Showing posts with label Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tuesday. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we ask you to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal is to get you thinking, considering, talking and getting to know yourself and other bloggers.
Be it ever so humble there is no place like home. Let's talk about homes okay?

1.  In some places people name their homes or properties. What would you name your home and why?

I would not name it.
If you would not name it, why wouldn't you?
I'm just not the type to name things.

2.  Are you more of a romantic or a pragmatist when it comes to your home or apartment's decor and color?

I'm a pragmatist though I like to soft things up a bit.  Mainly with textiles (cushions, carpets, afghans and so on).

3.   Do you have enough room in your home? Storage space, kitchen cabinets?  What would you add or subtract from your home?

I like space. A lot of  space.  I've always liked a lot of space though I don't really, really need it. I also live in the heart of the city where space is at a premium and my home is larger than a lot of those on the market today.

I'd like far more cabinet and closet space and a bigger outdoor space with a shed to keep gardening stuff. My home doesn't have space for most of these extras though the place is large enough to have more storage areas and there is a basement storage locker. 

I keep a lot of extra things in the closet spaces including all my hobby items.  It's really the hobby items, footwear and extra blankets for guests that make me feel my storage is lacking. I'm trying to deal with this in 2 ways. First, by using up what I have where possible.  Two, by getting rid of what I likely won't be using. Once I've done this, I might purchase a storage sofa and a storage bed if we can find just the right pieces. My DH believes what we have now is better quality than most of what can be purchased these days and that is true so it's more challenging to find what we want without also spending far more.

4.  Is your place really home sweet home ?  Would it be hard to leave it ?   Are you firmly rooted in your abode or would you move if a better opportunity came your way?   

My home is comfortable and cosy enough and the few times I've had people over they've told me that. I've also been told that my home is very peaceful I would enjoy my home more if I weren't in a constant state of decluttering because I keep all the things I've identified for decluttering in the living areas.  It becomes visual clutter until it is completely dealt with.  I'm very slow about doing what needs to be done as I'm juggling a lot of other things at the same time The thing that keeps me going is the progress I've made.

I am quite firmly rooted in my abode however I always keep my eyes open for something else that may appeal to me at the right price. So far I haven't found one.

In closing, I'm very interested in reading what others have to say about their spaces.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Duty of Delight ~ Tuesday 4

Here we are coming up on another of Toni's Tuesday 4.  Annie of Cottage by the Sea took over for Toni when Toni passed and she has now been hosting Tuesday 4 for 4 years!  Well done and thank you to dear Annie. 

Here are this week's questions.

1. What do you do on a typical weekend?    Saturday? Sunday?  How do you make them delightful or joyous?

I live a simple life and my weekends are typically full of work and a little relaxation.  I am busy running errands, usually buying food and other necessities, going to the library and post office, cleaning and doing other household tasks.  I have to spread out my work over 7 days because I can't seem to get it all done in 5 days! 

For relaxation I like to read or do other hobbies, meet up with friends, sometimes eat out and see the odd movie or concert.  I also enjoy taking walks and photographing what I see when I'm out and about. I also like to attend church.

I don't consciously try to make things delightful or joyous because over time I've cultivated an attitude of gratitude (pardon the phrase) and learned to be content in all things. This contentment brings joy, not a momentary, fleeting feeling, but something deeper and ingrained.

2.   What sources of joy do you find in your days?

I find a lot of small things give me joy.  It takes very little to make me happy and being mindful of all the wonderful small things in life brings me contentment.  Some of the small things that bring joy include: getting a lot of chores or tasks done in 1 day than the usual, reading more than a few pages in a good book, folding and putting away laundry right after it's done, finding a bargain at the grocery store or in another store, making something with my hands, hearing from or spending time with a beloved family member or a good friend, baking, seeing a good play or concert and so many other things.  I also find joy in learning. I watch a lot of You Tube videos to learn a lot of what is going on in the world, issues of the day, history, travel information, tips and tricks for household matters, 'how to' videos for crafting and DIYs, cooking new dishes and so on. I also like to listen to Christian pastors, teachers and gospel singers on You Tube and to read and study my Bible or hear from Christian & secular thought leaders about a variety of subjects. I almost forgot though I shouldn't, I get a lot of joy when I'm spending time with the Lord in worship and in his Word and also when I hear wonderful testimonies of God's goodness or I see his answers to prayers. It really is amazing to have these blessings in life.
3. What's for dinner tonight?  How will you make it  a delight and a joy?

