Showing posts with label God love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God love. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2009

CAT Scan Journey

Back in July I had breast cancer screening which led to breast cancer diagnostics. Read more about it here.

One lump was found to be benign. Two other lumps were not tested due to their depth and I was told to return in January 2010 for further evaluation. I was pleased of course with the outcome but a little concerned about the two lumps not tested.

I was going to ask my family doctor about it but while she was on holiday her locum called to say that the cancer specialist suggested I get a CAT scan (also called CT Scan ) on my breast so that they could better evaluate the two lumps they were not able to view in the mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. The doctor stressed that this was out of an abundance of caution and that they don't really feel there is anything to be concerned about. They simply want to make extra sure.

I am pleased to report that I had the CAT scan was scheduled in record time and completed last Friday at the small hospital shown in the snap shot above. The procedure took a little longer than I anticipated and I was told by the doctor there that their instructions were to examine the lymph node area of the left armpit only. I am thinking there was a miscommunication somewhere, but am glad to at least get one more lump observation out of the way. I should have the results in about a week or so.

As I left the hospital and took these snap shots, I was encouraged to see the cross on the hospital exterior. Somehow it gave me comfort and I felt that God was looking down on me. His Son Jesus died on the cross that I might LIVE and have life more abundant. That is such an awesome love I can never repay.

Update: August 11, 2009 ~I have great news. My test results were back so fast. My family doctor called me and left a message saying that there is nothing to worry about with the lymph node. There is no cancer. I am over the moon!

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