Showing posts with label school needs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school needs. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jonah & the Missions of Hope

I'm linking up with Internet Cafe Devotions today. I hope you will join me.

Hello dear friends,

How are you this fine day? Here where I live the skies have been gray since the weekend and we've been expecting rain. Our first rain for a long time. However the rain did not come and I see the forecast is for increasingly warmer temperatures and more sunshine for the rest of this week. That suits me just fine as I am already missing our Summer though it is now technically Fall/Autumn. The time just seems to pass so fast and where does it go?

Recently, I've seen a theme in the blogs I read; people blogging about time and making the best of the time we have, not wasting it, and being grateful for the ability to just live and grow each day. For life goes in cycles

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Right now it is my time to update you about Jonah and the Missions of Hope, and it is Jonah's time to finalize his thesis and see what next steps God would prepare for his future. Normally Jonah would update you but he is having to conserve money and totally reduce expenses. It costs money to use the internet cafe or to pay for airtime.

 I only have a short report because as I mentioned last time, Jonah was in the middle of his master's thesis and facing a very challenging time financially.  If you are a regular reader of this blog and Jonah's blog, you will know that Jonah never asks for funds for his own personal use. He relies on a faithful donor for his own school needs but recently the financial burden has become too much for the donor.  It is very unfortunate because Jonah is just sooooo close to finishing.

 Jonah's Needs

Jonah has already successfully made it as far as defending his thesis! 
Isn't that a wonderful achievement?!

What needs to be done for Jonah to finish is to go to Uganda (he lives and studies in Kenya through a satellite university) to complete the administrative work for his thesis requirements.

This sounds simple enough but it takes funds he doesn't currently have. He has been working very hard to solicit funds in Kenya to get to Uganda and he is there now but he needs your help to make sure he can complete his task.

If you can help him, please don't delay in sending your donation.  He doesn't have much time to fulfill his requirements.  He also needs to return to Kenya before the end of this month to move from his temporary home where he has been living during his studies.

He needs funds for that too but the main focus is on finalizing the thesis.

Here is a breakdown of the needs for Uganda:
English editor needs : about $50
formatting needs: $30
statistics needs: $50
binding:  $90
travel: $100
lodging: $20
food: $10 per day
miscellaneous: $100

Little Linet's Needs

I cannot forget to update you about Little Linet and I think you will remember that she was to undergo a medical evaluation on August 28, 2012. The evaluation was for the purpose of determining whether she is a candidate for surgery. You might also remember that Little Linet had been having various issues with her mouth causing pain, wounds, odour and inability to eat properly.  The doctors decided to remove some front teeth to help stabilize the situation. 

The real answer to Little Linet's problems is to help Little Linet undergo cleft palate surgery and the first step toward that was an evaluation about whether she is a suitable candidate for cleft palate surgery.
I am so happy to report that Little Linet is indeed a candidate for surgery.
We would like to help her but we need your help to do it.

Can you help this little one? It will take at least $500 for her to have surgery and so I'm starting now to raise the funds. So far, we have raised $60 for the surgery.
The need is really quite easy to be met if we all pull together.

All it takes is 10 people in the whole wide world to give 
$50.00  (Canadian)
Or, 20 people in the whole wide world to give 
$25.00  (Canadian)

Please know that although I do ask for funds on this blog from time to time, there are actually very, very few people who give toward most of the needs we write about .  The exception was little Kigen because one kind hearted singer in Nashville, publicized his need on Facebook.

I don't share this information to whine or complain but only to make it clear what the situation is. I know from time to time you may have questions and though this isn't my ministry as such, I do support it in whatever ways I can and I desire to have others support it too.

God knows in advance who will help at any given time.  He knows who the donors will be or whether there will be no donors at all.  He also knows that he gives every single person out there reading this, countless opportunities to do good each day.  What you read here is only a part of the opportunities that God opens for you but they are important.  God does care about these ones In Kenya who most people don't care about at all. If you are a follower of Christ and his love abides in you, would you be touched to help and care for them too?

Sometimes a giver stre-e-e-e-e-tches to help meet a need. 
That is another simple fact. 
Sometimes needs are not met at all because there is no one willing to reach out and touch.  It is as simple as that. 
God knows our hearts.

I just know that if this little girl were in your living room sitting beside you, it would be hard to turn your head and heart from her because she is a real life person, with real needs and she depends on us to help her mother meet her needs. I know many people get uncomfortable with being confronted by the needs of others or they grow weary but the Bible says

Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

I know we do grow weary from time to time but God encourages us through his word. He tells us not to grow weary and he tells us how we can avoid it.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint
 Isaiah 40:31

If  today, you are feeling the love of God and the freedom that God gives to be a cheerful giver, please join hands with the Missions of Hope. Please be as generous as you can so Jonah can finish his thesis requirements and so we can make arrangements for Little Linet's surgery that much faster.  Of course, you don't have to be a Christian to be a giver. So if you are not a Christian, you may want to lend a hand to these dear ones anyway.

There are two people in East Africa, waiting for your help.  Will you be one to help answer their needs?

Let me close by saying a prayer that in n this season of your life, whatever your needs are, whatever you are going through and dealing with, may you too find the comfort and blessings you need, and a hand or two to help you on your way.  For when you are are strong again, you can help another on their journey.  I leave you with a song that seems appropriate. It isn't a Christian song as such but it's sentiments are the same.


 God richly bless you.

