo

Ceil said...

Hi Joyful! What a beautiful city you live in! The gardens look like they'd be fun to walk around in...
My daughter and her husband spent some time in your city last year. They loved it!

Kay said...

I hope the light rail they're building in Hawaii will look as nice as yours.

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