Showing posts with label In Flanders Fields. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In Flanders Fields. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2022

Skywatch & Remembrance Day 2022

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

Earlier in the week we had our first snowfalls and some of it stayed for a few days on my patio but melted on the streets and sidewalks in my neighbourhood. It's been cold here and autumn is well and truly over in a flash.  We've had a lot of gray skies and rain just before the snow came.  We are now moving into our winter months and the sun will be in short supply unlike further north where they get a lot of snow and a lot of winter sunshine. For most of this week we've had bright blue skies and sunshine so that has been nice.

Today is not only Skywatch Friday but it is Remembrance Day here in Canada.  Lest we Forget the sacrifices of the many who fought in war that we might have some kind of freedom. God bless them every one of them and their families.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. 

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Lest We Forget

This post is in remembrance of the many veterans (and those who supported them) who fought so valiantly that we might enjoy the fragile freedoms we have today.

I hope the younger people will try to continue to remember. I read in the news on November 10, 2020, that fewer Canadians bought a poppy this year than in 2019 and many don't know what the poppy represents. Here is a link that will explain the Poppy Campaign and the importance of it.

On Wednesday, November 11 at 11 a.m. I will remember the mighty and the fallen.

God bless them all. ♥♥♥

Sunday, November 10, 2019

In Remembrance

We shall remember the sacrifices made for our freedom.
November 11, 2019 @ 11 a.m.

Tomb of  the Unknown Soldier

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lest We Forget

Thank you to the brave men and women, past and present who fight to preserve our freedoms.

We shall remember you at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Lest we forget.

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...