Showing posts with label self-care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-care. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Last Week

 Hello friends,

Thank you to all who left well wishes and comments on my last post. I truly appreciate your beautiful words.

I trust you are well and enjoying summer/winter wherever you are in the world. There is so much going on around the world.  Most of it is not that positive so it's important we do what we can to safeguard our mental and physical health to help us cope. Some of the ways I safeguard mine are through enjoying nature (the sky and gardening), reading, short walks and some self-care now and then (exercise, prayer, deep breathing, relaxation, slow routines, mani-pedis and massage). I was blessed to do most of the above this week. All the photos in this post were taken this week.

Today (July 10th) was a lovely day.

I had my second booster shot a few days ago. All went well save for a sore arm on the second day after the shot. Not everyone in my province has had their first booster shot yet let alone their second shot. They have to be eligible first and eligibility is generally based on health status and age. For some reason the head doctor here makes the age cut off very high unlike all other jurisdictions in the country. I think that is wrong headed but I'm not the one making the decisions.  Just the other day however I read that the government has opened things to everyone aged 12 and older to get a booster shot in the fall when Covid cases are expected to increase once more. 

Jonah had his 2 vaccinations in Kenya and that was good enough to travel and enter Canada when he travelled in May.  But like most insurance there is a waiting period to get a health card here in the province of BC before he can register for his booster shots. Once the waiting period is over he can complete health card registration provided he has received the permanent resident (PR) card issued federally. 

Canada is very backlogged in virtually every area of service due to the pandemic so PR cards and other things are taking months to receive instead of a week or two. We were happy that Jonah's card did indeed arrive at just under 2 months wait time and he has been able to register or apply for the last bits of documentation he needs.  It's a huge relief since many people are experiencing significantly longer wait times.


Jonah has been very busy getting accustomed to life and work here and he has been enjoying both.  The other day he joined the work party at the community garden to help repair the raised beds that were falling apart and to do some extensive weeding around the plots. Weeding and general upkeep of the community garden area is the responsibility of all gardeners who have a plot but most of them don't seem to do much. Maybe they don't know that they have to volunteer 4 hours of time over the summer to the work needs of the garden. I certainly didn't know until the new chairman pointed it out a few weeks ago. Basically, Jonah's garden work on Saturday fulfilled the volunteer hours required for this year.  In addition, my nephew's girlfriend put in several hours of work a few weeks ago so we have more than covered our volunteer work hours requirement for the year.  We only have one plot which my nephew's girlfriend has planted and tended this year.  I'm hoping next year she will be able to get her own plot because she loves the gardening process. I hope they don't say she is disqualified due to living too far from the neighbourhood.


My left leg is still giving me problems though I do see signs of improvement here and there. I'm trying to make sure I take time to do the exercises and the walking recommended by the physiotherapist.  It's been a difficult balance  because it doesn't take too long before I've overdone the walking. I had such a day on Friday when Jonah and I went out to do our business. I came home very tired and spent the rest of the weekend indoors to recover and get the housework done slowly so I can be ready for the week ahead. I also spent some time outside in the garden. When I wasn't outside I left my patio door wide open and enjoyed seeing the little hummingbirds come by.  I also enjoyed the chirping of birds. They were very active this weekend. I don't remember hearing them last summer when there was so much smoke in the air. That couldn't have been good for their little lungs at all.

I finished reading this new book French Braid by Anne Tyler.   It was a quick read and I enjoyed it although it was far from one of my favourite reads.  Unbeknownst to me I also started reading another book by Anne Tyler just a few days before.  That one is called A Spool of Blue Thread: A Novel.  I thought the two books seemed quite similar but French Braid seemed to flow a bit better and so I finished it first.

Last, but not least, I finally made time on Wednesday to get a mani-pedi. I've been needing a good clean up of the nails for quite some time but don't like to pay the prices or sit for so long. I was glad I did get there as the young woman who worked on me had a very pleasant personality and I asked her to give me an extra long hand massage because she asked me to wait for my manicure while she worked on another client who was there with a friend. I agreed to her request and she gave me a nice long massage when she returned to work on my fingernails. 

In the "old" days one would always get a wonderful hand and foot massage as part of the mani-pedi. Nowadays you mostly have to pay a premium for these services.  If a salon does happen to include a massage with their basic service it is usually nothing to speak of.  Often you don't even get one especially since they started using gel nail polish. While I was waiting for the nail tech to be free, I enjoyed a nice, long massage on the massage chair.

