Sunday, December 20, 2015

Short News & Merry Christmas Wishes

Hi friends, I hope you are all enjoying the last few days before Christmas.  I have been very busy and a few things have kept me occupied.

I need a fair bit of medical and dental work and I've been trying to get some of it out of the way before the New Year with limited success.  Friday I went through a colonoscopy.  It is my first one and I'm hoping I don't have to do many of these in future.  I'll have to wait and see what the doctor says about it all in the New Year.

I was very anxious about undergoing the procedure.  I didn't feel I could properly prepare for it because I had only a short time from getting the information to undergoing the actual procedure.  I had eaten a lot of  beans, nuts and corn earlier in the week.  All of these foods must not be eaten for 7 days in advance.  At least these are the guidelines prepared by the cancer agency where I live.  I not only felt rushed but I also felt anxious about possible pain or other complications.  But the nurses at the hospital tried to reassure me that I needed to just relax about it all and that it wasn't too late to stop eating the foods on the "no list".

After getting friends to pray, I felt more settled and went ahead with everything.  I thought my anxiety would only increase if I put it over to the New Year. I found the hardest part of this was not eating for about 40 hours. It ended up being such a long time because my procedure was rather late on Friday afternoon.  However I managed it and and everything went very smoothly from start to finish.

I was awake and watched everything on screen. It was very interesting and the doctor cut out 3 polyps.  I do not remember the doctor giving me any sedative though he says he did. In any case, though I did experience some discomfort, it was not so uncomfortable that I needed heavy sedation. Some of the patients in the recovery room afterward were like zombies and some were very ill from the medicine. I've been in that state myself after surgeries and so that is something else I was worried about.  Fortunately I didn't have to experience it.

The polyps will be sent to the lab for examination.  But at my age polyps are common and the doctor says they "are not cancerous". That was music to my ears. When I asked him how he could tell he said it was the appearance. I am just glad the procedure is now over. If I have to undergo it again, I will know what to expect and do next time.

The other thing that kept me busy this week was preparing and sending Christmas cards and a few parcels. I've been doing this over the past three weeks and I always find once I get started, I want to send out more and more.  I'm now out of time for sending anything more through the post.  Fortunately I sent out everything I wanted to and now I just have to deal with the cards and parcels that will be given in person next week. 

I've also been very busy liaising with people in Kenya who are helping and assisting the family in Kenya that I wrote about here.  I will write a longer post about what we've done in a few days and let you know the outcomes for these precious ones.

Right now in the final lead up to Christmas, I'm just taking things easy; resting, wrapping gifts, enjoying snack foods and doing a few errands. The small tree, lights, wreaths, bells and baubles all went up late last weekend. I will be preparing Christmas dinner as always but because I didn't know exactly which days I would be away this year (much dependent on the mountainous road conditions), I am only dining with a family member or two.  But it is all very easygoing and spontaneous. We may have Christmas dinner before Christmas Day or after Boxing Day. It is all organized around visiting my mom on Christmas Day and spending a night with her to make sure we have a good visit.

Sending you my very best wishes for a lovely Christmas with loved ones and friends.


Linda said...

Bless your heart! I understand the anxious feelings you had, these procedures are never easy. I will keep you in my prayers. Your header is lovely. Sending you warm hugs and much love. Merry Christmas to you.

Nancy Chan said...

I am sure anyone having to undergo this procedure will be anxious. I pray that the result will be another good new for us. Looks like you are all ready for the festive season. Merry Christmas to you and family.

Meredith said...

I am so happy you got that done and out of the way. I think there is one in my future in the next year. I am 51 and need to get my first one out of the way.
Hugs to you and Happy Holidays,

Joanne Noragon said...

It's just a bummer, reaching that age when the doctor looks you in the eye and says "colonoscopy." At least the next one is three or four years away. Love the header.

Red said...

Colonoscopies are not pleasant but they are better than the option. It's better to be checked than not checked. so I hope the polyps are not malignant.

africanaussie said...

Merry Christmas - take care on the roads.

Rhonda said...

I've not yet an colonoscopy and am not particularly looking forward it.
I hope the polyp removal solves your medical issues.

John's Island said...

First of all, let me congratulate you on your beautiful new header! Wow, wonderful, and perfect for the season! Now, I'm surprised to hear about your colonoscopy, but so glad all has turned out well so far. It does sound like the final report will be a good one. Best wishes to you for your travel over the Christmas holidays. Like you, I modify travel times as needed depending on road conditions. This time of year we have to be a bit lucky to get over the mountains and through the woods, as some writer once said. :-) Take care, be well, and have a "Joyful" holiday! :-)

Jeanie said...

I'm sure all things will be good with your result. Your doctor is right about the odds on polyps -- and better our of you than in! No one loves a colonoscopy but hopefully you won't have to have another for a long time!

I send you good wishes for safe travels and a wonderful series of holidays this Christmas! It's a busy time but soon you'll be able to sit back and enjoy! Merry Christmas!

Bethany Carson said...

Glad to hear the colonoscopy went well, and you got good results in spite of your worries. Not eating for 40 hours sounds like torture to me...glad you survived ok. Blessings to you, and do take care!

Beate said...

I am so happy to hear your colonoscopy went so well :) I had one too about 10 years ago, I wasn't awake though but other than the liquid stuff to drink being gross it wasn't all too bad.
Have a wonderful relaxes and Merry Christmas week :)

jabbott said...

You poor thing having to have such a procedure, I am glad its is over for you and you are ok. Hope you have a nice break now its christmas week. Enjoy the holidays, ,happy Christmas my friend xx
PS. I try and assist you where I can with the Kenyan family as soon as I can x

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that the procedure went so well.
Wishing you a warmth Christmas week.

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