At the bottom of this post, there are buttons you can use to help spread awareness of the Missions of Hope through this post.  It only takes a moment.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sponsorship Needed ~ Please Pray

Missions of Hope enrolled Kipngeno in university in Kisii Town, Kenya where he is majoring in pharmaceutical studies.  Kipnegeno waited years after graduating from high school to be able to start university.  Several times we thought we had a donor for him.  Several times our hopes, but more  importantly, Kipngeno's hopes, were dashed because the would-be donors never followed through.

Kipngeno kept busy on the farm while he waited for his time to start university studies.
In September 2011, we took a leap of faith and enrolled Kipngeno in school and have managed to help him through 4 months of student housing and all needs associated with living in a new town and going to university.

The term finishes at the end of December and we are appealing for someone who feels led to help Kipngeno, to come forward.
Are you the one that can help him?  
You would be changing a life for the greater good if you can help.

Jonah pays a visit to Kipngeno. Jonah is on far left, Kipngeno on the far right with his lab coat and stethoscope, a friend of his in the middle. Can you imagine how excited Kipngeno must be?

Once Kipngeno finishes his education he will also be added to the ranks of the medical profession. Kenya is greatly in need of medical personnel.

According to Oxfam,  there were only 14 doctors for every 100,000 people in Kenya in 2006.
There is a critical shortage of doctors and specialists in Kenya.
Food for thought.

You can help publicize this need  by using the share buttons below.
You will never know how one simple act can change someone's life.
If you can help or know someone who can help, financially, then please contact me here.

Photo Credits: Jonah at Missions of Hope

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kipngeno Goes to School

A long while ago I wrote about Kipngeno, a bright young man who graduated from high school and wanted to be a nurse. Several times we thought we had a donor for him to go to university and several times our hopes were dashed.

Jonah, of  Missions of Hope has now enrolled Kipngeno in university in Kisii Town, Kenya where he is majoring in pharmaceutical studies instead of nursing.  Kipngeno is now living out his dream because he started university studies in September.  But he faces great financial challenges ahead.

Kipngeno kept busy on the farm while he waited for his time to start university studies.

If you can help this young man reach his dreams through sponsoring his education at university, please contact me.  You would be changing a life for the greater good.  We need to know soon whether someone can help this student continue with his education in January.

Jonah pays a visit to Kipngeno. Jonah is on far left, Kipngeno on the far right with his lab coat and stethoscope, a friend of his in the middle. Can you imagine how excited Kipngeno must be?

 You can help publicize this need  by using the share buttons below.
You will never know how one simple act can change someone's life. Just think, you might
be responsible for getting this story into the hands of someone who can actually help Kipngeno.

That would be awesome!

Kipngeno will get a valuable education and a chance to be lifted out of poverty.  But he will also be added to the ranks of the medical profession. Kenya is greatly in need of medical personnel. According to Oxfam, in 2006,  there were only 14 doctors for every 100,000 people.  Compare this to Canada which has about 32,000 doctors (and almost the same number of specialists).  This is about 1 doctor for every 850 people (if you don't count the specialists).  In Canada we are experiencing a shortage of doctors for our needs.
Food for thought.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kipnegeno Goes to School

Hello prayer partners,

Kipngeno will be going to school in January, 2011 and we are so happy for him.

I wrote about Kipnegeno in an earlier post and you can read about him here if you like

He will be studying pharmacy, instead of nursing. Medical professionals are very much needed in Kenya.

He needs a lot of funding and prayer support to start school in two months time and we are trying to gather what is needed. Please continue to pray for him and if you can help, please let my friend, Pastor Jonah know here.

Otherwise have a great day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kericho's Kids Happy to Receive

From time to time, I feature a story and photos on the Missions of Hope, a small grassroots Christian outreach in Kericho, Kenya.

It is my privilege and joy to help these children in any way that I can. Most recently, I was able to send some small gift to help with school supplies as children headed back to school last month.

If any of you can help a child, especially one at the higher grade levels, they would be so appreciative. I firmly believe that education is the key to helping people help themselves and to break the cycle of poverty. Now I'd like to share the brief report and wonderful photos from Pastor Jonah.


We are praising God for the provision of the school supplies that he provided for us through Joyful servant. What a blessing it is to have these provisions and give them to those children in real need. It was lots of joy as we completed this wonderful mission.

I am moved a lot when I go from one home to another to meet these kids; all of them with a great future in their minds.Continue praying for each one of them so that one day, they can help others.

Blessings to you all.

Friday, September 4, 2009

School Opens Again for the New Year


Are you ready to help? Even if you are not here is the chance. With just $9 you will be able to buy supplies for orphans as they go to school next week. Maybe you are wondering what this would buy? Books, pens, pencils, jelly, soap and the list goes on.

I was recently able to supply about 15 orphans with all the needs for this coming school opening. (The pictures are not exhaustive). Please open your hearts to these children. There are still many more in need. If you can help, please let me know! God bless you.

You can send funds via Pay Pal to kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com or kerichojoy[@]gmail[.]com Sorry to put the address in this form but that is to protect against spammers (at least that is what I'm told). If you can't decipher it please click "view my profile" in the right hand column and you will see the email address. Alternatively, you can learn more about other sending options here at (see column on the right side of the page).

A family...led by Mercy (with white top). She is training to be a pharmacist at Mount Kenya University

We are still praying for her needs. She is supposed to go to university next week

Her brother

Happy with the gift


Make other orphans like this dear one, smile.

* All photos courtesy of Pastor Jonah

A Gorgeous Day

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