Friday, August 11, 2017

National Indigenous Day 2017 - John Hendry Park (Trout Lake)

National Aboriginal Day 2017 occurred on Summer Solstice, June 21. It was a very beautiful and peaceful day. Clear blue skies and not too hot. This year, the Prime Minister of Canada renamed National Aboriginal Day. Hereafter it will be called National Indigenous Day to mirror the terminology in the United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

UNDRIP codifies "Indigenous historical grievances, contemporary challenges and socio-economic, political and cultural aspirations" and is the "culmination of generations-long efforts by Indigenous organizations to get international attention, to secure recognition for their aspirations, and to generate support for their political agendas.
(Source: Wikipedia)

National Indigenous Day is a special day to celebrate the First Peoples of Canada and the heritage, diversity and culture that they have.  It was first celebrated in 1996 after years of lobbying by the Aboriginal peoples of Canada (Indian, Inuit and Métis  peoples).  Originally the Aboriginal peoples had hoped for a national statutory holiday recognizing their unique place in Canada's history however this didn't happen. It may happen in years to come.

I hadn't been to John Henry Park (otherwise known as Trout Lake) for a good many years. I used to go there for the celebrations on June 21st and also from time to time for Farmer's Markets.  This year I invited a friend to join me. I thought it was time she have an opportunity to see a pow-wow  (traditional dancing celebration and competition).  It turns out they no longer have a big pow-wow and even though they had a mini pow-wow we missed it entirely. My friend had to go to a seminar earlier in the day.  By the time we got to the park a good many activities had already wound up for the day.  Though a number of booths were still up most of them were packing up for the day.

I managed to capture some photos of lazy, sunny late afternoon.

There were ducks on the lake.

Watching them paddle around gave me a feeling of peace and tranquility on such a lovely day.

The canoes looked beautiful against the water and greenery.

I enjoyed this lady's leggings with the printed West Coast Aboriginal ovoid forms.

Later in the evening there was a big stage where some national and USA entertainers would perform.  We didn't get a chance to stay for the entertainment. We were only there for the first few minutes of the rap duo (on the stage in the photo below) from La Belle Province (Quebec)

I'm enjoying some family company at the moment so I may not have time to visit your blog until my guest leaves.
Enjoy your week and thanks so much for stopping by!

 Linking up with Saturday's Critters


  1. Wonderful place to have a nice summer walk and to celebrate! Lovely aspects captured!
    A nice weekend to you!

  2. Hello, looks like a fun and popular event. Pretty views of the lake and canoes. I love all the duck and geese. Enjoy your time with the family. I appreciate your linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Beautiful pictures. Have a great visit.

  4. Hello Penny, so glad to see your post. Thanks for explaining this auspicous event in your country. Your photos eminate the peace and calm and warmth of the occasion. Enjoy your family guest. (I still have to complete my reply to your mail - things are moving fast regarding my businesse/s, Praise God!) Thanks for always visiting my blog. Blessings Jo

  5. I didn't get to National Indigenous day but I better make sure I go next year. You took some very colorful photos.

  6. You've captured a lovely sunny summer day. Those canoes look fantastic, wud love to jump in one. Those are some wild leggings, lol.

  7. Love your photos. Pity you missed the traditional dancing, it was one thing I was sad we did not get to see when we were in the USA last year. Enjoy your family time and take care. Best wishes Diane

  8. It looks like a wonderful event and beautiful place to be. The canoes got to me -- love 'em.

  9. Looks like my kind of event, and the weather looked beautiful. Hope you are well xxx

  10. Beautiful celebration -- one that would make me feel good to attend. Especially on the beautiful summer day that you show!

  11. Beautiful photos of this event, dear Penny! Thank you so much for sharing.

  12. I was so glad that you stopped by my blog and left a comment. It has been a while and I know it is so easy to lose touch. June 21st is my birthday and I'm so glad to share it with the First Peoples of Canada. As far as I know, we have no such day here in the United States.

  13. Looks like it was a beautiful day...


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