We had a simple dinner tonight of baked (packaged) fish and chips with green salad. Last night we had cabbage and beef soup.  Tomorrow I think we'll have ham and cheese quiche which I will make tonight.

Yes, I will make it a delight because I'm always delighted when I'm able to prepare food at home to avoid food waste and to save money. This month and next month, I'm going to experiment with making more meals from a meal plan, using less meat and using more beans and pulses. I've been wanting to do this for a long time and so it begins. I won't completely cut out meat and chicken but will reduce it considerably.  For example, I'll be making lentil, bean and chicken burritos and vegetable pot pie instead of the usual chicken or turkey pot pie.

4.  How are you doing personally and how can we add to the joy and delight in your days?

I'm doing well personally though since the rain started back in force a few days ago, I'm in a lot of pain and my body is quite stiff during the day. I didn't experience these symptoms when it was very cold but no rain over the past few weeks. 

Which is better? Rain and warmer temperatures, but a stiff, aching body or cold and windy or snowy weather but a body with less aches and pains? Well I prefer warmer temperatures these days. Soon it will be spring and I can't wait because the green things start growing, the days warm up and the sun comes out more often. 

Gardening, prettying up the patio, saving money, eating frugally, enjoying hobbies and making time for friends and loved ones is how I'll continue adding joy and delight to my days. Who knows, I might even be able to start planning for a holiday but I'll have to wait and see what other big (expensive) household and building repairs are coming up first.

What about you dear reader? How are you doing and what is bringing you joy? 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Weekends ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
It seems that everyone loves the weekend.
What about you?

1.  Do you feel happier as the weekend approaches?  Just how do you feel about weekends?

I feel happier as the weekend approaches even though I'm retired now and technically my time is my own.  I think I feel happier for two reasons.  Firstly, I'm habituated to looking forward to the weekend from the days when I was working and offices were closed.  Secondly, now that I'm retired the days from Monday to Friday are interrupted by many things because businesses, offices, including medical offices are open then. Once Friday rolls around I breathe a sigh of relief, lol.

2. What are your weekends usually like and do you do anything special?   Do you attend a church/synagogue?

My weekends have not changed much since I was working. Weekends are always a time for catching up with various things, running errands that take more time and relaxing (meeting friends, reading books, going for dinner/theatre, etc.). I do attend church but meet at night rather than the morning.

3. Do you sleep later on the weekend or do you stay up later at all?  Are weekends for catching up on sleep?

I'm a night owl and have always been so I stay up later than most people.  This is usually when I get my reading done or watch programs I didn't have time for earlier in the day.

4. Do you read or watch more movies/TV on the weekends or catch up on things missed during the week?

Yes, I do watch more movies on the weekend. I watch TV during the week but tend to watch movies (television, streaming on the internet, in theatre) on Saturdays. I also use the weekend to catch up on many things that I didn't have time for during the business week.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Hello January ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to the New Year friends to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Toni liked to talk about each new month and it's meanings. 

January was named for Janus the two faced god who looked behind and ahead.  Its the warmest month in the southern hemisphere and the coldest in the north.

Garnet is it's gem stone.  Garnets come in all colors but the rarest is the Tzavorite.   

January 7 is Eastern Orthodox Christmas because some eastern churches use the original Julian calendar which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. 
January became the first month of the year in 450 BC for the Roman world.
Let's talk about two faced January.

1. Looking back, what do you hope continues or does not change in your life?
The love of my DH, family and friends and a good church group.  

 2. What good came to you from the previous year?  
I found a new church that I like and that fellowships at a time I can attend.

3.  Are there things you hope to accomplish in the new year?

I tend to have too many things I'd like to do. Experience and time has taught me my limitations.  For various reasons I cannot do as much as others or even as much as I used to do. This year I will focus on continuing to declutter and making a cosier home. I will also focus on more crafting.

