Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Visit

I was watering my small garden the other day when these small birds paid a visit. I think they were attracted by the cool, misty water coming from my hose. I love birds and I didn't realize that I caught one in flight! The one I was trying to capture is perched just under the green railing. Can you see it?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pillowey Clouds

Fluffy, grey, pillowey clouds
cover the sky.

They seem forboding
yet the pink on the horizon says not to worry.
Only a little dew is on the way to soothe the land.

Nonetheless, it's night now and I take refuge inside.
Sleep comes soon, another day is fully spent.

~ by Joyful Servant 13/07/09

Fluttering Leaves

Green leaves

you flutter so gently

in the peaceful breeze.

I want to lie under your bountiful shade

I want to rest on the green grass.

I want to savour the sounds of summer

and watch the sunlight dance through your branches.

~ by Joyful Servant, July 19, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009


This lovely path, led me in gentle curves

past a rippling brook and a quiet place to sit

before I was let out the beautiful gate.

On the other side I found the weekly Farmer's Market.

I didn't buy anything as I was on my way to other errands but I did listen to some nice music by this trio called Mazaltov Cocktail. (Mazaltov is Hebrew/Yiddish for "good luck". The phrase "Mazel Tov!" parallels the use of the phrase "Congratulations!" and coveys roughly that "I am pleased this good thing has happened to you!"). I pray some good things have happened to you this week so I can wish you Mazaltov!

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Wonderful Gift

Have you ever experienced a time or two when you felt that someone really, really listened to what you were saying? Wasn't it a wonderful feeling?

I saw this sign on one of my walks and I thought it was a great representation of a wonderful and free gift you could offer to a child, a senior, a friend, a loved one.

God bless xoxox

Early Skywatch

This is an early post for Skywatch Friday . It seems I'm sometimes late but never early until today, lol. We've had a spectacular fe...