Monday, October 10, 2011

Spinach - Asparagus- Fennel Juice

I haven't posted my juice recipe for a day or two but I have continued to juice my produce as a way of getting more vegetables into my diet.

Today I had a wonderful juice with spinach as the primary ingredient.

I used about 3 x the spinach pictured here (under the cucumber), left over asparagus which was starting to go soft, left over fennel, one a half tomatoes, one left over from a sandwich and a bit of English cucumber.
Spinach is very good for you which I'm sure you already know.  Spinach contains calcium, folic acid, vitamins K and A, and iron. Spinach is also rich in vitamin C, fiber and carotenoids as well as lutein and bioflavanoids. The calcium of course helps to strengthen the bones.  Vitamins A and C help to control cancer, especially colon, lung and breast cancer. Folic acid helps to lower the blood of homocysteine levels.  Homeocysteine is a protein that damages the arteries so spinach is good for your heart.  If you are older, the flavenoids will help protect against age related memory loss and the lutein will help prevent cataracts as well as age related macular degeneration which is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Asparagus is packed with nutrients like folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, thiamine and rutin, a compound that strengthens capillary walls. Asparagus has no fat, does not contain cholesterol and is low in sodium.

Tomatoes are actually a fruit and not a vegetable though I still call it a vegetable.  One of the greatest benefits of eating tomatoes is the high lycopene content.  Lycopene is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in the fight against cancerous cell formation as well as other kinds of health complications and diseases. Tomatoes are also especially good as source of Vitamins A and C.

I was able to add my left over fennel to the juice.  If you missed my information about the health benefits of fennel, please click and  read here.

This juice was delicious!

Mom's Friend, Jean

In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.
John Churton Collins

Mom has a good friend with the same given name "Jean".  They have been friends for many years now.  Jean was actually the pastor's wife at the little church where I went to Sunday School as a child. Her husband was a school bus driver who pastored the small church where I was allowed to attend on Sundays and during the week even though my family were not Christian.

I loved that church. I loved going to Sunday School and learning scripture verses. I especially enjoyed Christmas and the re-enactment of the biblical story of Jesus' birth. Jean's son would faithfully arrive at our  home several times each week to take my siblings and I to church services and functions.  Once or twice a year, my mother would attend church too and "pretend" she was a Christian. We laugh about it years later when mom realized she wasn't fooling anyone but herself.  Yet everyone was so gracious and loving toward her.

After we moved away from that small town and the "little church" as I like to call it, the pastor and his wife Jean moved to Alberta, the province next door.  A few years later he died of a heart attack.  His wife and only daughter, the youngest of the children,  have been living together ever since. I've never seen them since I was a child but my mother and Jean have kept in touch over the years, especially after mom became a Christian and a widow herself.

I wanted a pink brooch for Jean but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. This pin was the closest I could come to finding what I wanted. I think the addition of the pearls matches nicely with the winter white pashmina shawl.

Through the years the two women have remained firm friends, seeking each other out for heart to heart conversations and for prayer for family and health needs.Jean is about 10 years older than mom.   Mom's health has steadily declined in recent years and not too long ago mom asked me to help her buy something for her friend, Jean. Of course I readily agreed.

A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17

After some reflection of Jean's age and limited needs, I decided upon a nice shawl and pin which Jean could wear to church.  She could also wear the shawl around the house if she feels a child.  Since I was buying a gift for mom's friend. I also bought something similar for mom.  She can wear them when she attends church services at the residence where she now lives.

You can't really tell but the shawl does match with graduated rose and plum colours which are picked up in the crystals.

My mother and Jean enjoying a long and wonderful friendship has been a comfort to me.  Over the years they have confided in one another and prayed with one another through many health episodes and other challenges.  As Jean advances in age and increasingly gets sick herself, my thoughts turn to her and her daughter and I offer prayers for their needs too.