4.  January's flowers are the carnation and the snow drop. Do you sometimes buy flowers for your home? What kinds of flowers to you like best? 

Yes, I sometimes do buy flowers for my home especially in the Spring and Summer.

I definitely don't buy as often as I used to due to the high cost. Once in a while someone else buys me flowers. 

My nephew delivered a bouquet to me on January 1st.  I was happy. If it wasn't too dark as I type this post, I would take some photos and share them with you.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Holiday Thoughts ~ Tuesday

Welcome once again to Tuesday 4, hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea. 

It's frigid across Canada and America and winter is early this year. There are only a few days left until are you spending this time? 

1.What are you up to in preparation for the holidays?  There isn't a lot to prepare these days. I no longer travel at Christmas and I no longer have a large family to think about

The decorating was done several weeks ago and I spent some time shopping for a few new items such as a new Christmas tree, a Christmas wreath and a garland.  I only have a few people for whom to prepare gifts. I've done most of that though I still have to wrap them. I have 2 more gifts to buy but it won't take much time. I have one gift to send in the mail but the postal service has been on strike for a month. Service will resume in a few days but it will take time to clear the backlog and things will not reach their destinations by Christmas.

The Christmas stockings have been hung and partially filled.  I have a few small items to add. 

Other than these things. I just have to buy a few items for Christmas dinner and clean and freshen the home for the holiday period. 

 2. What is your absolute favorite holiday movie? 

It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. I watch this movie almost every year though I think I missed it last year for some reason. This movie gives me the warm, sentimental feelings.

 3. What are your hopes for this coming season? 

This year my hope and plan is to have a quiet, restful holiday with no extra responsibilities. It's been a dreary and tiring year of decluttering, patio rebuilding and master bedroom restoration.  I'm feeling in need of a rest so plan to take it easy though I'm not being a complete hermit.

I've had one Christmas luncheon at my home with a friend. 

I hope to host two others for dinner if their schedules permit.  I've given them some optional dates. If it comes together, it comes together. If it doesn't, I've tried my best. I hope to also at least touch bases with two or three others by phone or in person.

Unexpectedly, I have a relative who came from far for a hospital stay so I've also visited with her and her daughter. It can be lonely being in hospital at any time but especially when you're in hospital and so far from home at Christmas. 

4. Tell us your view on the great tea/coffee/hot chocolate debate and do you want it with fruitcake or cookies? Come on own up!! 

Fruitcake isn't my favourite. I do like nut and raisin cake but never make it myself so it will have to be cookies. Almost any cookie will do, lol. I'll have it with coffee, thanks!

Thank you to Annie for continuing to host this meme and thank you to all the people who read these posts and especially to those who take time to leave a comment. I appreciate you all. 

Take care and have a very Merry Christmas. 🎄🎄🎄

Monday, December 9, 2024

Countdown to Christmas ~ Tuesday 4

Hello and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where 4 questions hopefully help us to blog, meet people and think about things in general.   

Sometimes the simplest questions can be a bit difficult to answer. 

Christmas is celebrated all over the world. 

Today's topic is the countdown to Christmas.

1. What was the countdown to the holidays like for you as a child?  Special projects at school.. at home.. with friends?  Do you use an advent calendar?

The lead up to Christmas was always a special time. Every year our schools and our churches would prepare by rehearsing a play about the birth of Christ and also rehearse for the singing of Christmas carols.  I was in our small church choir and always enjoyed the singing but I was never into acting. I remember having to play an angel once and I was so nervous for weeks on end and on the day of the performance. I didn't have the same issue in the choir because I didn't sing solo. 

At home we kids didn't have much to do but we were so excited with the anticipation of eating all the wonderful baking our dear mom would make each year. In fact, when she wasn't home I'd sneak into the crock pots and try to help myself without it being noticed. Many years later mom and I had a good laugh about it as she admitted knowing what was going on, lol!  

No one that I knew ever used an advent calendar and in fact I never even heard of one until well into adulthood. Now I usually send one to my niece in advance of Christmas. This year I didn't get a chance to send her an advent calendar due to our mail strike.

