Showing posts with label reading goals2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading goals2020. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

End of Summer

 Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

I've been meaning to post these photos since the latter part of August. I took these at sunrise. I will miss getting sunrise photos now that summer is pretty much over and the sunrise later.  Once we are into our rainy weather there won't be much of a sun to capture so I will enjoy through my photo memories. I hope you like these ones.

I didn't spend much time in the garden over the summer or sitting on the patio as I had planned. Nonetheless the patio garden gave me enjoyment whenever I went out to take photos of the sky.  The garden has just a bit of life left but it won't be long before it will be completely finished for the season.

I'm not much of a gardener and I don't honestly enjoy it all that much. But I do enjoy seeing colour when I go out on the patio and that is why I do it.  I have two gardens.  One at home and one at the park.  This year the one at the park didn't get any attention.  Due to Covid 19 I hardly ventured out.

 How about you dear reader? Are you a gardener? I think most of you have much larger gardens than I do.

I much prefer to read or crochet.  Right now I'm reading my 50th book, A Letter From Paris.     You can read more about it here


 I've really slowed down the reading since I completed my 45th book, as 45 is my goal for 2020 because  I want to start doing some other hobbies soon. That plan might be a little difficult because I've currently got a lot of books on hold at the library and the local branch is reopening in 4 days.

I finished the following books since my last post on books.   I can recommend them all except the book, Behind Her Eyes, was not my cup of tea at all due to the metaphysical aspects of the book ,lucid dreaming and body switching.  I didn't know what I was getting into when I read it. I just thought it was a murder mystery thriller.  I understand they are making it into a movie so it's probably a movie I will pass on.

     It is a long weekend here at home but I have a lot of errands to do.

I hope you all have a safe and healthy weekend.

   Linking up with Skywatch Friday.

Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...