Showing posts with label relaxation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relaxation. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2023

What Do You Think ~ Tuesday 4

writing happy things

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  It's so nice to have you here.

Let's talk about you this week.  Let others know your feelings and convictions. Give some advice and some wisdom.  And remember to visit the other contributors to get to know them and find out their opinions too!

1.  What do you believe the purpose of life is?  

When one is a Christian the purpose of life comes into clarity. We have a very brief time on earth. Our eternal home will come after our physical body dies, therefore the purpose of life is to make sure you know you are headed where you want to spend eternity and to live your life accordingly.  I want to spend eternity with God and his Son, Jesus Christ and the multitudes of heavenly hosts and the saints who lived and died throughout all the ages, including mybown loved ones. I also believe we have a duty to share our faith with others so that they too can learn about the salvation plan. 

2.  How do you handle stress ? What do you recommend to others who are stressed out?

We all face stress on a daily basis whether we realize it or not.  It affects us whether we are conscious of it or not.  As a result, I have learned many ways of dealing with stress and I employ them as and when needed.  For example, I pray and read my Bible, listen to uplifting music or read inspirational and motivational writings. I also go for a walk, speak to a friend, ask for prayer, do something with my hands, read a book or focus on breathing. When we are stressed we tend to hold onto our breath and our breathing can become very shallow or difficult.  Stretching exercises are also good for someone who experiences tension in the muscles due to high stress levels or physical ailments like fibromyalgia or arthritis.

3. What enjoyable things do you wish you could do more often? How would  it improve your life? 

I enjoy so many things but one thing I wish I could do far more often is travel. I love to travel far and wide to distant places and it can require more stamina, energy and resources than I currently have. Many of my relatives live far from me and I would love to take some long road trips to visit them too. Travel would improve my life because it makes me happy and happiness is good for one's health. The bible says that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones".  Proverbs 17:22

4. Do you believe in God?  Why or why not?

I do believe in God. When we hear the gospel preached we have a choice to accept or reject what we hear as truth or fiction. I choose to accept the Bible as the true and inspired word of God and moreover to accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died on the cross and shed his blood to save me and all of mankind from sin and eternal damnation. I accept and believe in God and his Word through faith. 

Living a life of faith doesn't always mean things go smoothly and easily in life.  But even when going through difficulties and trials there are many scriptures that give comfort and hope. 

Two of the scriptures that have helped me countless times are the promises of God in Romans 8:28  "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose" and Romans 8:31 "If God is for us, who can be against us".

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Relaxing Week

I've spent the week simplifying my life a bit so I can have more rest.  I cancelled a number of my appointments for the next two weeks and eliminated a lot of email and spent a good deal of time just relaxing and taking things easy. I didn't realize I was quite as tired as I was and I'm sure this bit of quiet time will do me a world of good.

Cancelling my appointments was simple. It not only bought me a bit of time this week but also eliminated expenditures of approximately $65.00 (Canadian) on herbs and travel.

Unwanted or no longer needed email was easy to deal with too. I tend to sign up for a lot of email alerts for a variety of things.  This week I spent a little time to unsubscribe from numerous email alerts I've been getting daily for years.  I do read almost every email I receive because it only takes a moment to scan and/or read it. I decided that I don't need most of this email anymore if I haven't found enough use for them in years. I can better use all the minutes I spend weekly on other more useful or constructive things. So "unsubscribe", "unsubscribe", "unsubscribe" ...was the order of the day, rather than "delete", "delete", "delete", lol.

It's been a steady week and I've needed the time to rest and make some progress on chores around the house.  When I'm resting I can never just lounge around and do nothing.  So resting is also a time when I read or do some crafting to use my time wisely.

This week I made good headway on the first of  Ken Follett's Century Trilogy.  In an earlier post I said that I had been too distracted to get into the book, The Fall of Giants.  It isn't so much that I don't  find it interesting.  Rather, I did not have the time to properly get into the book.  Given it is 985 pages long, it is difficult to keep track of the characters or follow the story, unless  one can read it for a few hours at a stretch.  Especially at the beginning.  This week I  was able to read for uninterrupted periods of time and finished the book. Yeah! I now look forward to reading the other two books in the trilogy.

Experimenting in the kitchen was another fun activity this week. First up was a "new to me" recipe for scalloped potatoes.  Next was a beef & squash stew on another day.  Both of these hearty dishes were a hit and I'll have to try them again some time. I'm thinking of baking some no knead bread soon; or perhaps I should make a small amount of bread pudding to use up some stale bread I have in the fridge.

It continues to be quite cold here.  It started snowing big flakes on Saturday and hasn't really let up.  Even so there is only a small amount of snow on the ground.  A lot of it melts before it has time to solidify. The cloud cover is definitely here and one can't see the mountains.

You can see the snowflakes are very big. You can't even see the mountains.

When it is this kind of weather I don't tend to venture too far.

Early in the week I had an opportunity to spend time separately with two different friends.  We met up for coffee at local Starbucks in my neighbourhood.  One friend gave me a number of books she thought I might like.  She is older than my mom but she and her husband are still active and live in their own home.  They had an elevator installed about 5 years ago and so this is likely where they will live out the rest of their days.

My other friend is also quite elderly and has a number of health issues.  It has been getting harder and harder for her to climb the stairs to the attic apartment she has in an old house.  She is trying to declutter so she can move into an apartment with elevator access.  In a few weeks she has to go to the hospital for a special test for her heart.  I plan to accompany her and bring her home for an overnight stay while she recovers since she is not allowed to return home to stay alone.

Saturday I stayed in a did a few loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen and swept the floors.  I also managed to colour my own hair using henna powder I mixed. 

Sunday a friend I travelled with last October contacted me about a trip we hope to make together in early May.  We are planning to stay at the same lodge but this time have booked a cabin right on the water front.  I'm excited about that because I just love the sound of waves lapping against the shore.  My last visit there was very relaxing.  There are no distractions like television, radio, telephone or internet.  You have to read, walk, participate in activities or rest!

Our World Tuesday Graphic

I hope you are keeping warm and happy. 
Have a wonderful week ahead.

Our World Tuesday

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fluttering Leaves

Green leaves

you flutter so gently

in the peaceful breeze.

I want to lie under your bountiful shade

I want to rest on the green grass.

I want to savour the sounds of summer

and watch the sunlight dance through your branches.

~ by Joyful Servant, July 19, 2009

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...