2. As a kid did  your family stay home on the holidays or go visiting around ... what do you do now?

We always stayed home at the holidays. My mother was known for her wonderful cooking and every major holiday, including Christmas she would make so much food and people would drop by all day and into the night to eat and to visit.  She loved being of service in this way.

These days I stay home because now I make the dinner. Sometimes I host people, either family members or friends for dinner. I'd like to host moreo often but my energy levels simply aren't there when it comes to holidays.

3. What foods did Mom and Grandma make for those  days?   What snacks were out?   What is the food situation in your home today?

In those days the usual menu for Christmas was the traditional bread stuffed turkey and all the fixings like mashed potatoes, green beans, corn niblets, tomato and lettuce salad, coleslaw with raisins, Hawaiian salad, gravy and a variety of canapés (sausages, crackers, cheeses, pickles) and snacks (nuts, chips, dips etc. Desserts were plentiful too with jellies, cakes, puddings, dessert bars, pies and ice cream. Growing up I always felt that we prepared way too much food because there was always a lot left over though people ate a lot too. 

I resolved to make far less food once I started cooking myself especially since I don't have an 'open' house. I strive to make plenty of food so people can eat their fill plus have a bit left over for later.

4.  What is Christmas dinner for you and yours? Goose? Turkey? English Roast Beef?

Christmas dinner is usually stuffed turkey because I'm very traditional that way. However I will often make something different, like ham for New Year's Dinner especially if we had turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas and we are feeling 'turkied out', lol.

As the years go by, I'm wonder how long I'll be making a larger holiday meal. I keep saying, I'll make a chicken instead of turkey.  But last Christmas and again for the most recent Thanksgiving, we had a smaller turkey instead. That way I got to stuff it because a turkey doesn't seem complete to me without stuffing. If I can find a small turkey for Christmas dinner we will have that again this year. We also have mashed potatoes, baked Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, various types of salads, pickles, cranberry sauce, gravy and some kind of dessert. Snacks usually consist of a variety of cheeses, crackers, pickles and crudités.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Bath Time ~ Tuesday 4 Meme

Hello!  It is nice to have you back again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie at Cottage by the Sea.

Today we're discussing the secrets of the bath?

1.  Do you take baths or showers?  Is there a reason you prefer one to the other?

I only ever had baths as a child.  I remember my earliest baths were in homes without running water. Mother would heat up the water on a gas converted wood stove then fill a round aluminum tub which was placed by the stove for warmth.  Then each of us kids would have a bath in privacy as no one else came into the kitchen during our bath times.  

Since I've become an adult, I only ever have a shower. I don't know why I converted to showers since it was so long ago. I think it had to do with my thinking it was much quicker to have a shower because the tub didn't have to be filled with water first and I was always short of time in the mornings. I had a friend who overcame this by having her baths at night before bed because she preferred having a bath in a tub. Today I would have a difficult time to have a soaking bath even if I wanted too because bad knees make it hard to get up and out of the tub.

2. Once a day shower or bath or do you have a different schedule?

I have a shower once a day in the morning or before I go out for appointments or errands. I've been told I shouldn't shower so often because the skin on my legs is far too dry. I've experienced dryness for some time but it became a larger problem over the last year and a half or so. I use oils, heavy creams and vaseline to try and protect my skin. I am trying, not so successfully as of yet, to ha e a bath less often and just have a bird bath but it takes me just as long if not longer and I find it cold in the bathroom even with the heat light on. I guess it's a symptom of growing older. Either that or poor insulation and definitely inadequate indoor heating. 

3. What are your favorite soap and shampoo?

Due to the dry skin issue I've started using body wash and lotion products that the local hospitals use.  They are made by a company called Medline and the particular products I'm using are Phytoplex, both the cleanser and moisturizer.  But I also buy other creams and lotions made by various companies.  I also sometimes buy unscented castile body wash at a local dispensary.

4.  Back in the day many loved Jean Nate spray after a bath.  My mom enjoyed Avon's Skin so Soft.  What do you like in the way of skin creams, oils or sprays?

