Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday's Critters ~ February 10, 2018

Gift from a friend.  A blue glass bird. I love it!

A friendly old dog patiently waiting for his master at the Park's canteen.

A small ant working hard to climb to the top.

An energetic dog fetching ball.

A black fly enjoying the pretty petals.  I don't know if black flies eat nectar like bees do.
(It will be easier to see the ant and the fly if you click on the photos to enlarge them).
I've been busy crocheting another afghan.
My cousin who lives in Edmonton will visit briefly in about 2 weeks. 
I want to gift her with an afghan for her 60th birthday.
I will unveil new afghans soon.

I also have to get started on making some clothing. I began cutting out the fabric a few weeks ago but have much more to do. I also need to return some clothing I bought without trying them on.
The store is not so far away so that will be good exercise.
I'm hoping to do a little reading, cleaning, etc.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Joining in with Eileen at Saturday's Critters.


  1. Hello, I love the cute dogs. The one on the beach is having a grand time. The Blue glass bird is so pretty. I love the beautiful blooms, we are not seeing any signs of spring here. Thanks so much for linking up your post and for your visit and comment. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  2. Hello dear Penny, I love your selection of critters. I love the glass bird, both the dogs and the ants on the plants. Very clever. I look forward to seeing the finished afghan. I want to take needles and cotton to the shop and knit [dishcloths] in between customers and when I don't feel like sitting at the computer. Steve was horrified when I told him my intentions. LOL! Have a great day. Jo

    1. That's great Jo. Knitting will relax you and keep you nicely occupied in between customers. I took my afghan work when I met up with my friend though I didn't do any work while we were visiting. Only while I was waiting for her to arrive.

  3. I used to make all my own clothes, but finding the right material, or any material at all is not easy around us :-( Great set of photos. Enjoy your weekend Diane

    1. I understand what you mean Diane. Even here so many fabric shops have closed in areas that I can easily get to. There is only one regular fabric shop open now. About 4 have closed or moved.

  4. Great looking glass bird - artistically done.

  5. So sweet to see the blue bird here again!! Looks like she found a nice spot in your home!
    You found alot of critters big and small, so much life abounds! I love those pink flowers, they are so delicate, and you have good eyes to see the tiny fly!! Happy weekend to you!!♡

  6. I read recently that far more insects than we realize are responsible for pollination. Your fly may be doing that. The glass bird is lovely.

  7. PS your afghan sounds so pretty!! a special gift for your cousin!!♡

  8. Beautiful critter photos. I love the old dog waiting patiently, he's a beauty.

  9. Sounds like you are having a good week -- and much to anticipate. That bird is just lovely.

  10. Oh, that bird is so beautiful!
    The older dog has the sweetest face. I feel bad when they have to wait outside.
    It was nice seeing those pink blossoms in the winter.

  11. I love both the bluebird and the flowers (I should know what they are, but it escapes me). I love glass art (and, of course, flowers). The ant reminds me of what a lot of us are doing right now. Alana

  12. Interesting mix of critters here.

  13. Your blue glass bird is beautiful, and the dogs are so cute. Have a great week!

  14. Nice collection of critters today! I started a new prayer shawl today - it is a variegated blue - reminds me of soft blue skies and clouds. I am enjoying knitting it while watching the Olympics!

  15. Nice set of pictures - I'm sure that old dog could tell a few stories.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  16. Lovely selection of photos! The glass bird is very pretty.
    Have a beautiful week! :-)

  17. Your pictures are wonderful! The glass bird is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing.

  18. You are trying to fit a lot into your days. Well done. Nice animal photos.


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