Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saving & Giving

He who does not economize will have to agonize.
~ Confucius

Sometimes I post about what I'm doing to save money from time to time (you can search "frugal" in my posts to see some of them).  Other times I post a running tally of what I've saved during particular shopping trips.  It helps to keep me on track and accountable for spending.

I was inputting all my shopping expenditures onto a spreadsheet each month for awhile.  That way I could compare the costs over the year(s).  I still have all my receipts but whether I continue to input the information will depend on how much time I have.  Right now I am busy making projects on a deadline as I'm trying to get them finished for Christmas gifts.  When I am busy crocheting or quilting, I spend so much time on projects.  I hate to tear myself away to look at receipts and input data.   I'd rather work on projects, read or get together with friends for a frugal outing.  Having said that, my major savings strategy is still to shop the sales and examine my savings.  I just do it in a more general way.

At the beginning of each month or the end of each month, it is always time to do the "big shop" for the month's food and household items.  This week savings were as follows:
  • savings $9.12 Canadian on 2 weeks of meat (chicken legs, chicken backs, pork ribs, pork steak, ground beef).  Actual cost - $51.23
  • savings $ 28.43 Canadian on food from the pharmacy (eggs, butter, milk, cream, canned tomatoes/beans/salmon, popcorn, toilet paper. Actual cost - $54.52
  • Total cost ~ $105.75 Total saving ~  $37.55 Canadian
This week I have spent more at the pharmacy than usual because there are a number of things that were on sale that I wanted.  At the pharmacy I collect points for my purchases.  Once you reach a certain level of points you can redeem a certain amount of dollars and use it toward a purchase. I will be reaching $85 (Canadian) soon.  This is only the 2nd time I have been near  this level because I usually spend when I reach the $10 level.  When I reach $85 I will purchase multiples of things I need (butter, eggs, toilet paper, coffee, bacon, etc.).

I still have to shop at the grocery store for items which are only purchased once or twice per year (oil, lard, flour). These items are all on sale this week.  I also get a lot of savings week after week on vegetables and fruits at the local produce store.  The produce store is consistently less expensive for most vegetables.  When you add these savings up week after week they can be quite substantial.

For some time now, I've noticed that more and more things have risen dramatically in price.  Virtually everything is the local grocery store is now 30% higher in price (or several dollars more) than they were a few months ago.  I have watched prices steady increase over the past 3 years or so.  I've also noticed that some things, like toilet paper has doubled or tripled in price yet the number of sheets per roll has been cut in half.

Did you notice that the manufacturers have reduced the size of double rolls yet still call them double rolls?  Or is this only happening in my corner of the world?

You really do have to shop carefully and make sure you shop the sales if you want to keep your grocery bill close to what it was a year ago.

How about you dear reader?
Have you noticed the same things at your supermarket?

I purchased a high powered blender recently and saved a $100.00 Canadian, plus the cost of shipping and handling which was an additional $19.30 Canadian.

It arrived in the mail a few days ago.  I washed it right out of the box and promptly tried it out with some vegetables that were on their "last legs".  I didn't follow a recipe I just threw together a number of veggies. I didn't add water.  What came out was quite thick and tasty but more like cold soup than juice. I will have to read up on some recipes.  I already have a good blender but in order to use it I have to chop my fruit and veggies into smaller pieces and then I have to throw out or compost all the pulp and fibre that is extracted.

I am so looking forward to the new blender to use as a juicer. I am thinking I can simply wash the fruit and veggies and turn them  juices that retain the pulp and fibre. I will also be able to make hot chocolate and hot soups for the coming winter and ice cream in the summer!

 The new blender should save me a lot of money every month but I did notice it is extremely loud to operate. I will have to experiment before deciding if it is practical to use at different times of the day and night.  I worry about waking the neighbours or annoying them. If it really is too loud, I will have to send it back and look for a quieter version.

Well my friends you've heard what I'm doing to shave costs from the budget.

What are you doing to keep your food budget or household budget down?

Besides the ever increasing cost of food and household items, the needs in Kenya are always on the top of my mind.  The needs there are great.  The needs here at home have also been great and I've spent a lot on short travels.  Every dollar counts.

I'm still trying to raise funds for Elvis to finish his medical studies in Kisii, Kenya.  The number of those willing to help him have been small but I remain optimistic that a few more people will help out. Elvis is in his last year and time is short to come up with all the funds to help him graduate.

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.
~ Charles Dickens

Kenya is a country that desperately needs medical officers (doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians).  When Elvis is finished his training, he is hoping to work with the people in the isolated northern regions of Kenya.  They can really need medical help.  They have to travel so far just to get a simple medical check up & many go without help for even the simplest of things.

If you could help spread the word about the campaign to help Elvis or even add a donation to help him that would be awesome.

For your convenience, you can use the button on the top right of this screen.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Update on Life

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel,
Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel,
He only doeth wondrous things,
He only doeth wondrous things,
And blessed be, 
His glorious name forever.

(An old hymn I sang as a child. I couldn't find a version of it on youtube to share with you).

