Thursday, October 1, 2009

Glorious Sunset

1The heavens declare the glory of God;

and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Psalm 19 (KJV)

I was researching a venue on line tonight for a Christian women's retreat that I am hoping to attend early next month in Niagara Falls, Ontario (more on that later).

As I was telling mom about the virtues of the hotel where I have booked my room, she let me know that the sky was red so I "ran" to see out the patio.

I took these photos.

I think they turned out rather well despite the fact that the tallish trees across the street block out a better view. The trees in the photo above are a type of coniferous trees. Coniferous trees do not lose their leaves during winter and they grow "cones". I have even seen though smaller pine trees in Kenya which was rather surprising to me but it turns out there is a fantastic arbour in Kericho where there are numerous foreign plants and trees. That was a delight to see amongst other things in my visit there.

The photo below shows the cones from a coniferous tree down the street. You will see a lot of it's cones have dropped to the ground.

In the photo above is a young deciduous tree. This one will lose its leaves before the winter snows fly and return again by Spring.

Ah, God's glorious handiwork.

It always is a moment of bliss when I see such marvellous works.

A Little Break

[On my way to town]

Today (Wednesday) I had some small errands to run at the mall. I took some photos along the way. The top photo is the main thoroughfare through the North Shore of the city. You can see the mountains in the background . The very large building on the left side of the photo is a Full Gospel Church.

[Getting closer to the mall]

[Looking across the street to a 2nd mall]

I made my way to the yarn shop in this small mall. I was looking for red yarn to mend a sweater sleeve of mom's. The salesclerk recommended red embroidery thread and I accepted her recommendation, happy to be on my way with a beautiful shade of red thread.

I also felt very hungry as a I passed by a place called "Senor Froggy's", a local Mexican restaurant. I decided to stop and have a taco and some Mexi-fries. Here is my window view of the busy traffic from my table.

Once I placed my order, I quickly grabbed a few small pots of salsa for my Mexi - fries. I was so hungry (I was having a low blood sugar attack) that when my order arrived I forgot to take a photo until half way through so this doesn't look so appetizing.

The snack break also gave me a chance to enjoy this casual restaurant's decor and furnishings. I like this new location for the restaurant. The former location was just across the street but this new place feels much more spacious with it's very high ceilings.

[There are all kinds of lovely plates adorning the walls].

[And tin frames]

After my snack of Mexican food, I dropped by the dollar store to get some colouring books for my niece who will be visiting for lunch. She has asked for two colouring books. I purchased 6 of them so my mother can ration them out to her over the coming weeks.

I am not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my niece is autistic and her current obsession is the Australian Band, INXS. She has "ordered" an INXS t-shirt as she has virtually destroyed the one she bought at the INXS concert just over a year ago.

I called Wal-Mart, an American mega bargain store, to see if they had any INXS t-shirts for sale. The young lady I spoke to said Wal-Mart does not carry them so I looked for merchandise on the INXS website. Wouldn't you know it, their website is under construction!

I then searched on line and found that most INXS t-shirts for sale appear to be located in the UK. It prompted me to decide to make a t-shirt. I called the local pharmacy about photo transfer services for t-shirts. They provide the service but sadly, this procedure cannot be done on site.The job order will be sent out of town and it will take up to two weeks to get the t-shirt. I've decided to wait until I return home later this week to place my order and send the t-shirt by express post when it is ready. This will be a nice surprise for my niece. The trick will be to find just the right photo for the t-shirt. I'm thinking this one below might work. My niece only started listening to INXS when JD Fortune joined the band (he is no longer with them) so it seems like an appropriate photo.

A Day in Photos

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all well today. I took a little jaunt out to the University of British Columbia on Sunday ...