Monday, September 14, 2015

Can Dogs Read?

Linking up with



NCSue said...

Good luck enforcing that, though.
Thanks for linking up at

eileeninmd said...

That is a funny sign, maybe the owner should just clean up after their doggies. Have a happy week!

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Joyful, I too feel like putting up a similar sign in front of my house. Some mornings, I will find some dogs' pooh right in front of my gate.

Denise said...

ha, that is funny

Linda said...

Hilarious!!! :)

jabbott said...

That is funny x

Red said...

Maybe the owners can't read either!

Stephanie said...

No but the owners should obey that sign.

ak_ut said...

right you are :-)), it would be so much better, the owners clean up, the dogs can't do it ;-)
in our small village we have boxes filled with little bags.

Mari said...

Hahaha if they do, they'd be better law (post) abiding animal citizens :)

Cynthia said...

Well, in my experience, the dogs can't read any better than the owners who fail to clean up after them. Grrrr!

Terriea Kwong said...

So funny. Your blog cover picture is so beautiful with the bird flying. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the good wish of my travel.

Meredith said...

Love this!

affectioknit said... it no pooping dogs allowed...adjective...or no pooping, dogs allowed...imperative...

~Have a lovely day!

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