Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2023

A Little Update

 Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

This is a brief post to update those of you who have been wondering what happened to me.

Since my last post, I have continued to be busy catching up on house projects and major cleaning.

I was able to vacuum and wash the carpet in the living room, clean the windows and window sills, dust the cobwebs from the corners and move a cabinet from the entry way to a corner of the living room  I usually try to wash the carpets twice per year and will likely do it again just before Christmas.

I put put the curtain roads and curtains. This project has been on my 'to do' list for so long that I've forgotten just how long it's been.  I actually put up a rod once before but the screws didn't hold. In the meantime I shopped for special drill bits that are supposed to go through metal. They worked better but I was still unable to drill deep enough in a few sections. I was worried the curtains wouldn't hold again but I put the curtains up anyway and I think everything will be okay. I'm so happy because I think it will really help keep the draughts out this winter and make heating more efficient

The gold floor lamp in the photo below is a new addition to the living room. I don't know how it happened but a small knob fell off of my original floor lamp. The lamp is quite old so I bought a new lamp to be sure I have a good light source. I'll also try to repair the broken lamp and I know I can use it if I can fix it.

The fireplace mantel is always changing, usually because a plant or two has died.  I keep trying but it's so hard to keep plants alive with little light and inadequate warmth over the winter.  One of the houseplants, a ficus lyrata was almost dead. I think it had 2 half dried leaves left on it. I put it outside in the heat and sun and it has sprouted about 12 new leaves in the past 2 weeks! I'll keep it outdoors for a few more weeks and hopefully it will become healthy enough to keep indoors over the darker, cooler months.

Just when I was making excellent progress on work indoors, I got very sick.  I  went to Emergency and ended up being admitted to hospital for about 4 days and 3 nights.  It turns out I had a skin infection (caused by eczema on my left foot and ankle) and cellulitis in my right leg. I was treated intravenously for several days before any sepsis set in and then sent home with oral antibiotics. I had good care at the hospital but was glad to get home after a few days. 

Breakfast one day.

 (Sesame beef) Dinner one day

Steamed Pork Dinner another day.

Hooked up to IV 

Entering my room. I had a room to myself for some reason.

The view out my hospital room.

Since being released from hospital I've eaten out a bit more than usual. I haven't felt up to cooking much though today I made spaghettini and meat sauce. On other days I made cauliflower-vegetable soup, rice and BBQ chicken.

Friday's Bento Box dinner

Chicken Souvlakia dinner (minus the skewers)

Spaghettini and meat sauce with shredded Parmesan Cheese

I haven't been able to do much housework or running of errands this week. I've done a bit of reading instead. 

Wednesday night I went out to buy groceries for the week I'll try to make a few meals ahead (stuffed pork chops and cauliflower, chicken or chick pea curry, beef brisket with rice and greens and chicken and baked sweet potato fries). 

Today I mustered up enough energy to sweep and wash floors, wash a load of towels and bath mats and clean the master bathroom toilet. I still feel tired so I'll be focussing on doing only essential housework this week. I also have a few appointments to deal with this week.

I hope all of you are safe, happy and healthy. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Prayer Request & Report: Missions of Hope

Hello friends, here is a word from Jonah in Kenya.  I'd be grateful if you could please take a few moments to read up.

When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:54-57

PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for Jonah's mom. They have done tests at the hospital where she lives and don't know what is wrong with her.   She has been transferred to Eldoret Hospital. Healing and funds are needed so we ask for prayers. It is God who can provide the answers. Blessings.

Kenya Missions of Hope: A Life Well Lived: This week I lost my aunt. It was one of the hardest things to believe.  But I took time to believe that she has died.  I tho...

(Click highlighted link above for the rest of the story.)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Spinach - Celery - Apple - Baby Bok Choy

My nutrient loaded juice for the day was a mixture of spinach, celery, baby bok choy and apple.

The ingredients were all purchased just yesterday at the produce store but I see that the leafy greens are nearing the end of their life span. Good thing I wanted lots of leafy greens in my healthy juice today.  I added a half apple for sweetness.

