Showing posts with label medical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2021

First Sky Photos in November

 Happy November!

Things are still busy at my end but I'm also feeling a bit sick and it has been raining a whole lot. Pouring rain in fact.

I'm on some new medications and it is upsetting my stomach and making me feel nauseous now and then. I'm on the lowest possible dosage and trying to adjust to it but it is slow going.  Other than that, the medicine seems to be doing what it is supposed to but doctors want me to work up to taking more as I'm not anywhere near a full dose yet. I would hate to have to stop it taking it. For now I'm not complaining too loudly to the doctor.

I've been busy with multiple appointments and follow ups with insurance people regarding my accident. I guess I'm about half way through this process and I don't have the energy to do much about the follow up just now. It will all get done soon enough if I just put one foot in front of the other.

Given the pouring rain I haven't been able to get out and take photos but there was a slight break in the sky on Thursday so I captured these 3 photos to share (click on each to enlarge).

In other news, I wanted to update about Janet and her girls in Kenya; the separated woman who was chased away from her ancestral (birth family) home by her brother.  We have now managed to assist her with 2 months rent, an inexpensive smart phone, a bit of food money, a simple solar light system, and a bit of funds to stock her new store. Pastor Jonah ordered the phone for her and she was expecting to collect the phone on Wednesday, Kenyan time.  Janet and her eldest daughter are travelling to Nakuru, Kenya on Thursday, Kenyan time where they will visit wholesalers to try to find appropriate stock for the village store. I know her eldest daughter has her own thoughts about what her mother should stock but I am trying, through Pastor Jonah, to get them to buy what is most practical for the majority of potential shoppers. Later when they have started to gain footing they can expand to others things. It's a bit tricky as the eldest girls have minds of their own and they are putting pressure on the mom during her most difficult time. Please keep them in prayer. There are some other developments concerning the brother but I will leave that update for when I have concrete information to share. If anyone would like to donate (Pay Pal link on right side of blog) to Janet and her daughters, they still have many needs: rent, air time, food,transportation, school fees and clothing among them.

Over the next month I've got a lot going on, some of it fun.  I hope to share here as time goes by and if I'm permitted to take photos at events.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Take care.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mind Blowing Interview

I'm starting to question developments in terms of how political and medical officials are strategizing around Covid 19. I'm wondering how many others have been questioning too?

Some very interesting and compelling information is presented in the video about Covid 19 and also other coronaviruses and about flu vaccinations too. Like many of you I get a flu shot every year as that is what I'm told to do by my doctor.  Every year there is a concerted education campaign telling people to get a flu shot for one reason or another and I've been getting mine for well over 10 years.  Now I'm learning about the ingredients of these vaccinations and what they are potentially doing to me over time.

I'm wondering if this might explain why I suffer every year and with increasing severity, from a cold and to a lesser extent, a flu that just never seems to go away?  If it goes away it comes right back and this happens over and over until the spring when the weather warms up.

The only way I can deal with this issue is to pray until I have peace. I also hope and pray that any new coronavirus vaccine once developed will not become mandatory.  Messaging from our political and medical leadership from the very beginning of the pandemic is that clearly, life will not revert to 'normal' until there is a vaccine. Sounds to me like they want to make sure we are prepared for mandatory vaccination.  I'm not so sure I support that given the information that is in the public domain now about vaccinations, viruses and so on.

This video just sets everything out so clearly. If you take the time to watch the video I'd really be interested in your comments, thoughts and analysis pro or con concerning Covid 19 vaccine.  It will help me and any readers here to think through the issues more clearly.  Let me end by stating that I am NOT against vaccines in general. I believe that childhood vaccinations have saved many lives. I am however very concerned about the issues related to CV 19 vaccinations and pandemic management as well as the conflicts of interest all presented in the video.

Thanks so much and stay safe.
Update: Sorry to those of you who might have tried to see the video and couldn't. You Tube removed it in less then 12 hours of my posting it. I believe it had been on line for just over 24 hours total.

Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...