Sunday, August 4, 2013

I'm Making Some (Slow) Progress

Hi everyone, I want to thank those of you who have been praying for my mom and for me. I thought you might like an update on what has been happening.

Mom is still waiting for most of her medical equipment. If the word we've been given is true, she will have the trapeze and the parachute sling on Wednesday. She had the commode but can't use it just yet anyway. There are other more important things. There is no word yet on getting hospital table trays for her use. I left word with the OT about that about one and a half or two weeks ago. These tables are easy enough to get as they are on loan at the Red Cross. It just takes the OT to write something up. I guess she is too busy or something.

As for the largest need of all, the wheelchair, there have been some ups and downs on that front. The first step is to get a demonstration model. That wasn't so straightforward for the local supplier but it now seems as if they were ultimately successful but the chair won't be arriving until August 20th. Mom has already been in so much discomfort for so long that the demo chair couldn't come fast enough. Even when it arrives however, it won't be the chair she really needs. The point is to assess her specific and precise needs when the demo model arrives. Hopefully the demo model will be more comfortable for her than what she is currently using. She is in a high state of anxiety about the whole chair business. I try to keep her as calm as possible.

When mom moved into the care facility she moved into a second floor room until a room because available on the ground level. I've been dealing with the General Manager on that front and have been trying to get a move in date now for over a week. Just last Friday I was able to get a list of unassigned rooms on the ground floor but still no move in date. Then mom heard a rumour that there isn't going to be anyone moving in just yet as there aren't enough residents to fill the ward. That may be true as it requires the facility to also staff up and they aren't going to staff up until they have enough residents.

Mom is desperate to move because then she will have access to the outdoors more directly and the fresh air walks she craves. I would ask you all to keep this need in prayer.

 I'm busily preparing a bunch of things mom needs as I haven't seen her now in a month. One thing that has become readily apparent is that her wrists no longer can hold the telephone. This is troubling as she has arthritis very badly and the only real tool she has to keep her sanity, reach out for prayer and family and friend contact, is the phone. I've done some research on line to find a suitable head/ear piece for her. I'm not sure yet whether it will require a new phone. She just got a new phone within the last few months. I will let my brother look into what is really required.

Now on to me. I thank those of you who encouraged me and are praying for me too. I have to say I've been doing quite well this past week with tracking my food intake and my blood glucose levels eight times daily. I will only be tracking this extensively until I feel confident that I know what foods trigger my blood glucose spikes and by how much.   I had one scary moment of very low (for me) glucose level and day by day I see my glucose level is indeed levelling out to more normal levels.

This plane is advertising a website which I can't read because it is backwards from my vantage point. Or, maybe it is only backwards in the photo. I'm not sure.  Anyway it is probably not that important. We get bombarded everywhere it seems with commercials and advertising.

Today though I was in a lot of pain. I had to cancel a long anticipated dinner at friend's because of stomach issues. My radically new diet has caught up to me today and everything is backed up. I drank so much water yesterday but that didn't help. Today I was in a lot of pain probably caused from intestinal gas. I don't have flatulence just a lot of abdominal distension, pain and a feeling general malaise. I'm surprised by this as I've been fairly careful about the level of fiber I've been taking (not too much or too little) but I guess it stands to reason that there will be some issues arising as my body is adjusting to drastic changes being made. Yesterday  I felt rather good (normal) for the first time in ages. I hope to continue with that feeling after getting over today's bump in the road. I know it will take a lot of work and I haven't developed the good habits yet but I'm working on it.

There were some gentle colours in the northern sky last night. Usually you only get these colours (and deeper) to a western view. I don't have a western view so miss out on a lot of good photo opportunities. Nonetheless I get a great mountain view.