In this year's Thanksgiving remembrance, 
I give thanks for my mom's enduring friendship which has not only blessed my mother,
but the entire family.
What are you most thankful for this year?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thanksgiving Goodies

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay your vows unto the most High.
Psalm 50:14

It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and we celebrate Thanksgiving on Monday, October 10, 2011.  I was wondering what to make that would be healthy.

Most of my lovely readers know that I've been trying to eat healthier and find different and fun recipes for using vegetables and other healthy foods. Creative and interesting ways of eating these foods means I will be more likely to eat them.

In my family we tend to eat turkey for the Thanksgiving meal. This year we will have a stuffed chicken. For dessert we will probably have pumpkin pie or maybe a pumpkin mousse pie.  For mashed potatoes I thought I would  make mashed cauliflower (mock mashed potatos) for a change and I'd like to try this new recipe for kale salad. I haven't cooked the dinner yet and probably won't until Monday so I am having to use other photos (with proper credit given). I wanted to share the recipes with you in case you want to use any of them.

The first recipe comes from nutritionist, Julie Daniluk, host of Healthy Gourmet, a reality cooking show.  The other recipes I picked up here and there.  Ms. Daniluk's  first book, Meals that Heal Inflammation is soon to be published and I understand it will advise on allergy free foods that both taste great and help the body's healing process.


Photo credit: Julie Daniluk and Chatelaine magazine

1 cup quinoa (yields 4 cooked cups)
2 1/2 cups water, divided
8 cups kale (yields 4 steamed cups), stems removed, cut into ribbons
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup dried cranberries (juice-sweetened)

1/4 cup pumpkin seed butter (use almond butter if you can't find pumpkin)
1/4 cup apple cider
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/2 tsp salt (reduce if needed)


1. Place quinoa and 1.5 cups of water into a medium pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, then simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat for five minutes, then fluff with a fork. Let cool.

2. Place kale and 1 cup water in a large pot and steam for two minutes. Drain well.

3. Place cooked quinoa into kale pot. Add seeds and berries. Mix well to combine.

4. Mix all dressing ingredients together in a bowl and add to pot.

5. Combine well. Serve warm immediately or chill and serve.

Makes nine cups.

Modifications:  Since there will only be two of us for Thanksgiving dinner, I will quarter this recipe. I also plan to use almond butter rather than pumpkin seed butter as that is what I could find at the shop yesterday.

For my readers in Africa or for those who don't have quinoa readily available you could use cous cous, bulgar wheat, cracked wheat, or barley.  For the pumpkin seed butter you could substitute smooth peanut butter in the dressing recipe and use any kind of seeds (pumpkin, sliced almonds, peanuts, cashews, etc.) in the salad itself.


1 head cauliflower
1/8 skim milk
Salt & pepper
Optional seasonings: Ranch dressing, garlic, cheddar cheese, chili powder.
Cook cauliflower until fork tender. Place cauliflower (in pieces), skim milk, salt and pepper in blender. Whip until smooth. Pour cauliflower into small baking dish. Sprinkle with seasoning to taste. A few shakes of Ranch dressing powder,  or add garlic, salt and pepper, cheddar cheese, or a dash of chili powder. Serve hot/warm.


1 graham wafer pie crust
2 tbsp. gelatin powder
1 cup water
1 cup whipping cream
1 can (19 oz). pumpkin pie filling
1 cup walnuts
1 cup mascarpone cheese
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 nutmeg

Sprinkle gelatin in 1/2 water.  Boil remaining water, add to gelatin and stir until dissolved. In a separate bowl, whip whipping cream until stiff peaks form; set aside.

In a large bowl, combine pumpkin pie filling, walnuts, mascarpone, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg, stir well.   If you don't have mascarpone cheese you can use creme fraiche or cream cheese beaten with heavy whipping cream (about 3 parts cream cheese and 1 part whipping cream). Perhaps you could even use thick, plain yogurt. I think I will look use the yogurt myself.  Add gelatin. fold in whipped cream until combined and pour mousse into the ready made graham wafer pie crust. Gently shake the pie pan to release the air bubble and smooth out the surface.