This is a song that has been in my mouth the last few days. The last time I sang it was many years ago in Kenya when I shared it with one of the Kenyan congregations. I only know the words I've posted above. If you are reading this and you know the song or where to find it on line, please send me a link.

This morning started with a power outage. I could hear the burglar alarm going in an apartment next door. For some reason my computer didn't shut off. Sometimes that happens if I am on the computer before the power goes off. (Well the outage didn't last long. Within a minute or two, I could hear the alarm next door turn off and the power is back on indoors.  It must have been some kind of power surge).  Sometimes I find life is like that. We sometimes lose power but if we stay connected and grounded to our source of spiritual supply we can reconnect again. I have felt a disconnection of late with my power supply.

Health challenges that seem never ending or a loved ones dire health challenges can do that to us. It can be very hard to find time in these circumstances to stay connected to the source. Sometimes we don't even have energy to look after our own selves. Sometimes we don't even have the energy to pray for ourselves. Do you ever feel like that? That is one reason why I really try and take the time to pray for others. When someone asks for prayer or is in need of prayer because of what they've shared with you or I, you can be the one that stands in the gap for that dear one and holds them up when they can't hold themselves up.

Sometimes we get so weary of the drudgery of day to day existence. I know I am not saying anything shocking here. If people really stop and think about it they would realize that that is one of the reasons North Americans are excessive consumers, in high states of debt, and too busy, tired or distracted to consider the needs of someone else outside of their own circle of family and friends.

I don't want to be in this category.  I want my life to mean something and to matter to someone else outside of my family and friends.  At the same time though, I recognize that there are seasons in life where we can do more and other seasons where we can do less. Sometimes there are times to step forward and other times to step back. I'm trying to hear the voice of God in all these seasons and it takes patience. Also, there are times and seasons when family needs impact on things you can do for others. I also now have to take care of myself due to ongoing health challenges. I've been going through a long season of that though I never let it stop me from doing what I can to help on the mission field.

One needs to take care of themselves otherwise they have nothing to give to another person or cause. I tend to give so much of myself to others and find it hard to give to myself. That isn't a good thing but I was trained well by my mother and I've struggled to find a happy balance. I've come to accept that sometimes there is no way to really balance things.  There is still a need to try to take care of oneself.  Right now, I'm trying to take care of managing Type 2 diabetes much better than I have since I was first diagnosed. It took me a long time to get to this stage but  really must do this now if I don't want to have more troubles down the line. Some of you know I've been blogging about my renewed efforts to get the blood glucose under control over the past week or so and what I've been experiencing as a result of my efforts.  The good news is that the efforts I've made over the last few years to try and cook from scratch are helping me now when I have to eat a certain way. Yeah!

I didn't think I would write again so soon about my dietary changes after Sunday's post. But on Monday again I had an alarmingly low blood glucose reading (3.0 mmol/L).  I quickly downed a Coca - Cola and got it back up to 5.0. I also had a healthy snack that carried me through to dinner time without any more intervention.

My doctor is away for the month so I can't call her up or go and visit with my concerns about the emerging pattern of sudden blood glucose dips after lunch. I think it means, my dietary changes are working and I  need to reduce my medications already.  I experimented with cutting back on medication after dinner.  It seemed my blood glucose level was too high.  So I added back some of the medication I eliminated and then the blood glucose level was too low again. I had to snack all night long.  Tomorrow I will cut back once again.

Mom called Monday night to say she had sharp pain. She is worried it is part of the bladder infection. She asked staff to test her and so we will see how that goes. In the meantime, I prayed with her on the phone and then I called a national prayer line for prayer too.  It was nice when after praying for healing for mom, the prayer counsellor also prayed for me to have peace in the surrender of mom's health to God.  At scary times like these, prayer is so comforting and uplifting.

While all these things go on in the background, normal life more or less continues.

On Sunday when I wasn't feeling well I reverted to one of my favourite hobbies: reading. I managed to finish one book, My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult.  I enjoyed this book very much despite the heavy duty subject matter of medical ethics and parental and sibling anguish when you have a very sick child in the family. I won't say more in case you'd like to read it. I'd highly recommend it.

After finishing this novel, I started reading, Soho Blues, by Neil Blackmore.  I've only just started this book about a Soho (London) cafe owner named Henry Hudson whose life is forever changed when he hires Betty as one of his wait staff.

On Saturday, I started reading Paris, by Edward Rutherford. If you haven't read any of Rutherford's books, he has written several historical fiction novels (London, New York, and others). I read New York earlier this year and it whet my appetite for reading more work by this author.

In Bible readings this week, I've been reading so many of the stories of childhood that I haven't read for a long time.  I read about the miracle of the widow who had so little food but when she gave of what she had to the prophet Elijah, her meal and her oil never ran out. I read about how the prophet Elijah was taken up to Heaven in a whirlwind. What a mighty story that is!  I read about the Princess Jezebel and how she was eaten by dogs because of her wicked ways. I also read about Elisha, successor to Elijah,  and the many wonders (miracles) he performed by God's power. There are so many interesting stories and narratives in the Bible. I don't think I've read or heard of all the stories in the Bible and some I've forgotten along the way. It is interesting to read and see what is new to me.  There is always something new!