In the evening, I made a spinach soup with the balance of spinach.  I've posted before about the benefits of spinach. You can read more here.

Today's new ingredient is baby bok choy, an Asian green.

One cup of shredded raw bok choy is only about nine calories and has no saturated fats. It provides a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Bok choy also has a rich supply of Vitamin A and contains Vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate.  Minerals in a serving of bok choy include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.  Along with dietary fiber and vitamins these compounds help to protect against breast, colon and prostate cancers and help reduce LDL or "bad cholesterol" levels in the blood.  Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Iron is required for the red blood cell formation.

Celery, is another new ingredient in my juice.  Celery leaves have a high content of vitamin A, and  the stems are an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with rich supplies of potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and lots of essential amino acids.

Nutrients in the fiber are released during juicing, aiding bowel movements. The natural organic sodium (salt) in celery is very safe for consumption and is essential for the body. Even individuals who are salt-sensitive can safely take the sodium in celery, unlike table salt (iodised sodium) which is harmful for those with high blood pressure. This is a perfect vegetable for me as salt makes me retain water. I use celery whenever I can, usually in my soups as a flavour enhancer.

After this power packed juice, I went to my pneumatic compression therapy and walked slowly home which is about 18 city blocks. To heed my TCM doctor's advice about going very slowly, I forced myself to stroll and I stopped along the way in an Asian antique store to admire an antique elm blanket chest.  I'm dreaming about having something like it as a place to store away my crafts in the living room.  

As I continued to stroll home, I stopped off at a market and bought more spinach, avocados, various types of legumes, a large bottle of hot sauce and a large bottle of Braggs Liquid Amino Acids (32 ounces for $8.99 Canadian) . I still need some red peppers so I'll have to pick those up another day.

If any of you use Braggs Liquid Amino Acids you will know that it can be expensive.  I've used this product for many years as a way to flavour foods like stir frys and soups as it helps me lower the use of salt. The price can vary considerably from store to store and the place where I usually buy it, no longer carries it.  I'm sure I've wondered before but I'm wondering again, what is the difference between Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids made with soy and water, and other soy sauce?  I read some answers here

I like that they do not use GMO soy beans in this product (or any of their other products). But after a bit of research, I found two soy sauces that are non GMO which I can find in my local markets if I need alternatives. One of them is Shoyu Soy Sauce and the other is Tamari Soy Sauce. Click here if you would like to see these alternatives (I don't receive any royalties or payments if you should purchase online).

In doing a small amount of research, I learned that genetically-modified soy accounts for over 90 percent of soy grown in the United States. Soy is present both in whole foods such as tofu and soybeans, in addition to soy products, which include soy sauce, tempeh, soy milk and processed meat substitutes like soy burgers and soy dogs. Packaged foods that list soy protein isolate or soy protein concentrate in their ingredients include cookies, crackers, beef products, and breads. Soy oil often appears in dressings and sauces. I don't use a lot of soy products and I don't drink soy milk or purchase too many packaged foods nowadays.  But I do like my soy sauce so GMO free is the way to go for me.

How about you? Do you make fresh juices or use a GMO free soy sauce?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Spinach - Asparagus- Fennel Juice

I haven't posted my juice recipe for a day or two but I have continued to juice my produce as a way of getting more vegetables into my diet.

Today I had a wonderful juice with spinach as the primary ingredient.

I used about 3 x the spinach pictured here (under the cucumber), left over asparagus which was starting to go soft, left over fennel, one a half tomatoes, one left over from a sandwich and a bit of English cucumber.
Spinach is very good for you which I'm sure you already know.  Spinach contains calcium, folic acid, vitamins K and A, and iron. Spinach is also rich in vitamin C, fiber and carotenoids as well as lutein and bioflavanoids. The calcium of course helps to strengthen the bones.  Vitamins A and C help to control cancer, especially colon, lung and breast cancer. Folic acid helps to lower the blood of homocysteine levels.  Homeocysteine is a protein that damages the arteries so spinach is good for your heart.  If you are older, the flavenoids will help protect against age related memory loss and the lutein will help prevent cataracts as well as age related macular degeneration which is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Asparagus is packed with nutrients like folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, thiamine and rutin, a compound that strengthens capillary walls. Asparagus has no fat, does not contain cholesterol and is low in sodium.