It's been a busy week despite the leg issue and I'm expecting another busy week ahead. 

I wish you all a wonderful and happy week where ever you are in the world. 

Stay safe. 💓💓💓

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How I am Coping

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all faring as well as can be expected during these challenging and unique times around the globe.

Since I last wrote a blog post I have had a relative visit.  She has now returned to her sisters and is trying to get home to Alberta. I've been coping with a cold. I would say this is the 3rd time I've had a cold over the winter though maybe it never really left me. I'm just taking all precautions and getting lots of fluid and rest. I haven't felt like doing much so I've only really had the energy for the basic household tasks, being host to my cousin and a bit of reading here and there. I have not done any gardening though I did repot a number of plants and start some seedlings.  The seedlings are not looking that healthy as they seemed to have sprouted way too fast and are too tall and wispy.

I read two books and enjoyed them both.

I only have 2 more library books in my stash.
All libraries are closed indefinitely and we can only borrow digital books for the foreseeable future.

In my part of the world virtually everything is now closed except essential services. For most people that means they can access grocery shopping and the pharmacy.  When  I go out in my part of the city things are pretty quiet as all the usual hangouts like restaurants, cafes, bars/pubs, libraries, community centers and churches are closed.

Since most things were closed now for a week, I've only been out twice and that was to do a bit of grocery shopping  last Friday and again on Sunday.  Both times I was looking for ground beef and toilet paper. I didn't find either on Friday and today I found some ground beef but it was too expensive. I usually buy everything on sale.  I also didn't find any toilet paper. Though they are limiting quantities per customer, they still had run out. It doesn't help that I went out shopping close to closing hour.

Tomorrow we will go out with the car to purchase gas which has reduced in price by about 35 cents Canadian per litre. I will also look for ground beef and toilet paper at some of the larger stores like Superstore or Walmart. Hopefully one of these stores will have what I want.  Then again maybe not due to their high volumes of customers.

Grocery stores are now closed about 3 hours earlier and they open 1 hour earlier for the elderly and the disabled. The earlier closing hours are supposed to enable the staff to restock the shelves.

Last Friday when I went out I had some problems with other customers who were not displaying appropriate social distancing. I was standing what I thought was an appropriate distance from others in the line up to pay. Others took my distance as an opportunity to get in line ahead of me and this created a minor issue. I do not take lightly to these kinds of behaviors and I insisted on keeping my place in line.  However,  I noted today that the same grocery store has now put in place clear markings as to where people are to stand when queuing.  Today's experience was much better though it is clear I am going to have to get to the grocers much earlier if I am ever hoping to buy what I'd like to buy.

I am very appalled by these kinds of bad behaviors but from what I've been seeing in news clips from around the world, my city residents don't seem to have the monopoly on bad behaviors of various kinds. Thankfully I have also heard about a lot of compassionate behaviors on display.  But most people still don't take social distancing seriously and don't appreciate that community transmission of Covid-19 is what the authorities are now trying to prevent. It means governments and health authorities have to bring in strict controls and fines if people don't heed their recommendations of the past few weeks.  I am now beginning to see strict controls coming into place both here at home and abroad.

We all have to adjust and do our part to understand that we show our care and compassion for others through social distancing and using this time of quiet to check in with those we love. We also have to up our game when it comes to hygiene and learn what to do and what not to do when out and about.  Many people are suffering anxiety at this time for various reasons and the Coronavirus-19 pandemic has made their suffering worse. There are so many, many things being affected by the virus. It is important to for each of us take care of ourselves and our loved ones as best we can. 

Where we can help others without endangering oneself  that is highly desirable.  This may look like phone calls or face time to the elderly or with loves ones near and far. In my building one young couple put up a sign with their phone number volunteering to shop for those that need assistance. Usually this means buying something for another and leaving it at their door so as to keep an appropriate distance.  We also need to keep ourselves healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally.  We can nourish our bodies with nutritious food and in some cases supplements, make sure we are breathing deeply rather than holding our breath which we tend to do when we get stressed, drinking lots of water and resting and sleeping.  We can also do some light exercise indoors or outdoors if it is safe. Emotionally and spiritually we can benefit from prayer, good thoughts, positive meditations and soothing music or music that makes one happy. I wish each of you good health and peace through these trying times.

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...