 I hope  you enjoy these Thanksgiving meal recipes.
 It is a good time to reflect on all the many blessings we have at this time of year, especially the things we may take for granted.  For example, parents or loved one, a job or some means of financial support, shelter, food, the ability to walk, see, hear, etc. I am thankful for all these things and more especially since my ability to walk has been recently restricted.
Check out my post tomorrow to read one more thing for which I give thanks.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

One Foot Forward & Two Steps Back

I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1

After having about two days of little to no inflammation and my right leg feeling almost perfectly better, I was feeling rather hopeful about being able to walk again soon. Perhaps I overdid it. I don't know but it does appear that way. Because today I was in excruciating pain.

We are fully into the Fall season here but have had a lot of rain already. I love to walk outside when it isn't raining and enjoy the Fall colours.
The pain started up again on Thursday night while I tried to sleep. It slowly got worse. Yesterday I walked about 18 city blocks and for 7 of those I was carrying heavy bags of groceries. Did that aggravate my leg pain?  In retrospect, probably "yes".

I especially like to see all the leaves on the ground.  The moment I stepped off the city bus, I was captivated by this red leaf amongst all the golden ones.

My acupuncture doctor said I should be taking it easy and go slowly, very slowly with my activities. I told her that until one tries something and realizes it was too much, how is one to know that it was too much? I said that it is only normal to do things when you start to heal.  She thought I was making excuses. She said the healing takes time and that as long as I am moving forward (with healing) then we are going in the right direction.

I had to capture the red maple leaf up close. This is the leaf that is on Canada's flag.  Isn't it pretty?
I do totally agree that healing takes time but I figure I have given it a lot of time already (about 7 weeks) and so I thought we were kind of getting to the end of the healing process. My acupuncturist shared with me that she herself had similar leg issues which took a year to get better and she is a healthy person with no previous illnesses, as well as a Tai Chi instructor. I thought "wow!".  If it took her that long, it is going to take me even more time!  Here I thought I was nearing the finish line of therapy. That's a laugh.  I guess I have to take it easier than I thought.

I'm learning that I don't have a lot of patience. I am raring to do things and move normally.  I've been praying a lot for myself and especially as I get my treatments.  The scripture verse at the top tells me I need to be patient and expectant.  When my body says slow down.  I must listen.

Are you a patient person or an impatient one?
How do you deal with inconveniences like what I'm dealing with?

I like the wild English garden look in this photo. I don't know the name of the flowers.

I took some photos that brightened my day. It won't be long before there are no more beautiful flowers to photograph here. Hopefully, I've taken enough of them so I can share them now and then during our long, rainy winter.

I take this time to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving as we celebrate Thanksgiving here on Monday, October 11, 2011 this year.  If I am up to it on Monday, I will make a small dinner.   I won't be making a large turkey. Instead I will make roasted chicken, mashed cauliflower (or mock mashed potatoes), kale salad and pumpkin pie. I'll post the recipes later. Have a blessed holiday.
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Friday, October 7, 2011

Today's Juice

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act but a habit.


I read the quote earlier this week on someone's blog and I liked it because it is the habits of excellence in regards to healthy eating and living that I am trying to achieve right now.

One of those habits is to make sure I get my greens. In my most recent juicing experiment I used

- one bunch of kale with the ends of the stalks removed
- 2 or 3 cauliflower florets
- 1 small green pepper
- 1/3 of a carrot for sweetener

There wasn't a whole lot of juice from juicing a whole bunch of kale. I used 3 or 4 times what you see in the top photo. I didn't quite use enough carrot to cut the bitterness but it wasn't that bad especially as there wasn't a full glass of it. You can see the juice is very dark and green and I like the foam on top. For the nutritional benefits of kale, read here.

A Walk Around Lake Lafarge

 Hello friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing today? I spent much of the day at Lafarge Lake with a dear friend of mine. We spen...