Tomatoes are actually a fruit and not a vegetable though I still call it a vegetable.  One of the greatest benefits of eating tomatoes is the high lycopene content.  Lycopene is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in the fight against cancerous cell formation as well as other kinds of health complications and diseases. Tomatoes are also especially good as source of Vitamins A and C.

I was able to add my left over fennel to the juice.  If you missed my information about the health benefits of fennel, please click and  read here.

This juice was delicious!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

One Foot Forward & Two Steps Back

I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1

After having about two days of little to no inflammation and my right leg feeling almost perfectly better, I was feeling rather hopeful about being able to walk again soon. Perhaps I overdid it. I don't know but it does appear that way. Because today I was in excruciating pain.

We are fully into the Fall season here but have had a lot of rain already. I love to walk outside when it isn't raining and enjoy the Fall colours.
The pain started up again on Thursday night while I tried to sleep. It slowly got worse. Yesterday I walked about 18 city blocks and for 7 of those I was carrying heavy bags of groceries. Did that aggravate my leg pain?  In retrospect, probably "yes".

I especially like to see all the leaves on the ground.  The moment I stepped off the city bus, I was captivated by this red leaf amongst all the golden ones.

My acupuncture doctor said I should be taking it easy and go slowly, very slowly with my activities. I told her that until one tries something and realizes it was too much, how is one to know that it was too much? I said that it is only normal to do things when you start to heal.  She thought I was making excuses. She said the healing takes time and that as long as I am moving forward (with healing) then we are going in the right direction.

I had to capture the red maple leaf up close. This is the leaf that is on Canada's flag.  Isn't it pretty?
I do totally agree that healing takes time but I figure I have given it a lot of time already (about 7 weeks) and so I thought we were kind of getting to the end of the healing process. My acupuncturist shared with me that she herself had similar leg issues which took a year to get better and she is a healthy person with no previous illnesses, as well as a Tai Chi instructor. I thought "wow!".  If it took her that long, it is going to take me even more time!  Here I thought I was nearing the finish line of therapy. That's a laugh.  I guess I have to take it easier than I thought.

I'm learning that I don't have a lot of patience. I am raring to do things and move normally.  I've been praying a lot for myself and especially as I get my treatments.  The scripture verse at the top tells me I need to be patient and expectant.  When my body says slow down.  I must listen.

Are you a patient person or an impatient one?
How do you deal with inconveniences like what I'm dealing with?

I like the wild English garden look in this photo. I don't know the name of the flowers.

I took some photos that brightened my day. It won't be long before there are no more beautiful flowers to photograph here. Hopefully, I've taken enough of them so I can share them now and then during our long, rainy winter.

I take this time to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving as we celebrate Thanksgiving here on Monday, October 11, 2011 this year.  If I am up to it on Monday, I will make a small dinner.   I won't be making a large turkey. Instead I will make roasted chicken, mashed cauliflower (or mock mashed potatoes), kale salad and pumpkin pie. I'll post the recipes later. Have a blessed holiday.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Update on My Leg

Well, I'm trying very hard to be on a diet (about my 4th day now) and also to eliminate water to reduce edema and relieve the pressure on my leg. I am still seeing the acupuncturist and I am also now receiving pneumatic compression therapy on the legs.

I look a little like the lady in the photo immediately below when I get my legs compressed except that the garment stops at my hip area. The compression feels a little strange but I enjoy it because it relieves some of the pressure and heaviness I feel in the legs.  Hence it reduces the pain in my knee and my foot though the feeling doesn't last so long.   I will get about 8 of these treatments altogether as they are very expensive.  I also continue to get the acupuncture.