Please click on the badge to the upper right of this blog to read the story of Elvis, the young Kenyan man who is trying to finish his last year of university.  We would appreciate you taking a moment to consider a donation.  If you can't do that would you consider sharing Elvis' story on Facebook, Twitter or your blog?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

I'm Making Some (Slow) Progress

Hi everyone, I want to thank those of you who have been praying for my mom and for me. I thought you might like an update on what has been happening.

Mom is still waiting for most of her medical equipment. If the word we've been given is true, she will have the trapeze and the parachute sling on Wednesday. She had the commode but can't use it just yet anyway. There are other more important things. There is no word yet on getting hospital table trays for her use. I left word with the OT about that about one and a half or two weeks ago. These tables are easy enough to get as they are on loan at the Red Cross. It just takes the OT to write something up. I guess she is too busy or something.

As for the largest need of all, the wheelchair, there have been some ups and downs on that front. The first step is to get a demonstration model. That wasn't so straightforward for the local supplier but it now seems as if they were ultimately successful but the chair won't be arriving until August 20th. Mom has already been in so much discomfort for so long that the demo chair couldn't come fast enough. Even when it arrives however, it won't be the chair she really needs. The point is to assess her specific and precise needs when the demo model arrives. Hopefully the demo model will be more comfortable for her than what she is currently using. She is in a high state of anxiety about the whole chair business. I try to keep her as calm as possible.

When mom moved into the care facility she moved into a second floor room until a room because available on the ground level. I've been dealing with the General Manager on that front and have been trying to get a move in date now for over a week. Just last Friday I was able to get a list of unassigned rooms on the ground floor but still no move in date. Then mom heard a rumour that there isn't going to be anyone moving in just yet as there aren't enough residents to fill the ward. That may be true as it requires the facility to also staff up and they aren't going to staff up until they have enough residents.

Mom is desperate to move because then she will have access to the outdoors more directly and the fresh air walks she craves. I would ask you all to keep this need in prayer.

 I'm busily preparing a bunch of things mom needs as I haven't seen her now in a month. One thing that has become readily apparent is that her wrists no longer can hold the telephone. This is troubling as she has arthritis very badly and the only real tool she has to keep her sanity, reach out for prayer and family and friend contact, is the phone. I've done some research on line to find a suitable head/ear piece for her. I'm not sure yet whether it will require a new phone. She just got a new phone within the last few months. I will let my brother look into what is really required.

Now on to me. I thank those of you who encouraged me and are praying for me too. I have to say I've been doing quite well this past week with tracking my food intake and my blood glucose levels eight times daily. I will only be tracking this extensively until I feel confident that I know what foods trigger my blood glucose spikes and by how much.   I had one scary moment of very low (for me) glucose level and day by day I see my glucose level is indeed levelling out to more normal levels.

This plane is advertising a website which I can't read because it is backwards from my vantage point. Or, maybe it is only backwards in the photo. I'm not sure.  Anyway it is probably not that important. We get bombarded everywhere it seems with commercials and advertising.

Today though I was in a lot of pain. I had to cancel a long anticipated dinner at friend's because of stomach issues. My radically new diet has caught up to me today and everything is backed up. I drank so much water yesterday but that didn't help. Today I was in a lot of pain probably caused from intestinal gas. I don't have flatulence just a lot of abdominal distension, pain and a feeling general malaise. I'm surprised by this as I've been fairly careful about the level of fiber I've been taking (not too much or too little) but I guess it stands to reason that there will be some issues arising as my body is adjusting to drastic changes being made. Yesterday  I felt rather good (normal) for the first time in ages. I hope to continue with that feeling after getting over today's bump in the road. I know it will take a lot of work and I haven't developed the good habits yet but I'm working on it.

There were some gentle colours in the northern sky last night. Usually you only get these colours (and deeper) to a western view. I don't have a western view so miss out on a lot of good photo opportunities. Nonetheless I get a great mountain view.

If you read this blog on a regular basis you know that I don't blog details about my health issues other than the knee issues I've been having.  Right now though, I feel the need to write about my diabetic challenges and blogging is what I do. Hopefully it will help me get this stuff down in writing.  Who knows it might even help someone else who is dealing with the same things. I hope also to continue writing about progress and challenges concerning mom's medical equipment (and other needs.   Updates probably won't be more frequent than once or twice a month or when there is something really good (or bad) to report.  Thanks for reading.

If you have a parent or loved one in a senior's facility and want to share your experiences, I'd love to hear about it in the comments section. Maybe what you share will also be useful to my readers.  Or, if you are dealing with diabetes like I am and have a story to share about how you manage it and what works for you, let me hear from you.

I am still hoping to raise funds to help Elvis finish university in Kenya. If you can help, please see my gofundme button on the right of my blog. Thank you so much!

Early Skywatch

This is an early post for Skywatch Friday . It seems I'm sometimes late but never early until today, lol. We've had a spectacular fe...