If you read this blog on a regular basis you know that I don't blog details about my health issues other than the knee issues I've been having.  Right now though, I feel the need to write about my diabetic challenges and blogging is what I do. Hopefully it will help me get this stuff down in writing.  Who knows it might even help someone else who is dealing with the same things. I hope also to continue writing about progress and challenges concerning mom's medical equipment (and other needs.   Updates probably won't be more frequent than once or twice a month or when there is something really good (or bad) to report.  Thanks for reading.

If you have a parent or loved one in a senior's facility and want to share your experiences, I'd love to hear about it in the comments section. Maybe what you share will also be useful to my readers.  Or, if you are dealing with diabetes like I am and have a story to share about how you manage it and what works for you, let me hear from you.

I am still hoping to raise funds to help Elvis finish university in Kenya. If you can help, please see my gofundme button on the right of my blog. Thank you so much!


  1. So nice to read your post and catch up with you again here. All the best to you, your Mum, and the wonderful work you're doing also for Africa. Bless xx

    1. Shell, what a lovely surprise to hear from you. I do hope you and your family are doing as well as you have been since I read about you last. Big hugs. xx

  2. Your poor mom - - - and the slowness of her medical providers. It is easier for someone to improve or keep the same amount of mobility and health if those items are provided immediately.
    So glad to hear of some improvement with your diabetic issues - - but sorry about the knees. My husband and I deal with knee problems, too - - - but not to the point they are painful all the time. Right now we are still able to do most of what we enjoy or need to accomplish.

  3. It's exactly like filling in the kid's school forms. I'm to the end of one packet, two to go. Hope your packets for your mom and yourself are completed soon.

  4. I know, Penny, it is very difficult dealing with our own health problems and our parents' at the same time. I'm very grateful that both of my brothers took a daily interest in Mom and Dad's, and then just Dad's needs while in care. When Mom was alive and in the care facility, she decided I should be the one to take her clothes shopping. I asked her why she couldn't have my sister help her with it, and she said my sister was too bossy. So funny.
    I had a couple of really good days with my own health yesterday and the day before, and used them to start catching up on the laundry. Of course, I overdid it, and today I spent most of my time in bed.
    Two steps forward, one step back, and sometimes one step forward, and two back.
    I don't talk about my health a lot on my blog, even though my blog was originally supposed to be a lighthearted look at traveling with health issues. Now I've gotten into writing poetry and posting photos, waiting for inspiration to strike once again on the health/travel front.
    I'll certainly keep you and your mother in my prayers.
    Hugs, K

  5. OMW Sorry about your poor mom's problems trying to be moved. She would benefit greatly from being to access the outdoors (I know that's what I'd crave if I was bed - or chair ridden) I will certainly pray for these needs to be met soon. And I'm SO sorry I missed your post about your health. I saw it on my dashboard and was about to click on it when my Internet just hung. I tried all sorts of things before I remembered that my wi-fi airtime had expired! You know and cared about the healthy issues I had for the whole month of July. I found it very depressing so I empathize with people with ongoing illness. I pray for you daily, my friend. As for caring for elderly parents, we're dealing with a new set of dentures for Grant's mom. She has to have seven teeth extracted first. Later she will be fitted with her new teeth. We're blessed that her younger sister, who's the matron at another retirement home in Durban, is seeing to all the appointments. She then sends us the invoices which we settle. Have a pain-free and blessed day, dearest Penny. (((Hugs)) Jo

  6. Prayers continue for you, your mom, and Elvis. I love you my friend.

  7. Sorry to hear about the health problems in your family. That can really get you down. I hope everything will turn around soon for you. Take care.

  8. I hope your Mom is alright. My grandmother is 87 now and she lives with us. Thank God she is pretty strong and can do some certain things at home.

  9. I am sorry I have not been about to support you but glad you are able to discuss your health issues and how you are managing here on your blog. As you say it could help someone else who is going through something similar as well as being a relief and help to you. I do hope that your Mum gets all of what she needs very soon. I am sure there must be something to help her with the phone issue. Hugs and love sent to you and your Mum. xx


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