I used to use and love Avon's Skin So Soft too.  But I lost track of my Avon representative many years ago and stopped shopping for Avon products.  Now I purchase lotions at my local pharmacy or on Amazon if I want to purchase the Phytoplex items. I also buy oils at a local dispensary (sunflower, jojoba, avocado apricot and so on).  Sometimes I mix the oil into the lotions I'm using. The lotions I tend to use are mainly Eucerin and Lubriderm, sometimes Bergen's, Aveeno and Vaseline (lotions and jelly). I like lotions that are heavy but not too sticky which is why I like adding the oil. The Phytoplex moisturizer is one of the nicest I've used so far. It goes on well and is both hydrating and soothing.  I don't use any body sprays or perfumes anymore.  I stopped wearing these because there are so many restrictions in public places about wearing scents and also I personally know many people with allergies.

Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

And When October Goes ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's

"And when October goes
The same old dream appears
And you are in my arms
To share the happy years
I turn my head away to hide
The helpless tears
Oh, how I hate to see October go". 

Barry Manilow

1. What do you hate to see go?

I hate to see the end of the dry seasons.  Heavier rains can start as early as the middle of October and last well into the new year.

2.  How's the autumn weather in your part of the world right now? 

Today (Monday) it was a beautiful day with sunshine and clearing blue skies.  We've just had 3 days of torrential rainfall. Something called an atmospheric river which is a new phenomenon.  Sadly, many of the surrounding municipalities were flooded and there were a few casualties around the province.

Sunday sky
Monday sky

3.  Anything on your reading list for autumn? What are you reading/watching right now that you would share with us.

I'm about to begin reading several books including:  The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence.

I can't yet say that I recommend them because I haven't read enough yet.  They were all random books I picked up at the library a few days ago.

I've also been watching a few different series on Netflix:  Pachinko and Slow Horses and I'm looking forward to the new season of both. I understand that Pachinko hasn't yet been renewed but Slow Horses has been. If you are a fan of Gary Oldham you will enjoy his performance in Slow Horses but really, the entire cast is a delight.

4.   For many religion keeps them going with promises of better things to come.  But there are other things that help along the way.  What things/people/thoughts, keep you going on your way?

At the moment, the thought that keeps me going is once I get through major decluttering and reorganizing, I will be 'free' to do other things wholeheartedly and enjoy life more. I do enjoy life right now but I hope to enjoy it more with greater free time to do hobbies and maintain or make new friendships. I also want more time to host people for dinner including loved ones and family members and time to plan travels and projects with my dear hubby.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Lunch at Woolworth's ~ Tuesday 4

Click to see full size.
It's time again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.   
Prices are soaring and there is no end in sight!  Wouldn't it be nice to go back in time to do our buying? Even restaurants were affordable back in the day.
You can click on the menu to see it full sized. 

1. Did you ever eat at Woolworth's?  

Yes!  When I was growing up we lived in a small city in the far north of my province. There weren't many restaurants. In fact, I only remember 3, Woolworth's, a Chinese restaurant and a cafe at the local Co-op and a few fast food joints. There was a Dairy Queen (DQ) but I think it was only open in summer for take out ice cream items only.  We also had a KFC which in those days was called Kentucky Fried Chicken or Chicken Village.  There may have been more restaurants but I don't remember them.  Anyway, back to Woolworth's. Mother took me and my siblings (3 of us in those days) to town once in awhile and it was a treat because she took us to Woolworth's for lunch. I don't think we ate anything other than French Fries with gravy and a Coca Cola but it was always a treat. I remember these days very fondly.

2.  What would you order from this menu?

Definitely the French Fries and gravy and maybe, on occasion, a Hamburger Platter.

3. Woolworth's had banana splits and sundaes.  Do you like sundaes? What kind?

I love both banana splits and sundaes. If I order a sundae it's usually a strawberry sundae.  Sometimes I ask for 2 toppings (strawberry and pineapple or strawberry and chocolate).

