Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Long Weekend

We had a mixed bag of weather over this long weekend and I found it still a bit chilly.
 This week we have a mixed forecast once again but more sunny days than not. 
I hope this means we are now heading into mostly sunny days.

Joining in with

Thank you for stopping in for a visit.
Have a lovely week ahead.


  1. Such beautiful photos of the flowers/trees and Easter beauty. Love the church scene as well...and that you are having such lovely spring days. Your book list is impressive!! have a blessed week and sunny days ahead.

  2. WOW!! That first photo of the tree is absolutely gorgeous!
    Lovely, lovely photos you have shared with us, thank you!

    Have a beautiful day~

  3. Beautiful set of photos, great blossom shots. Hope your spring soon warms up it seems like a long winter!! Take care Diane

  4. Oh my! Such beautiful flowers and a beautiful church too.

  5. Such a beautiful time of year.

  6. Spring coast flowers must be at their peak right now!

  7. The cherry blossoms are ethereal - always a pure delight to the eye! Hope temps warm up for you soon!

  8. Beautiful pictures! Wishing you sunny days ahead!

  9. Beautiful blossoms!! Enjoy the sunny days!!♡

  10. What a GLORIOUS tree! And that church is lovely. It looks like your Easter was beautiful and that makes me smile!

  11. What a gorgeous walk to the Church!
    Happy Easter!

  12. Your pictures are just magnificent, Penny. Our weather here has been a bit of a mix as well. Most of the days have been sunny but today was rainy.

  13. My first visit here, but not my last. Thanks for commenting on Travelnwrite. . .it led me to your beautiful blog!

  14. Beautiful blossom, I especially like the close up.

  15. wonderful blossom shots...
    Have a great spring

  16. These double cherry blossoms are so lovely and adorn the landscape of the city fantastically. In Japan, cherry blossoms front has moved far north, but still lots of tourism here in Nara as the Era of Japan changing from Heisei to Reiwa, people are having longer Golden Week which lasts ten days. Wish you warm, sunny days.


  17. Such beautiful Easter Sunday photos! I love the blossoming trees and your Easter service photos. It was beginning tio green up along the front range of Colorado but we have possible snow in our forecast for today. Spring is struggling to hang on here!

  18. Beautifil photos
    Happy Eatertide.
    He is Risen!!

  19. Oh I love the cherry blossoms,makes spring happen. Happy Easter break

  20. Thank you for your lovely comment on my latest post. Regarding your question, I’ve never heard about the line commencing in England and going all the way to the northernmost tip of Japan. Have happy days ahead.


  21. Books and blooms. Two of my favorite things!

  22. Your church is lovely. I joined the Episcopal Church partly to appreciate the drabness of my fundamentalist upbringing, so I appreciate such things. I appreciated them even when I was a child, but I had no way to go looking for them.


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