Photo credit: Squidoo

Photo credit: me
My acupuncturist has me on several herbal medicines to eliminate excess water (not drugs as those weaken the kidneys even more so) and to address pain issues. These aren't working that quickly so yesterday I just found an herbal remedy containing boswellia and tumeric for aches and pains.  It seems to work quickly but is double the price of what my acupuncturist gives me. She only charges me at cost not at retail prices. I will continue the boswellia mixture for a short time while I wait for the Chinese herbal remedies to hopefully take effect soon.

My diet is self-initiated and consists of lots and lots of steamed veggies of all kinds, canned tuna and wild salmon,  beans & legumes, millet, squashes, sweet potatoes/yams, basa fish fillets and a piece of fruit each day.  I have very little red meat or dairy though I will allow myself a sweet treat about once every week or two.

In the Chinese medicine belief, excess weight is caused by too much mucous and water in the system and the presence of these makes it nearly impossible to loss weight. That might explain why diets and exercise very seldom do anything for me no matter how much I try.  The doctor also says I have too much damp cold inside and my body has to work hard to warm it up and hence I get too hot.  Additionally, she says that wind or cold is not good for me.  All this makes a lot of sense since I tend to get leg cramps when I have wind blowing on my legs. I'm sure she is on the right track but it does take time and I am impatient. After all I just want to get over the pain and be able to walk again.

Today's treat is chocolate no bake macaroons. I will take some to my acupuncture doctor tomorrow who is always happy to eat whatever I bring her.  I also have someone at home who enjoys the treats.  That way I am not tempted to eat too much.

No Bake Chocolate Macaroon Cookies

Here are the cookies setting before going into the fridge/freezer.  As you can see, I didn't bother to make them too perfectly shaped.  I like my cookies in different sizes and a bit "rough" around the edges.


  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup margarine
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup flaked coconut

Directions  In a saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar, milk, and margarine. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, then boil for  2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the oats, vanilla, cocoa and coconut. Spoon onto waxed paper and allow to cool for at least an hour then put them in the refrigerator to harden up.  Store in an airtight container.

Recipes alterations:  The recipe has far too  much sugar for me. I reduced it to 1 cup and there was no problem with the mixture sticking together. It is still plenty sweet enough. You can use splenda or some other artificial sweetner but given my issues with water retention I try never to use any artificial foods or at least to eliminate them as much as possible. I will look for some stevia next time I can get to a health food store.  You can also use 1% milk or skim milk like I did. I imagine that a milk substitute like Almond milk would also be fine if you are lactose intolerant or a vegan. You will also need to use a margarine substitute. In  my case I used real butter rather than the artificial margarine. If you use slow cooking oats, you will need to cook the mixture for a minute or two longer. 

I think I've only had these cookies once or twice since I was a school child. A school chum would bring these for lunch and sell them to me as my mother never made them. I wonder if the girl ever became an entrepreneur. These cookies are approx 100 calories when you use the full amount of sugar so I calculate my sugar reduced cookies at 50-70 calories each depending on their size.  Not bad at all.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Leg Problems & Acupuncture

For a very long time now I've been having issues with my right leg. Problems started in my heel and later I noticed problems with my knee. I got physiotherapy for the knee and began using my stationary bike a lot more. The problem seemed to get better in the knee but returned with a vengeance.

After my recent trip to the north country (which I've posted about), I could barely walk. This wasn't the first time things had gotten that bad. I was told by my doctor that the heel problem is plantar fasciitis and by the physiotherapist that the knee problem was caused by tight muscles. Neither of these medical professionals associated the two problems as being related. My own assessment is that the heel problem which was long untreated and for which western medicine can't seem to do too much except surgery (yikes, I'm not having surgery on my feet), led to the other problem of tight muscles.