4. What restaurants are you favorites and what do you usually order?

I enjoy all kinds of food but when I go out I normally have Asian food, either Vietnamese or Japanese. I order Vietnamese House Special Soup (with the works) and Prawn Salad Rolls. Sometimes I order a bowl with noodles, peanuts, shredded carrots and celery, and topped with deep fried spring rolls and grilled skewered pork. At the Japanese restaurant, I order a Bento Box most often with beef or chicken teriyaki and mixed tempura along with miso soup, salad and a California roll.

I also crave 'Western Food' now and then but there are extremely few places to get it these days. I'm talking about places with menu items similar to the old Woolworths and then some. I like having pork chops, mashed and veggies or something like a soup and sandwich. 

Last but not least, I love some good Mediterranean food like Chicken Souvlakia, roasted lemon potatoes, Greek Salad, and Middle Eastern vegetarian dishes and foods like Morrocan Chicken Tagine. I'm thinking of making a Tagine later this month for my brother's birthday dinner.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 7, 2024

October Memories ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to October's first Tuesday 4 kept in memory of Toni Taddeo.   

1. What memories do you have of Octobers past?

I have 2 memories of Octobers past. The first is when I was 13 years old and the last time I participated in October 31st trick or treating. I lived in the far north of my province and though we didn't have snow at that time of year it usually got quite cold at night. Children and teenagers of course almost never worry about the cold, especially when out having fun.  

My siblings and I covered many miles that night with our pillow cases, going house to house.  The moon was full and the hoar frost was out in abundance.  It was cold and we weren't dressed for it but it didn't stop us.

My outfit that year was as a hippie.  I was dressed in bell bottoms, a t-shirt, an open button down blouse (striped), some kind of necklace and a scarf tied around my forehead with the sides hanging down the side of my face. It was back in the day when you put together your own outfit and mother's seldom sewed them for their children like they do today.  I don't know why I remember this particular Hallowe'en. Perhaps I got a load of candy more than usual, perhaps it was extra cold that night, perhaps it was because I knew it would be my last outing as a 'trick or treater'.  In any case, I remember that night well.

My second memory is of living in our nation's capital, Ottawa, Ontario. My mother had come for a late fall visit and we greatly enjoyed going for walks and tours soaking in the beautiful fall foliage. Here we are at the farmer's market, called the Byward Market in Ottawa with all the gorgeous pumpkins. Forgive the quality of the photo. It was in the days before smart phones. I think I was even using a disposable camera.

2. Besides here in New Jersey, some of the coziest neighborhoods I've driven through were in rural Ohio and Pennsylvania.   The picture reminds me of those times.  Does this photo bring any thoughts to mind for you?

The photo reminds me of scenes in and around Ottawa, Ontario. When you go out of the city a bit to the villages you will see a variety of cottages, old wooden homes and of course trees in the fall with their beautiful, autumnal colours.

3. As weather cools I do enjoy Pumpkin Spice and Pumpkin Latte flavors in my coffee.  Do you like flavored coffees or teas? Which are favorites for you?

I'm not found of flavoured coffees especially those with mixes you add to your coffee at home. Occasionally, I do enjoy a Pumpkin Latte at Starbucks but I seldom order such things. I used to go on regular coffee dates with a friend who has now passed on and she loved Pumpkin Lattes and coffee in general. Since her passing I still do enjoy coffee but seldom at a specialty coffee shop. I don't drink much tea but I have a variety of fruit flavoured teas and also I love my Earl Gray with Oil of Bergamot.

4.An orchard near me not only sells apples but pies and their famous apple cider donuts in the fall.  What kind of pies, cakes and pastries do you like to eat?

Don't get me started, lol. I do enjoy pastries of all kinds. At this time of year apple pies are especially good and apple fritters too. I have never had an apple cider donut.

I join with like minded people in asking God to bless and protect all the precious people in North Carolina, George, Tennessee and all areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.   I also ask for protection of Floridians who are at this moment expecting another Category 4 Hurricane.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Advice: 5 c ~ Tuesday 4 Meme

You are very welcome here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  

We all take and give advice at least once in our lives.
Oxford dictionary says that advice is: guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.

1. Is there one piece of advice you  were given that you feel has been very important in your life?

Yes, to stand up for what I think is right even if I have to stand alone.  In my lifetime there have been occasions when I've had to implement this advice and stay strong on my own (and of course with the help of God).

