Hi friends and fellow bloggers,
I hope this weekend find you well and in good spirits.
I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday today. The photos I'm sharing were taken downtown earlier this week.
The sky was mostly hazy from wild fires that have been burning all around. But late in the afternoon the sun broke through. Enjoy and thank you for stopping by.
The hub of financial and business district near Burrard Street and Pender
High rise on the way to the waterfront.
Promenade around the Pan Pacific Hotel.
Side view of the new Vancouver Trade & Convention Center.
The back view of Christ Church Cathedral with green top of Hotel Vancouver peeping through.
The side of the newish Trade & Convention Center and North Vancouver in background.
Goods stored for shipping. The pile of whitish yellow substance is sulphur.
A small float plane is landing.
The Lions Gate Bridge in background.
The area where trees are jutting out is Stanley Park with North Vancouver in background.