Many years ago I'd gone to a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (DTCM) for treatment of a heel spur on the opposite foot.  I resolved to go again because the problem is really limiting what I can do both inside and outside of the house. Some days I can't walk too far and the pain is excruciating.

I'm happy to report that after the 2nd acupuncture treatment I was feeling huge relief. Unfortunately, I had to walk very far on the day of my 3rd appointment and over did things. My pain is back in spades but the acupuncture once again is helping to alleviate it. I know the problem has flared back up but I also know the acupuncture is working so I will continue with it.  I am now getting treated twice a week and I take some herbal Chinese medicines to relax the muscles and improve the blood flow.

The Doctor of TCM that I see, normally charges $60.00 (Canadian dollars) for one acupuncture treatment.  Sadly it is not covered by my extended health care plan.  I was blessed to have my doctor charge me for the herbs at cost and give me 2 acupuncture treatments for $25.00 (Canadian) instead of $120.00. I think that is quite a bargain!  In return, I am helping her with some drafting work she is doing. I edit and advise her on preparing some important documents she is working on. I also give her some advice related to some committee work she is doing.  This is trade and barter and I love it! It is a good way of being frugal.

Here is my leg with all the needles in it.

The basic idea behind the acupuncture is that the needles and the heat lamp put over the area while the needles are in the skin, help to unblock the blood and fluid stagnation. In Chinese medicine they call the stagnation, "blocked chi" or "blocked energy". The purpose of acupuncture and chinese medicinal treatments is to unblock the chi or energy. In western terms, you can say to unblock the stagnation.

While the needles are in the skin I feel very sleepy and relaxed. Sometimes when the doctor puts the needles into the skin it might hurt but this is momentary.

I feel fortunate to have this treatment available to me. If I lived in a small town I would not have this service and I would not have a way to address my pain and mobility without drugs or waiting for surgery. I'm also going to order some heel pads for my shoes. My doctor has suggested orthotics but I know from my mother's experience that orthotics didn't help her. I'm going to order heel pads on line. These pads seem to be working for many people who said they got orthotics made and the orthotics didn't work.

Anyway, I hope my regular readers will understand now why I haven't been posting or commenting as much as usual. Things have been busy for me and my mobility is limited. I'm also feeling more tired than usual but hopefully that will pass in a few weeks.

On an unrelated note, I see that my blogging posts have hit the 500 mark. I am a little suspect about the count given.  By Blogger's count I was at 489 posts about 3 months ago and have been posting steadily since then so the number should be higher. At any rate, I'm sure I've now passed the 500 mark, possibly a bit more. I've thoroughly enjoyed the blogging experience and wouldn't trade it for FB.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

A Prayer for Haiti

Dear Lord,

I ask you to be with the Haitian people. Many are wounded physically and scarred emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I ask you to heal them today in every way.

I pray for many labourers in the field who would help the needy in Haiti and for many prayer intercessors from afar who would step into the gap to pray.

I ask also for your ministering angels to protect, strengthen, comfort and preserve the sick, the weary and the wounded. I ask for the creative miracles and other miracles of healing for those that need it and cannot get medical attention in time. I pray for protection and safety for the living from any possible outbreak of disease caused by so many dead people. I pray you will help the dead to have a name Lord and not to be "lost" because of mass burials. It is so tragic for their loved ones who may be left behind. I know You do not forget these dear ones Lord no matter who else does.

I thank you so much that you are a loving and healing God and that we can call upon you any time, night or day, and you are always there. You never sleep or slumber. We can be assured that you are there to hear us when we pray.

I want to give you all the praise and glory Abba Father for you have been so good to me. I would like it so much if these desperate people could know some of the joys and hopes and dreams that you have given me. I pray for them to have a hope and future as your word says in the book of Jeremiah. Let your glory be revealed in the Haitian people; our brothers, our sisters, our mothers, our fathers, our grandfathers and grandmothers; for you love them so very much. I pray the world would see how you want to bless these people abundantly because you love them so much.

I pray and I ask all things in the name of your Son Jesus; the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...