In later adult, years I heard a quote by Sir Winston Churchill I also took to heart. Perhaps you've heard it. 

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” (Sir Winston Churchill).

The reason I found it helpful is I have a tendency to drop everything to help someone else who perceives they need a listening ear.  I get this from my later mother who was very giving and very self-sacrificing.  It's a symptom of how she was raised as a motherless daughter and the expectations others placed on her. Over a long period of doing this, I realized that it was hampering my ability to get things done, whether large or small, because there could be so many interruptions in a day. 

These days,  I strive for a better balance between making myself available, especially at crucial times, and focussing on my own goals and priorities.  It's a form of self-care and it's also a way to be a better steward of the time God has given me. 

 2. What advice do you think is important for building good personal relationships?

Understanding that every person has a story and sometimes they need someone to listen to it. It's also important to really listen to others and try not to give them too much unsolicited advice.  The longer and the better I get to know someone, the more I get a sense of when to keep opinions to myself and when to offer advice.  Of course, some people straight out ask for advice.  

One thing I've learned in this life's journey is that there are also people who are known as energy vampires.  These are people who sometimes intentionally, drain your emotional energy.  They feed on your willingness to listen and care for them, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.  I have actually met several of these kinds of people especially when I was just starting out on my own.  Once I recognized the situation, I had to learn to put up boundaries and sometimes even cut out certain kind of people, especially those that like to complain a lot and look to you to prop them up emotionally.  We all need a bit of this kind of emotional support, however when it is constant and overwhelming, it's my belief that someone needs professional assistance. 

3. Do you give advice to friends when they have problems to solve or do you refrain unless asked?

When I was a young adult I often gave advice, solicited or not. These days I refrain from giving advice unless I'm asked.  Even then I don't readily offer detailed advice. 

4. What advice can you give us today?

Be grateful for each day because tomorrow is not promised to us. That is what I'm trying to do myself. Also, it's good to learn to be content in life and to honour what the Lord has given to us. I get inspiration from the Apostle Paul in this regard who said (Philippians 4:11-13, NIV).

11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Take care everyone. Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, September 9, 2024

September Musings ~ Tuesday 4

September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days.  It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous.  New experiences were awaiting you.
How about now? September is still a new beginning to  the year.  What will it hold for you?

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often ?  Where do you go, what do you do?  What would you like to do?

I get out more in the Fall and Spring than I do in other seasons. Mostly I love to go to places where I can take a walk by the waterfront. I enjoy the photo opportunities at the waterfront.

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most?

I miss my university days mostly because I had a very active social life and people were more ready to get together for any reason to have a potluck or a dance/fundraiser or to invite one another to their homes for a dinner. These days it's like pulling teeth to get together with anyone and that includes family members. Everyone is so busy and I fall into that category myself. It's sometimes even hard to make phone calls or to receive them but it's important to try and make an effort. At least, I believe it's important. Sadly, not everyone I know agrees with me except for people who are older than me. Perhaps I wouldn't be missing these 'olden' days but a lot of people I know have moved away and haven't kept in touch or they have passed from this life.

3.  Money is no object, nothing stands in your way... are you going to move or stay where you are?

I would be moving within the city but I already know that it would be difficult to find a place that fits my requirements. I'd love a larger space with roof top amenities for gardening and entertaining. I'd also like a building that isn't too high in case of fire and I'd love a view with an apartment that isn't too close to everyone else and has a lot of space, preferably green between buildings. If money was no object, I would also like a cottage getaway at the lake.

4.  How can you improve your life?

That's a good question and I'm not sure I can do more than I'm doing because I work on improving my life each and every year. Right now, it would be nice to finish up the decluttering. Honestly it just seems to go on and on but I can see the endpoint of the main things I'm trying to accomplish. Once I have that done, I will continue making small DIY improvements. All of this is to ensure I have a comfortable space, easier to maintain and more efficient for doing crafts and study.

Joining in with Tuesday 4 this week. Thank you for stopping by! Happy September to you. 🍁🍂🍁

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we ask you to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal is ...